ドラゴンユウコの 多次元ワールド


マウイ島に行ってきました その2 Hさまのロミ体験

2013年12月08日 | 2015年まで



目指すHo'omana Spa Mauiへは2時間ぐらいです。



Ho'omana スパ マウイがありました。

Ho'omana Spa Maui(ホオマナ・スパ・マウイ)
Ho'omana Spa Maui訪問は私のリトリートセンターめぐりの一つでもあるのです。




その後、いくつかの違う系統のロミロミを学び、頭蓋仙骨療法、内臓とリンパ マッサージ、スポーツ マッサージ、リフレクソロジー、北部タイ式マッサージなども学びました。レイキのマスタープラクティショナーでもあるそうです。






Ho'omana Spa Maui ペレの絵がありました


「Ryan, Good job!」と言っていました。

Ho'omana Spa Mauiにして本当によかった。


「 こちらもお会いできてうれしかったですよ・・・・私は偶然はないと思っています。スピリチュアル的な流れにのってあなたたちはここにきたのです。・・・・・」と書いてありました。


Ho'omana Spa Mauiのホームページのトップに映像がアップされていました。




ISS & 朝のリレー & チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 20、21

2013年12月05日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション


昨夜のNHK「宇宙生中継 彗星爆発 太陽系の謎」をご覧になった方もいらっしゃると思います。













チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 20日目、21日目です。



Day 20 Visionary Me


Mindful Moment:今日は、これまで一度も話をしたことのない人と心を通わせることを心がけてみましょう。たとえば、あなたの職場で毎朝、挨拶はしていても実は名前も知らないという人がいるかもしれません。ちょっと時間をとってその人物に話しかけ、自己紹介をしてみてもいいかもしれません。そのようにして人と心を通わせることによって人生がさらに充実したものになることを感じてみましょう。

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller

 “When we think of networking, we likely see ourselves at a cocktail party, handing out business cards, meeting new acquaintances, and sharing a little bit about ourselves. But networking from a spiritual perspective is something quite different.

As we spend more time in stillness and align ourselves with intuition, we understand our roles as visionaries and are eager to connect with everyone around us in an entirely new way. Instead of “getting out there” in order to make something happen, we embrace opportunities to venture out because we want to meet new people, experience things we have never done before, and share what we have learned with everyone we meet.

All of us are visionaries with something to share. Connecting fulfills us and enables us to help others find fulfillment as well.”

Mindful Moment “Make a point today of reaching out to someone you have never had a conversation with before. For instance, there may be someone in your office to whom you’ve offered a polite greeting every day but never learned his name. Take a few minutes and talk to this person; get to know him or her and share something about yourself. Notice how much richer your life feels after you have enjoyed this person’s company.”

Centering Thought: “The world is waiting for my vision.”

Sanskrit Mantra: “Aham Brahmasmi – I am the universe”

Oprah: “Welcome to day 20, Visionary Me.  In our last three weeks together, we’ve awakened to who we really are, to what we deeply want, and to the truth of our highest purpose.  All of this insight and energy needs one more spark to truly light up and manifest our destiny.  That spark comes from action, from connection and communication.  Everything I know is better when you share it.  And our destinies are richer when we are connecting to others.  Asking for what you want, sharing more freely of what you know, building on the co-creative power of spirit – these steps move us from holding a dream in our hearts – to actualizing it as part of our destiny.  What we speak comes to life, sparking collaborative potential, inspiring creative ideas, igniting possibility and opening the door for divine purpose to enter.  When we share, we step into certainty and move one step closer to our destiny.  I’m excited, as I know you are to, as we listen to what Deepak share about how our words inform our action and empower our intentions to the universe.”

Deepak:  “In the stillness of meditation, during our journey together, we have become more connected to who we really are, our true self,  our spirit.  As our self-awareness expanded, we began to see with clarity what we truly want and increase understanding of our divine purpose, our destiny.  Today, we will explore that there is another step required to truly activate and call in the manifestation of our destiny.   It is the action of connection and communication. It is through our willingness to communicate and share ideas, perspective and vision with others that we grow more comfortable being in, and speaking our truth.  We begin to let our guard down and sincerely ask what we want and need, and we give more freely, recognizing that we are all interconnected in consciousness.

