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アイソン彗星 と チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 16

2013年11月30日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション

ああ消えてしまった  と思っていたアイソン彗星。








チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 16日目です。



Mindful Moment: 今日、ほんとうのあなた自身であることを決意してください。


Centering Thought:  「至福が私のガイドである」

Day 16 Uniquely Me

And each is unique!

“Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.”
Jane Goodall  

“The expansion of happiness in this lifetime is our birthright. Finding what it is we are meant to do and be and identifying that which brings us the greatest happiness is our highest purpose in life. This is our dharma, our truth and, our destiny. Each moment presents us with a unique opportunity to express ourselves in ways that only we can. When we answer the call of our heart in each moment, we have the opportunity to experience pure joy.

Today’s meditation explores what it means to live our lives blissfully in each moment, understanding that the true reward is not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but the journey along the rainbow itself.

Allow the bliss of being who you are, living as the unique soul you were born to be, carry you along the path of this lifetime and you will be living your life to the fullest.”

Mindful Moment “Today make a commitment to be who you really are and choose one thing that allows you to express yourself in a way that is like no one else. Sing a song. Paint a painting. Share a heartfelt conversation with a dear friend. Whatever it is that makes your heart sing, choose to engage in one activity that is uniquely yours and enjoy where the journey leads you!”

Centering Thought:  “Bliss be my guide”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Varunam Namah - My life is in harmony with the universe”

Oprah:  “Here we are – day 16, Uniquely Me.  Each of us has a unique essential purpose, if not many purposes to fulfill in this lifetime.  Think of this for a moment – there is no one else on the planet that is here to be who you are – and give what you have to give.  No one else.  Just as your DNA and your fingerprints are uniquely you – so is your life’s purpose – and your life’s purpose is always evolving.  It is not something you create.  It is not some great idea you come up with.  Purpose is there all the time.   And it’s always calling you.  As Kevin Cashman says, ‘Purpose is Spirit seeking expression’.  When we tap into that expression, we find the defining thread running through out life and we integrate all of our life experiences.  When we recognize our purpose and our innate talents and share them freely with one another, we create a world of peace, harmony and love.  We fulfill not only our destiny but we begin to change the world.  That’s how you do it!  By fulfilling your purpose.  So, settle in as we prepare for today’s meditation, listening to Deepak explore, living our unique destiny in each moment.”

Deepak:  “Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life, here to make a unique contribution.  Woven within the very fiber of our being is our divine purpose.  Our distinctive essence waiting, even longing, to be expressed as a gift to the world and ourselves.  I believe that the purpose of life is the expansion of happiness, that when we identify those things that bring the greatest joy to our lives, we are on the trail of discovering this inner truth. According to Guatama Buddha,’your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it’.  When we live in alignment with that true purpose – or dharma – we are happy and create a ripple of good that emanates from within, extending to everyone around us.  Let’s look a little closer.  The concept of divine purpose is more like a winding path along a mountainside, than one specific destination.  There are many views and stops along the way and yet it is always the mountain we are traveling upon. Our essential purpose is always with us and is designed to be revealed and experienced over the course of a lifetime.  This path is our destiny, a collection of meaningful self-expressions that come to us spontaneously – and in the moment, at times; in waves or seasons at other times.  Yet, always present in the expression is the essence of our true selves.

So, may be my destiny and true purpose in this moment is to smile at the person I see while on my walk, who looks sad.  It may be to take action on the longtime dream I have had to start a business.  It may be to show up as a loyal and supportive friend.  Or even to take a gardening class.  What is your destiny today?  I invite you to spend time contemplating your destiny.  Observe and listen to the cues your heart gives you.  Give yourself permission to express your dharma and destiny.  Shine your unique light freely.  You’ll be surprised how beautifully the path of your life will unfold for you.  As Joseph Campbell once said, ‘Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors that were only walls’.

