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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Expanding Your Happiness Day 22 

2014年09月03日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション







第22日 全体性の光を放つ


ダンマパダ 法句経




Day 22 – Radiating Wholeness

“Now may every living thing be full of bliss.” ― Anonymous, The Dhammapada

Welcome to the bonus day of our 21-Day Meditation Experience!

Today, we offer a special guided meditation to celebrate the wholeness that is you. This wholeness, the Vedic seers tell us, is the same wholeness as the cosmos. The ultimate realization of truth we can experience is, “I am the universe, the totality of life.”

As we grow into this reality, we offer our wholeness back to the wholeness of life itself like a gift of a flower to a garden. Radiating our wholeness is a further validation that bliss is the purpose and existence of our life, all life, all existence.”

Today’s Centering Thought

“My happiness is the happiness of the universe”

Sanskrit Mantra

“Aham Brahmasmi – I am the wholeness of all creation” (Deepak pronounces Ah-hum Brah-mahs-mee)


“We’re back for a very special extra meditation.  We reflect on our journey once more and embrace the grandness, the power, grace and joy that emanates from us all.  Welcome to Day 22, Radiating Wholeness.  What I know for ABSOLUTE sure is that each of us feels happiness in direct proportion to how close we are to the Source of our own truth.  And that truth, I believe, is that we are all one.  The wholeness of life throughout the universe is the wholeness that lives and breathes within each of us.  It’s the same wholeness that lives within the tiniest creature, that’s in every tree, that’s in every living thing.  Being a part of that wholeness, I believe, is the secret of the purest happiness there is. Join Deepak on the purest joy ride of our journey.  Before we meditate, he’s going to guide us through the miraculous connections that show us how we’re truly all one.  Get ready.  This is going to lift you up, and will sustain our sense of happiness, renewal, and fulfillment as we meditate together once more.”


“When you begin to know that the wholeness of life is supporting you, everything changes.  When the Vedic sages declared, ‘I am the universe’, they meant something very real.  Life is infinitely more when we realize.  Consider the image you see when you look in the mirror.  If you trust your eyes, your body is contained within definite boundaries. You are packaged within your skin and there is only a limited lifetime to spend here on earth.  But your eyes have deceived you.  Every cell in your body is made of molecules and these molecules are built from atoms and subatomic particles.  If you keep looking for the smallest thing that you’re made of, the finest particles disappear.  What is left?  The infinite expanse of the quantum field from which the entire universe emerges.

In a very real way, you are the field.  Therefore you can trace your body to the entire universe.  There is an invisible source of the mind as well because when even the tiniest particle springs into existence, it draws upon infinite reserves of energy.  Spiritually, this infinite potential also includes creativity, intelligence, and every other quality that makes life worth living – love, beauty, truth, compassion.  If these are also packaged inside every particle in creation, you contain the same essence.

I like an image I ran across a few years ago – that each of us is like a millionaire with amnesia.  We go through life feeling poor, having forgotten that in reality, we are very rich.  In other words, by being so convinced that we’re limited in mind and body, we’ve forgotten the true self which knows no boundaries.  It participates in the infinite potential of the universe.  The spiritual path is the path to reality.  We sometimes say higher reality but in truth it’s just reality.  It can be known as effortlessly as you know what it’s like to breathe, move your hand or kiss someone you love.

It’s a wonderful step you’ve taken to find your true self.  The soul rejoices when it wakes up and the choice to awaken it lies with you alone.

As we prepare to meditate together, let’s take a moment to consider our centering thought, my happiness is the happiness of the universe.  My happiness is the happiness of the universe.

Now, let’s prepare for our meditation.  Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.  Begin to be aware of your breath and just breathe slowly and deeply.  With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.  

Now gently introduce the mantra, Aham Brahmasmi.  This mantra reveals that yore self is the self of the universe.  Repeat it silently to yourself.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Aham Brahmasmi.  With each repetition feel your body, mind and spirit open and receive just a little more.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Continue with your mediation.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Just mentally.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Aham Brahmasmi.  

Release the mantra.   Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly.  When you feel ready, open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, contemplate the centering thought.  My happiness is the happiness of the universe.  My happiness is the happiness of the universe.  My happiness is the happiness of the universe.


Journal Questions:

1.  “During these three weeks we have learned about the spiritual connection between our soul and the cosmic soul. What healing intention would you like to send forth to the wholeness of the universe?”

2.  “As your happiness expands outward to every soul, what is your heartfelt wish for them?”