With little effort, staying present with one another, and being ourselves, we start to recognize common personal and professional interests.  Inspiration seemingly comes out of nowhere and new opportunities spontaneously arise.  Through this purest level of connection, new ideas roll in.  Now, more connected with our intuition, we are pointed in the direction of where to go and whom to meet.

Sometimes, just going to what seems like and everyday place, to a party or a park, puts us in the most interesting space, giving us a spark of an idea, or a human connection that leads us further down the path of manifesting a long-held dream.  We have gifted ourselves with an authentic platform to share our vision, and as we courageously share, we receive support, inspire others, discover unexpected connection and new ideas, and we begin to live in the energetic flow of our destiny.  Together, in community.  This understanding puts an entirely new twist on the idea of networking.  No longer do we feel the need to get out there because we should make connections in order to succeed.  Instead, we want to be out there because we can’t wait to be in conversation about our vision and enjoy the camaraderie of our fellow human beings and the real excitement of life.

So while we’ve emphasized the importance of spending time in stillness is in our daily lives, pay attention to how that stillness informs action, honor the transformations you experience, and the new relationships you create and you begin to live your life more fully as the beautiful being you were born to be.  Today, I invite you to speak freely about what your vision and your dreams.  The spoken word is a powerful tool and by strengthening your voice, you expand your dreams from internal thoughts to external possibilities. Laying the groundwork for divine purpose to manifest.  Know that by being in conversation, by verbalizing your desires out loud, you are empowering your intentions to the universe.

As we begin our meditation, contemplate today’s centering thought, the world is waiting for my vision.  The world is waiting for my vision.

Please get comfortable.  Sit with your hands in a relaxed position and release any tension in your body.  Begin to witness your breath, slowly inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling.  Begin to silently repeat today’s mantra, Aham Brahmasmi.  I am the universe.  Aham Brahmasmi.  As thoughts enter your mind, if you near noises, or feel sensation in your body, remind yourself of the mantra, repeating it effortlessly.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.  Then release the mantra and bring your attention back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, you can open your eyes.

Throughout the day, embrace who you are as you consider our centering thought, The world is waiting for my vision.  The world is waiting for my vision.  The world is waiting for my vision.


Day 21 Extraordinary Me



Mindful Moment:この人生であなたに喜びをもたらす人たちや物事について注目することを続けてみてください。

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” Harriet Tubman

“Congratulations on completing this 21-day journey with us! We are delighted that you have ventured on this path to fulfill your destiny and experience abundant joy. We hope that spending time in stillness each day has reawakened you to the thrill of being alive, the gratitude for everyone and everything you share this life with, and an understanding that a life of fulfillment and abundance is your birthright. As you continue along this marvelous path of meditation, always remember that your true destiny is joy—for yourself and everyone around you. Thank you for inviting us to travel this road with you. Namasté.”

Mindful Moment “Continue to focus on the many people and things that bring you joy in this life. Your true destiny is bliss and joy, as it is for everyone around you. Spend time contemplating the many lessons you have learned on our journey together and see how they can help manifest joy in your life and in the lives of everyone you meet. As you make your way through your day today allow yourself to share your smile with others freely. Be the ripple of positivity and light that will change the world.

Centering Thought:  “My destiny is joy”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Bhavam Namah – I am absolute existence.  I am a field of all possibilities.”

Oprah: “Here we are already. Hard to believe!  21 days have gone by so quickly.  Day 21, Extraordinary me.  Deepak and I are so grateful that you chose to stay with us, exploring your inner truth, allowing your deepest desires to emerge and guide you toward your true destiny.  Joy.  It’s been an extraordinary journey.  Each one of us is extraordinary with wondrous dreams and desires designed to help us fulfill our unique purpose in this lifetime – which can evolve and change over time.  Each of us has the divine potential to realize a magnificent destiny – all our own, by following and living our joy.  As you dream a bigger dream for yourself, my greatest hope is that you continue to find stillness within.  This I know for sure…for sure.  Giving yourself that space and quiet will lead you to even more miraculous dreams, more joy, more possibility, and a supreme destiny beyond your greatest imagination.  Nothing is too extraordinary to be achieved.  If you can dream it, and your intentions are pure, you can be it, and be of service in sharing it with the world.  What a gift for us.  What a gift for you.  Thank you.   And you know what to do.  Let’s get comfortable once more.  Breathe, relax, listen to Deepak and share stillness together.  Namaste.”