As we settle in for meditation, we’ll focus on our centering thought, Bliss be my guide.  Bliss be my guide.  Now, as you take your comfortable seat with your hands on your lap and your eyes closed, as we do each day, begin to pay attention to your breath.  Allow the sensation of relaxation to wash over your body and release any stress and tension as best you can.  Silently introduce the mantra, repeating it effortlessly.  Om Varunam Namah.  My life is in harmony with the universe.  Om Varunam Namah.  If you get distracted by any thoughts, noises or feelings of discomfort in your body, simply go back to repeating the mantra silently to yourself, Om Varunam Namah.  Continue meditating for about 10 minutes.  Release the mantra and come into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, you can open your eyes.

Throughout the day, think about what it is you love to do and contemplate our centering thought, Bliss be my guide.  Bliss be my guide.  Bliss be my guide.



Journal Questions:

1.  “There is no one else on the planet that is here to be who you are and give what you have to give. Describe the qualities, gifts and talents that make you unique.”

2.  “We learned that our divine purpose is ever evolving throughout our lives. What do you believe your divine purpose is in this moment?”

3.  “What are you grateful for today?”

4.  “Reflect on today’s experience.”


与える法則 と チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 15

2013年11月30日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション










チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 15日目です。


Day 15 How Can I Serve?

-Anne Frank (アンネ・フランク) 

Mindful Moment:今日という日を、

Centering Thought:「他人に与えることは自分に与えることと同じです」

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

Anne Frank

Centering Thought:  “Serving others serves me.”

“Today we delve more deeply into what it means to be of service. When we serve others from a place of love, we are also serving ourselves.

For many of us, when we think of service, we envision great feats, sacrifices, large philanthropic donations, and other grand gestures. While service can be all those things, service can be much more accessible in our daily lives. Giving to others through service is simply recognizing what you do best in any given moment and offering that as a gift to someone else. For instance, in this moment, you may be sitting in a coffee shop across from someone who looks like she could really use a warm smile and, in this moment, you offer a smile in service to brighten her day. Giving can be that simple.

Think about how good you feel when you give someone a gift in this way and notice how serving someone else is a gift to yourself as well.”

Mindful Moment “Let today be your day to share random acts of kindness with generosity and joy. If you encounter someone in need offer a gift from the heart, be it a kind word, a joke, or a cup of tea. Hold the door open for someone, just because. Call a friend and share a kind word. When you are engaged in activity, give your full attention to it, knowing that when you are fully present, you are doing something with love and serving the world with your time and talent. Enjoy the energy that comes back to you as you walk through each moment with a giving and caring heart.”

Centering Thought:  “Serving others serves me.”

Sanskrit Mantra:  Om Vardhanam Namah.  I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.

Oprah:  “Welcome to day 15 and the beginning of the final week of our Desire and Destiny Meditation experience.  During our last 14 days together, we explored the essential soul questions.  Who am I?  What do I want?  With Spirit guiding the way, we were able to connect to the truth of who we really are, and what we most truly seek.  Now, we’re putting all of those pieces together so that we may light up in the fullness of who we are and illuminate the world around us.  Another what I know for sure is this…When we give to others, we give to ourselves.  As far back as I can remember, my prayer has always been the same… Use me, God.  Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself.  That prayer has led me to this moment.  When we share our unique gifts – however large or small, we create significance.  We complete the circle of our destiny and that not only changes ourselves, it changes the world.  How can I serve?  That is the question all of us has come to ask.  So get quiet, breathe, and let Deepak guide us through the next essential soul question.  And then we’ll do what we do each day…were going to meditate.”

Deepak:  “Who am I?  What do I want? … Two questions that have offered us great insight and opportunity to open to our highest understanding and expression of life.  Now, in our third week together, we begin to step into living our destiny.  Today, we will consider the next soul question on our path – How can I serve?

The word service can bring up many thoughts and feelings.  Often it is interpreted as a type of giving that can feel out of reach, like joining the Peace Corps to help people in distant countries, or giving time and money in ways that will change the word.  It can also be connected to thoughts of work, obligation, or one of those things that good people ought to do.  We may begin to believe that service requires self-sacrifice, a great deal of time, unique talent or expertise, perhaps even money.  We may wonder just how we can truly serve the whole world.

