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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション メッセージ その11

2013年08月25日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション


Centering thoughts は、

“I radiate love” です。














Day 19

Miraculous Union

It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is.” —Hermann Hesse

“Today, our meditation is dedicated to sacred love and the experience of union in our relationships. As we have explored, love and spirit are the same force. At the core of every being there is only love, because the core of every being is only spirit. The two are the same—an abstract, unifying force that is all pervasive.

When we awaken to our essential loving, spiritual nature, we let go of old fears and defenses and connect with others in love. As we recognize the spirit in everyone we meet, we feel a deeper sense of peace, acceptance, and compassion. Our perspective shifts from “I” to “we,” and in this space of expanded awareness, miracles unfold.”

Mindful Moment

“You are more powerful and influential than you think! Today use this influence to change the world. Take a few moments to visualize an energy pulse that is filled with love and peace for all. One way to cultivate energy is to clap your hands once and when they touch with impact begin to rub them together, back and forth. Feel and visualize the heat growing and expanding between your hands. Hold this energy ball as if it is the most precious gift you have to offer to the world in this moment. Allow your hands to separate and feel the energy grow within the space between your hands. Open your hands, sending this tangible loving intention to someone you know or to everyone in the world. Once you have offered your gift, let go, knowing that your love has already been received. “

Today’s Centering Thought:  “I radiate love”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Sat Chit Ananda – In unity I experience the state of truth, pure being, and bliss ”

Oprah:  “Welcome to Day 19, Miraculous Union.  Yesterday, we found strength in the knowledge that on our own, we are each perfectly complete beings.  Today, Deepak helps us advance to the next level by moving from the ‘I’, to the sacred ‘we’, loving spirits coming together in balanced unity.   By now, our relationships exist at a place of service, service to self and service to those around us.  Since you are already whole and know it, there is nothing you need take from another.  Instead, consider what you are uniquely able to offer to others.  When we choose to live life open to giving instead of longing for other people to fill a need for an empty space within us, our relationships then start to blossom into balanced, bountiful and joyful exchanges.  Focus your energy on being open and present to love, and being loved as we moved into our meditation”

Deepak:  “At this point in our journey together, we begin to live a life filled with the blessings of miraculous relationships, choosing love as the guiding quality in our interaction with others.

As we learn to radiate love, we can transform this question, ‘what can I get out of this situation’ to ‘how can I contribute to your peace and well-being’.   When that becomes the ongoing question of our life, we are truly living our most profound dharma – to live, to love, and to be loved.

David Simon, in The Ten Commitments, describes what it means to commit to love. The first step is to relinquish the ‘I’ in all relationships and move to a more expanded sense of ‘we’.  Dr. Simon explains, as you become more self-reflective, your sense of identity begins to expand.  When you feel centered, open and comfortable, the gates to your heart begin opening.  That is when love becomes sacred.  In this space, we live a life filled with the miracles available to us through each and every relationship.

An open heart is an inclusive heart.  In sacred love, your loving becomes less like a laser beam, shining on one person and more like rays of sunlight.  Feeling comfortable within yourself, your inner contentment effortlessly helps those around you feel more comfortable.

Your ability to connect with others supports more fulfilling relationships on all levels.  As you become more open to seeing yourself as an expression of the sacred, you begin to see others in the same light.  That’s when compassion rules.

Compassion is the divine expression of love.  A heart filled with compassion is broadcasting the message, ‘I recognize you, I know you, I accept you.’  A compassionate heart tapping inner ocean of unconditional acceptance flows in waves of love.

In the words of the great poet, Kahlil Gibran, ‘Love has no desire but to fulfill itself; to melt and be like the running brook that sings it’s melody to the night; to wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.  You are loved, loving and utterly lovable.

Take the love that bubbles within your being and radiate it out to the world.  As you give love, it will be returned, multiplied and abundantly ever present.

As we prepare for our meditation, let’s take a moment to focus on the centering thought for today, ‘I radiate love’.  ‘I radiate love.’

Please sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, go within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.   Now, gently introduce the mantra, Sat Chit Ananda which is truth, pure being and bliss.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself.  Sat Chit Ananda. Sat Chit Ananda.   Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body, or noises in the environment, simply return your attention to mentally repeating the mantra.  Sat Chit Ananda.  Please continue with your meditation for about 6 minutes.   Sat Chit Ananda.  Just silently.  Sat Chit Ananda.

Release the mantra.   Please bring your awareness back into your body, take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

Approach today gently and contemplate our centering thought, ‘I radiate love’.  ’I radiate love.’  ’I radiate love.’


Journal Questions:

1. How connected do you feel to your friends, family, and the other people in your life? Identify three ways that you can cultivate an expanded sense of connection, love and peace with these and all people.
2. Reflect on and write down the ways in which you are contributing to the peace and well-being of those in your family, your circle of friends, colleagues, strangers and your community.
3. What does “miraculous union” mean to you? Write your thoughts out in detail; as you increase your awareness and expand your clarity, the universe is better able to deliver that which you seek.
4. Please reflect on today’s session in your journal.