Deepak:  “Congratulations on completing this magnificent 21 days together.  You know now that within you, you have all the tools you need to access your pure potential, to evolve your dreams into reality, and to live a life of extraordinary design.  We have learned so much during our 21 days together.  Now is the time to take your chance as you reach for the stars.  It is your destiny.

Right now, imagine something that you have always wanted but perhaps thought impossible.  That one idea that you keep tucked away, perhaps with such care that you have not even dared to speak it aloud.  Yet, you hold on to the dream because it resonates so deeply within you.  Close your eyes and see it.  Really see it.  Envision that you are living this dream right now.  It is your life.  No cutting corners, no holding back.  Your deepest dream in motion. What is your life like?  How do you feel?

As humans, we have the remarkable ability to transform all that we imagine into reality.  Understand that if a deep desire lives in your heart, a dream that is part of your soul’s fiber, a path exists to bring it to life. Abundance in all its forms is our birthright.  We were born to enjoy every aspect of life, to experience every emotion, and to discover the seeds of potential that live within.  As you practice trusting that the universe is always there to support you, I invite you to continue stepping into your greatest self, to experience everything there is to know, confident in the knowledge of who you really are – a radiant spirit worthy of everything life has to give.  See yourself united with the unlimited potential dwelling within you, and everyone and everything that is part of the universe.  From this place of unlimited potential, give yourself permission to dream big.  Tap into that vast reservoir of courage that is available to all, as you move through and well beyond your comfort zone into the space of infinite joy, peace and possibility.  As you embrace life with passion, seize each wonderful moment and make the most of each adventure.  Be rooted in the knowledge that you’re as mighty as the universe itself, full of love, joy and power.  You are star dust, a bright, golden light and all good things of this lifetime are indeed your divine destiny.

Before we begin today’s meditation, consider the centering thought, my destiny is joy.  My destiny is joy.

Please be seated comfortably, relaxing your hands and your body.  Breathe effortlessly and easily and release whatever tension you feel.  Begin to repeat today’s mantra, just mentally.  Om Bhavam Namah.  I am absolute existence.  I am a field of all possibilities.  Om  Bhavam Namah.   When you’re distracted by thoughts, noises, or sensations in your body simply return to the mantra.  Om Bhavam Namah.  Continue meditating for about 10 minutes.  Then let the mantra go and become aware of your body.  Take a moment to rest, breathing with ease.  When you feel ready, you can open your eyes.

Throughout the day, envision yourself as the powerful being you are and think about our centering thought, my destiny is joy.  My destiny is joy.  My destiny is joy.  Namaste.”


Journal Questions:

1.“Deepak and Oprah invited you to reach for the stars today, to hold a big and bold vision for yourself, to unleash that deep desire you may have been holding close to your heart with such care. Take time to write about the extraordinary vision you have for yourself and your life, write with abandon! For as you see it, say it, and allow yourself to believe it – your soul sings the song that makes it so.”

2.“On this last day of our journey together, how is abundance manifesting in your life today?”

3. “What are you grateful for today?”

4. “Reflect further on today’s experience.”


アイソン彗星 若田宇宙飛行士 と チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 18、19

2013年12月03日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション





「NHKスペシャル 遭遇!巨大彗星アイソン」を

「宇宙生中継 彗星爆発 太陽系の謎」として







Desire and Destiny 18日目、19日目です。


Desire and Destiny 18日目


Mindful Moment:今日は、あなたが本当に心から楽しめることをしてみましょう。




Day 18 Creative Me


“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” Vincent Van Gogh

“How often have you had the experience of struggling to remember a person’s name only to have the name effortlessly revealed to you when you were engaged in something entirely different? The same thing happens when we wrestle with our minds for ideas or solutions. Once we let the challenge go and engage in something that frees our minds, the lightning bolt strikes!


This is the value of play. Play opens the pathways for creativity to flow freely. When we are engaged in play, we connect with the heart, rather than leading with our minds. As we access the essence of pure potentiality, transformative ideas and solutions come to us spontaneously, and we are boundlessly creative.”