3.  “Take some time to write about ways that you can continue your daily mindfulness and meditation practice.”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”


チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Expanding Your Happiness Day 21

2014年09月02日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション








第21日 満ちたりた意識の光を放つ




Day 21 – Radiating Fulfillment

“Our true nature is bliss. That bliss is like the sun that always shines.”― Debra Moffitt

 “Congratulations! What a blessing to have shared this three-week journey with you. As we complete our Meditation Experience, it is appropriate that we arrive at a state of fulfillment, feeling a sense of completion. During our time meditating together we have located the seeds of happiness deep within our spiritual self, we nurtured them in our minds and hearts, and then shared that happiness with the world. This journey fosters outer fulfillment, which in turn creates more inner happiness – so the cycle of joy becomes self-perpetuating, going on and on.

In our meditation today we will honor the expanding circle of happiness that we generate from our silent self, which effortlessly radiates to all the world.”

Today’s Centering Thought

“I walk in the light of my fulfillment.”

Sanskrit Mantra

“Purnamidam – I feel fulfilled”


“Welcome, Our Dear Friends, our meditating tribe.  Today is Day 21, Radiating Fulfillment.  It’s hard to believe our happy journey is coming to a close.  Over the last three weeks we’ve made some time to connect with our innate sense of wonder and play, love and joy.  We slowed down, at least for these 20 minutes each day, going deeper, transforming that wonder that play and love into purpose, contentment, kindness, gratitude, passion.  We’ve tapped into the energy that allows us to be in harmony with the energy of source.  Yes, we have.  With each meditation, we have expanded our connection to the wholeness of the universe…the capital “C” of contentment…the source of true happiness…that place which is a constant wellspring of effortless fulfillment and satisfaction.  Take that in, My Friends.  This is what you did for you these past three weeks.  In this journey, we’ve arrived home, to the place where we know, to our core, that we have all we need.  It starts within. Now that is the ultimate happiness and Deepak and I are so glad to arrive at this place with you.  Let’s really enjoy this last meditation together and feel blessed for the happiness we shall share in the world and continue to expand for ourselves.”


“Radiating fulfillment is the final stage of the expansion of your happiness.  It happens all by itself once you have the self-recognition that there is nothing else you need to seek.  You have arrived home after your journey.  Yet the spiritual path unfolds a strange journey because you don’t travel any distance.  You begin where you started, with yourself.  But the self you knew at the start isn’t the self you know at the end.  Yourself at the end is fulfilled.  It has learned that life requires no struggle, fear or resistance.  You only need to be.

I like the simplicity of the following saying, ‘To become enlightened, you stop running all the time and begin to walk. Once you’re walking, you slow down and stop.  Once you stop, you see who you really are’.

The whole journey, then, is a process of relaxing and letting go.  There’s nothing to study, memorize, learn or live up to. There is only experience.  To have the experience of the true self, even for a moment, switches on that feeling of Aha.  So this is what I’ve been looking for.  Put into words, the separate self has been looking for a home.  Fragments have been looking for wholeness.  Anxiety has been looking for peace.  An emptiness inside has been looking for fulfillment.  All of these are found in the self.  This is the ultimate spiritual secret, repeated for thousands of years in every wisdom tradition.

The journey we’ve been on together doesn’t cover distance and also takes no time.  Every meditation brings you home. Every dive within meets your true self.  The only difference between you and an enlightened master is the expansion of this experience.  The Vedics compare it to a candle sitting in the sun.  The sun’s blinding light makes the candle flame invisible.  Yet, without a doubt, both emit light.  In spiritual terms, it’s the same light and now it shines from you, dispelling the darkness around you.  To know that you walk in the light, that you are the light – this is the greatest fulfillment.

As we prepare to meditate together, let’s take a moment to consider our centering thought.  I walk in the light of my fulfillment.  I walk in the light of my fulfillment.  

Now, let’s prepare for our meditation.  Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.  Begin to be aware of your breath and just breathe slowly and deeply.  With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.  Now gently introduce the manta, Purnamidam.  This mantra affirms that we are full and complete within ourselves.  Repeat it silently to yourself.  Purnamidam. Purnamidam.  Purnamidam.  With each repetition, feel your body, mind and spirit open and receive just a little more.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Purnamidam.  Purnamidam.  Purnamidam.  
Please continue with your editation.  Purnamidam.  Purnamidam.  Purnamidam.  Just mentally.  Purnamidam.  Purnamidam.  Purnamidam.  Release the mantra.  Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly.  When you feel ready, open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, contemplate the centering thought, I walk in the light of my fulfillment.  I walk in the light of my fulfillment.  I walk in the light of my fulfillment.


Journal Questions:

1.  “Fulfillment is a sense of spiritual rest or completion in the soul’s journey. Describe a similar feeling of fulfillment you have had either during this meditation experience or some time earlier.”