Martin Luther King Jr offers another way to look at this concept.  Everybody can be great because anybody can serve.  You don’t need to have a college degree to serve.  You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.  Service needn’t be grand gestures; we don’t need to embark on adventures far from home to be of service.  Service in every moment is about understanding our unique talents and using them to bring happiness to others and ourselves.  The universe is all about flow and dynamic exchange – giving and receiving which are simply different aspects of the same flow of energy.  Therefore, when we freely share our gifts with others, we really give back to ourselves.  It feels good to give, and giving also comes back to us from others through appreciation, love, smiles and hugs – the good things of life.

Now, let’s look within.  Close your eyes for a moment and ask, how can I serve?  This timeless question has no wrong answer.  It is a question that I encourage you to ask yourself every day.  How can I serve?  Quietly listen for the answer.  How can I serve?  Listen deeply, receive each and every whisper from your soul.  Receive and ask again.  How can I serve?  Once we begin to listen carefully to the answers within, we may be surprised at just how we are meant to serve.  As we listen, we open the door to infinite and abundant possibility.  As you travel through the day, give yourself permission to practice living in the spirit of service.  Perhaps you will hold the elevator door for someone who is rushing to make it in.  Or, you might share a smile with another.  Maybe today you will inquire about a volunteer project you have been thinking about.  We each have wonderful talents to share with one another.  We can freely enjoy the exchange of gifts, the flow of abundance – with everyone around us in the spirit of service.  So let’s ask ourselves again – how can I serve?  As we settle in for meditation, let’s contemplate our centering thought.  Serving others serves me.  Serving others serves me.

Make yourself comfortable with your hands resting in your lap and your eyes closed.  Begin to witness your breath as you inhale and exhale.  Allow your body to relax, releasing any tension you may be holding on to.  Start to introduce the mantra, repeating it silently.  Om Vardhanam Namah.  I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.  Om Vardhanam Namah.  If you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or sensations in your body, simply go back to repeating the mantra, just silently.  Om Vardhanam Namah.  Please continue meditating for about 10 minutes.  Then let the mantra go and bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.   As you feel ready, open your eyes.

Throughout the day consider the flow of giving and receiving and contemplate our centering thought.  Serving others serve me.  Serving others serves me.  Serving others serves me.




Journal Questions:


1. “We reflected deeply on the soul questions “How can I serve?” during today’s meditation. Take time to really explore answers that come through your writing – just write freely.”

2.  “What are three specific actions you can take to illuminate the world around you through sharing your unique gifts and talents in service to others?”

3.  “What are you grateful for today?”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”


雲 と チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 14

2013年11月28日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション







チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 14日目です。


Day 14 Grateful Me    


Mindful Moment :一日を通して、「今」という瞬間を感謝で迎えると決心しましょう。どのような妨害に出合ってもその時に感謝できることに注意を向けましょう。そうしているうちに、努力せずに感謝の気持ちで満たされるようになり、あなた自身の世界が変わっていくのです。

“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer.” Maya Angelou

Congratulations on completing the first two weeks of our 21-Day Meditation Experience! Spending time in silence is an act of powerful self-nurturance. Through meditation, you are connecting more deeply with your heart, understanding its desires, and clearing a path to realize your dreams.

Today’s meditation focuses on gratitude. When we appreciate all that we have in life, our egos step out of the way, inviting even greater abundance into our lives.

Practicing gratitude for our lives as human beings – for the air we breathe, for our magnificent bodies, and the beauty of being alive – is a wonderful place to start. From this point of view, we can expand our gratitude outward, like ripples in a still pond, appreciating everything and everyone we encounter and those who touch our lives as well.”

Mindful Moment “Set the intention to greet each moment of the day in gratitude. As each encounter and situation crosses your path take time to pay attention to all of the things that you can be grateful for in the moment. May you cultivate the spirit of gratitude with effortless ease and enthusiasm, for as you do so you transform your world?”