Mindful Moment “Take some time today to engage in a playful activity that you really enjoy. Challenge some colleagues to a pickup basketball game at lunch or after work. Walk with your friends, or dip your feet into the office-park fountain. Whatever you choose to do, allow yourself to enjoy the freedom of playfulness and notice what unfolds.”


Centering Thought: “I play.  I create.  I succeed”


Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Bhavam Namah – I am absolute existence.  I am a field of all possibilities.”


Oprah:  “Welcome to day 18, Creative Me.  Just as we all have a teacher within, within each of us is an artist.  A dreamer.  A creator.  Creative inspiration, truth and destiny are all revealed when our lives are in balance and in flow.  Giving yourself permission to rest, play, to let your heart and mind rejuvenate is a must in order to realize your greatest potential. Its when we let go, absorbed in a moment of pure play, relaxation, connection with nature, laughter, life or people, that the messages of the universe rise up to meet us.  When we become open and receptive, we create pathways where there were once closed doors.  There is so much power in knowing that our lives are ours to co-create.  So take a deep breath and relax into today’s mediation as Deepak encourages us to cultivate our creativity through pure, simple joy.”


Deepak:  “Rest and play are not luxuries.  It is part of our destiny to simply be.  It is becoming more understood that play, rest, rejuvenation and celebration cultivate and inspire some of our best ideas.  When we are relaxing and playing, we are engaged in the here and now and more open to the ideas that come to us from pure consciousness.  When we let go and have fun, we release all sense of ego and all the ‘shoulds’ that can creep into our lives.  Opening the door for the creative spirit to flourish. Play is so important in helping us find our true purpose in life.  When we dance through life like children, engaged in activities that truly delight us, we open our minds and hearts to the essence of pure consciousness.  When we play, we lose all track of time and are absorbed completely in the present moment.  Our best creative ideas come to us when we are delighted.  Our minds are free to roam and explore.  We are wide open and the world is at our feet – ours to enjoy.

Rest is equally important.  As a society, we tend to be chronically sleep deprived and sometimes even proud of it since it indicates a busy life and total dedication to our work.  But true dedication requires balancing the brain for optimal performance which includes rest in the form of sleep, and spending time in meditation.  Connecting with the stillness of meditation, playfully engaging with nature, life and those around us, and making sure that we get adequate sleep are the perfect recipe for self-care.  These practices recharge and revitalize us, paving the way for creative inspiration and truth to enter our lives.


As we settle in for meditation, let’s consider the centering thought, I play, I create, I succeed.  I play, I create, I succeed.


Please take a comfortable seat and close your eyes.  Place your palms up or down on your lap, inhale and exhale slowly and deeply and feel your body relax.  Begin to introduce the mantra, repeating it mentally.  Om Bhavam Namah.  I am absolute existence.  I am a field of all possibilities.  Om Bhavam Namah.  When you feel distracted by thoughts, noises or sensations in your body, just go back to repeating the mantra silently to yourself.  Om Bhavam Namah.  Continue meditating for about 10 minutes.  Then release the mantra and become aware of your body. Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, you can open your eyes.


Throughout the day, pay attention to how your body feels, taking adequate time for self-care and focus on our centering thought.  I play, I create, I succeed.  I play, I create, I succeed.  I play, I create, I succeed.






Journal Questions:


1.  “How do you like to play? What are the activities that are fun and exciting for you? How do they make you feel? Perhaps there is something fun and exciting that you have been longing to try. Consider scheduling that activity into your week.”


2.  “Write yourself a self-care plan for this week. How can you take good care of yourself? What things can you plan to incorporate into your week that nourish and fuel you?”


3.  “What are you grateful for today?”


4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”


Day 19 Blissful Me




“Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.” Mother Teresa

“Today we will spend time reconnecting with our true bliss, that part of ourselves that many of us will best remember from childhood. Think about what it was that brought you the greatest joy, that made time fly, and that you could do forever without a care in the world. That is bliss.


While our childhoods may be behind us, our opportunity to reconnect with our bliss is right in front of us, ours for the taking. When we find ourselves engaged in the activities and with the people who make our hearts sing, we are grounded in the present and deeply connected to pure Spirit.”