2.  “Describe any “aha” moments, breakthrough insights, or meaningful experiences you had during these three weeks.”

3.  “What new vision for spiritual fulfillment do you have since you began this meditation experience?”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”


チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Expanding Your Happiness Day 20 

2014年09月01日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション



第20日 安らぎの光を放つ




Day 20 – Radiating Serenity

“We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil.”
– Swami Satchidananda

 “In our meditation today, we bring our attention to the peaceful and serene influence we can offer the world around us. For our serenity to have a powerful transformative effect on others, it needs to come from our inner being, not just our superficial mood or attitude. We need to be that peace we want to see happen. We need to be serenity, and when we access this peace we naturally radiate serenity.


Peace and serenity are born from a state of inner happiness – our true self. As we live in alignment with our true self we naturally radiate our serenity in the environment . . . we are simultaneously expanding the happiness of ourselves and those around us. Today’s meditation enlivens this state of serenity within our being so that it lovingly influences each person and interaction we have throughout the day.”


Today’s Centering Thought

“I am a calming presence.”

Sanskrit Mantra

“Shanti Vira – I radiate divine blessings”  (Deepak pronounces Shahn-ti Vee-rah)


“Welcome to Day 20, Radiating Serenity.  Serenity is a centered gentleness, a trust and inner peace that in many ways is the essence of happiness.  Beyond whatever is happening to you today, when you move with the assurance that all will be well – no matter what – you, in fact, create the energy that indeed all IS well.  You line up with it.  We’ve all heard the serenity prayer, ‘God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference’.  The powerful and enduring words of this prayer ground us in a knowing that divine wisdom, peace is always within us.  The highest source of serenity is the core of our very Being.  By trusting that presence at our core, we allow a sweet and powerful serenity to flow into our lives and to flow from us.  That trust allows each of us to be a beacon of calm, of love, of generosity.  That I know, My Friends, is a wellspring from which the deepest happiness arises.  So, let’s take a deep, calming breath as Deepak shares his divine wisdom with us.”


” Jesus was certainly right when he said, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the Sons of God’.  But turning this into a living truth seems very difficult.  The world seeks peace in the midst of violence.  Families seek peace in the midst of arguments and conflicts.  You and I seek inner peace amid our confusion, fear and anger.

I have long been inspired by a wise saying, there is no way to peace.  Peace is the way.  The lesson being taught is invaluable.  It says that if you want peace, be at peace.  We all know what it’s like to walk into a room where people aren’t arguing yet, in the tense silence you feel that there is hostility in the air.  The opposite is also true.  You can walk into a room and feel a peaceful silence.

The presence of inner peace is healing, to you and to the people you meet during your day.  In the Vedic tradition, you can tell that someone is enlightened because all around them there is an atmosphere of peace.  They radiate this quality and the effect on others is powerful.  As the proverb goes, ‘the lion lies down with the lamb.  There is no violence in the presence of true inner peace.

By the meditations you’ve been doing, you’ve dedicated yourself to being the calm, happy, serene presence in any situation. This doesn’t mean that you’re a mute observer who never gets involved, or a saint who never loses her temper.  The presence of peace comes from a deeper place, the undisturbed peace of your Being.

As we prepare to meditate together, let’s take a moment to consider our centering thought.  I am a calming presence.  I am a calming presence.  

Now let’s prepare for our meditation.  Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.  Begin to be aware of your breath and just breathe, slowly and deeply.  With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.  Now gently introduce the manta, Shanti Vira.  This mantra gives you the inner strength and courage to be your highest self wherever you are.  Repeat it silently to yourself.  Shanti Vira.  Shanti Vira.  Shanti Vira.  With each repetition, feel your body, mind and spirit open and receive just a little more.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Shanti Vira.  Shanti Vira.  Shanti Vira.  Continue with your meditation.  Shanti Vira.  Shanti Vira.  Just mentally.  Shanti Vira.  Shanti Vira.  

Release the mantra.  Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly.  When you feel ready, open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, contemplate the centering thought, I am a calming presence.  I am a calming presence.  I am a calming presence.


Journal Questions:

1.  “Whenever you access your silent self, you become a source of serenity. Describe the last time you felt deeply serene and calm. It can even be the experience from today’s meditation. Be specific about how this serenity felt in mind, body and spirit.”

2.  “What steps can you take to deepen your experience of serenity? For instance to deepen your meditations, you may want to ensure you won’t be interrupted by turning off the ringer on your phone or by hanging your “Silence please . . . I’m meditating” door hanger.”

3.  “Who do you know in your circle of acquaintances that is a model of serenity and calmness? Who consistently radiates a calming presence? Consider and write about ways that you can incorporate those qualities of serenity into your own life and habits.”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.