Mindful Moment “Spend a moment today connecting with bliss in an everyday moment. When you are eating a meal or taking a shower, practice acute mindfulness and allow yourself to experience this activity with all of your senses. Do this as slowly as you can, delighting in the smells, tastes, textures, colors, and sounds. What do you notice? Note how you feel after you spent time in this way. How does bliss feel in your body? “


Centering Thought:  “Joy is my highest purpose.”


Sanskrit Mantra:  vSat Chit Ananda – Existence, Consciousness, Bliss”


Oprah:  “Welcome to Day 19, Blissful Me.  Perhaps the most universal urge that we all share is to be happy.  When we connect to our true purpose in life, to what we’ve come to the planet to do, we get to live our lives in service and bliss.  What does that mean – to truly feel blissful in our lives?  Bliss is an all-encompassing state that we all have access to at all times.  It is the holding space for joy – or happiness – and peace inside us all.  When we lay down the burden of trying to be anything other than exactly who we are, bliss comes to us effortlessly. When we identify and follow what makes us happy, we understand our highest purpose and abundance in all forms comes back to us when we accept that purpose, follow our unique path and share our gifts whole-heartedly.  Be in bliss, delight, in stillness, and let Deepak guide us in today’s meditation.”


Deepak:  “Nothing is more important in life than reconnecting with our bliss.  Nothing is as rich.  Nothing is as real.  So what, exactly, is bliss.  Spiritually, bliss is considered to be an infinite state that lives within each of us at all times.  When cultivated, it can be experienced outwardly through happiness and laughter, and also as a quiet sense of deep calm, stillness and peace inside.  What does it mean to reconnect with our bliss?  Noted author, JK Rowling said of herself, ‘the idea of just wandering off to a cafe with a notebook and writing and seeing where that takes me for a while is just bliss’.  Spending time going within ourselves to find those things that bring us deep joy helps us rediscover those activities that make us happy at our very core and are our real purpose for living.  This knowingness is bliss.  What is your bliss? What is it that you love to do that it gives you so much joy that time simply flies and your heart takes wing.  When we reconnect with our bliss, we are truly in the present and tap into pure consciousness.  Experiencing Spirit in this way, we feel abundant love and happiness. We can’t help but want to share this joy with others.  When we are happy, we are delighted to use all that we have to serve the world.  As we bring happiness and abundance in to the lives of everyone that we meet, that happiness, success and abundance come back to us like ocean waves, gently rolling out to sea and rushing back to shore.  When we live our lives in bliss, in harmony with the universe, a world of infinite possibilities opens to us.  And abundance is our natural reward.  We realize that what we have been born to do, what makes us happiest, is also the best way to joyfully serve everyone around us, which brings us every good thing in life.


As we begin our meditation, contemplate today’s centering thought, Joy is my highest purpose.  Joy is my highest purpose.  Now get comfortable and close your eyes.  Relax your hands and your whole body as you bring your attention to your breath.  Start to introduce the mantra, repeating it silently to yourself.  Sat Chit Ananda. Existence, consciousness, bliss.  Sat Chit Ananda.  If thoughts, noises, or sensations in your body distract you, just gently go back to repeating the mantra.  Just mentally.  Sat Chit Ananda.  Continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.  Please let the mantra go and bring your awareness into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  As it is comfortable for you, open your eyes.


Throughout the day, pay attention to your thoughts around the blissful nature that is you and focus on our centering thought.  Joy is my highest purpose.  Joy is my highest purpose.




Journal Questions:


1. “We are each unique and experience the world our own way. Take time to write about what bliss looks and feels like to you. Describe a time in your life when you felt bliss.”


2. “How can you cultivate bliss in your life today?”


3. “What are you grateful for today?”


4. “Reflect further on today’s experience.”






 自分へのギフトと チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 17

2013年12月01日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション















チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 17日目です。




Mindful Moment:



Day 17 Inspirational Me

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” Albert Einstein

“Think about the people and experiences that truly inspire you. What is it about them that makes you feel this way? For many of us, we are inspired when we feel something we have never felt before. We feel uplifted when we gain a new insight that changes our perspective completely and when we learn something new that forever transforms us.

Each of us has that power to inspire another. Within all of us lies a wonderful teacher, a soul that greatly inspires others to seek the highest good and to engage fully in life, merely by expressing your authentic self. Embrace that inner teacher and know that you have something very valuable to offer everyone around you. Share your lessons freely and receive wisdom from others with openness, joy, and love.”

Mindful Moment “Today recall a teacher who really inspired you. Perhaps this individual was a person who taught in a classroom, but perhaps it was someone else—a grandparent, a neighbor, or an athletic coach. Take time today to reflect on the ways that this person transformed how you saw the world, then without over-thinking it, consider how you can offer something of yourself to others so that they too can be inspired.”

Centering Thought: “I embrace the teacher within.”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Varunam Namah – My life is in harmony with the universe”

Oprah:  “Welcome to day 17, Inspirational Me.  There is an ancient Buddhist quote which says, ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear’.  Well think about that.  We are all students and teachers in this earth school.  Everything in our lives shows up and is here to teach us more about ourselves.  Everybody we encounter is really a mirror – a reflection of a part of who we are.  And within each of us is a teacher – someone who inspires, listens and reflects, who demonstrates by their very being, something from which others can grow.  Each moment in life is a teaching moment and when we engage with one another, we become vehicles of life’s important lessons – large and small.  If we stay mindful, respecting and embracing the teacher within and remaining open to the teacher who lives in others, we find yet another path to living most fully, to receiving most abundantly, and to fulfilling a part of our most sacred destiny.  So, today, honoring that every moment is a moment to learn, and to teach, let us learn from Deepak as he guides us to the still space.”

Deepak:  “Within each of us dwells a teacher with the power to deeply inspire.  The word inspire comes to us from the Latin word, inspirare, which means divinely breathed into.  When we live our lives connected to our inner truth and unique destinies, we serve as models and teachers, true inspirations to everyone we meet.  Each of us, through our being, words and actions, has the ability and opportunity to divinely breathe the essence of the true self into one another.

Recognizing this power to inspire, we begin to connect with the teacher that resides not only in us but also in those who cross our paths.  We open ourselves to learning from everyone we encounter, most often our teachers appear to us quite obviously and we are quick to recognize the wisdom they impart.  At other times, our teachers can show themselves completely in disguise.  For example, when we silently witness an encounter with an unpleasant neighbor or motorist on the freeway, we realize that they too have something to teach us.  They have simply shared their lessons in ways we don’t expect.

Each moment in life offers us an opportunity to learn and expand.  As we choose to conduct ourselves as teachers in this lifetime, embracing our true and divine responsibility to our fellow human beings, and ourselves, we see the value of aligning our lives with Spirit and following our bliss.  In choosing to be humble teachers, open to the flow of learning as well as selflessly teaching by joyous example, we become shining lights of all that is good, and wellsprings of inspiration for others.

As we settle in for meditation, let’s consider the centering thought.  I embrace the teacher within.  I embrace the teacher within.

Please get seated comfortably.  Place your palms up or down on your lap and close your eyes.  Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply and feel your body gently relax.  Begin to introduce the mantra, repeating it mentally, Om Varunam Namah.  My life is in harmony with the universe.  Om Varunam Namah.  If you get distracted by any thoughts, noises or feelings of discomfort in your body, simply go back to repeating the mantra silently to yourself.  Om Varunam Namah.  Om Varunam Namah.  Continue meditating for about 10 minutes.  Now release the mantra.  Bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, you can open your eyes.

Throughout the day, think about what it is you love to do and contemplate the centering thought, I embrace the teacher within.  I embrace the teacher within.  I embrace the teacher within.


Journal Questions:

1. “Who is someone you consider a significant and meaningful teacher in your life? What important teachings did you receive from them? How has crossing paths with this person influenced how you live and share with others?”

2. “How are you a teacher in your life? If you feel like you are not a teacher, take a deep breath, connect with your heart for a few minutes and then ask yourself that question again. Maybe you teach the fine art of being light-hearted, or through your loyal friendship, perhaps you teach others by daring to authentically speak your truth. Take your time and write the many ways you are teaching others by just being you.”

3. “What are you grateful for today?”

4. “Reflect further on today’s experience.”