Today’s Centering Thought:  Gratitude is my prayer

Sanskrit Manta:  So Hum.  I am

Oprah:  “Once again, we’re at the end of a wonderful week together.  We’re so grateful for this time we’ve shared.  Your participation enriches life for me, for Deepak and for all of us in this global meditating community.  That’s what today’s all about – gratitude.  Welcome to day 14, Grateful Me.  This week, we have harnessed our determination, our passions.  We’ve set our intentions and tapped into our intuition, knowing how important and powerful it is to surrender to the divine design of the universe.  Now it’s time to say Thanks.  Gratitude.  Let me tell you.  It is transformative.  I often quote Meister Eckhart’s powerful thought when he said, if the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you that will be enough.  This, I know for sure, sure, sure.  Being grateful is by far the single most powerful thing you can do to change your life.  When you allow yourself to feel gratitude, wherever you are, for whatever is going on in the present moment, in the now, what I promise you is that the spiritual dimension of your life will change.  It will open up and it will expand and you will grow with it.  The more you are grateful for, the more comes for you to be grateful for.  If you want to fulfill your desire and your destiny, start by being grateful.  When we say thank you for what we have, we acknowledge all that the universe has given us and then you’ll begin to see…more shows up.  Now, with Deepak, we’ll take an experiential journey to learn just how appreciation for everything we have transforms us and invites even greater abundance into our lives.  So, get comfortable.  Here we go.” 

Deepak:  “This week, on the journey toward living our destiny, we’ve spent time contemplating the question, what do I want, aligning us with a deeper understanding of what we truly want in this lifetime.  Today I invite you to consider the simple practice of gratitude as a transformational act that opens us to infinite abundance, boundless love and carries us to a place of deep peace.  When we can put the stories of our lives on pause for just a moment and marvel in the miracle of this life we are living, we begin to change our entire experience.  Gratitude is the doorway to abundance.  As we invite the energy of gratitude into our daily lives, we become alchemists, turning dark into light, scarcity into abundance, and fear into love.

When we focus on the things we are grateful for, we are open and accepting of life as it is – perfectly imperfect. Therefore, in gratitude, the ego steps out of the way, enabling us to connect more deeply with Spirit, the true self and the source of all those things that have manifested in our lives.

The highest level of gratitude is an appreciation for existence itself.   We are each blessed with the opportunity to experience life, each one of us uniquely exquisite, beings with magnificent capabilities.  We feel, we interpret, we create, we ride the waves, we love, and we live.  When we silently thank the universe for creating us, just as we are, we realize our own perfection and experience the highest level of gratitude.

Spend a moment taking stock of everything in your life that you are grateful for.  At first, you may think of just a few things but as you continue reflecting, you realize there is so much more – the ability to breathe, the experience of your senses, the steady beat of your heart, the love of those around you.  All of these are simple things in life that come to you effortlessly and yet, in many ways, they are miracles that happen over and over each day.  Take a walk and experience nature – wherever you are.  Touch the leaves on a tree.  Run the earth through your fingers and quietly thank earth for the abundance it provides.  Just the ability to get from one place to another and witness all the beauty along the way is a glorious miracle.

Envision and embrace these feelings of gratitude.  See them as a ripple outward like a pebble dropped into a still pond.  As the ripples expand, see them carrying your gratitude as far as the eye can see.  Even further.  Touching the hearts of all humanity.

As we prepare for meditation, consider today’s centering thought.  Gratitude is my prayer.  Gratitude is my prayer.

Now let’s begin.  Make yourself comfortable, placing your hands gently in your lap with your palms open, closing your eyes.  In this moment, go within to that place of inner quiet where we experience our connection to the higher self.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath.  With each inhalation and exhalation, allow yourself to become more relaxed, more comfortable, more at peace.  Now, gently introduce the mantra, So Hum, repeating it silently and allowing it to flow with effortless ease, So Hum which means I am.  So Hum.  Now repeat it on your own, just mentally.  Whenever you feel yourself distracted by thoughts in your mind, sensations in your body or noises in the environment, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  So Hum.  Please continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes. 

Now release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

Throughout the day, remember all the things you are grateful for and contemplate the centering thought.  Gratitude is my prayer.  Gratitude is my prayer.  Gratitude is my prayer.




Journal Questions:

1.  “How does being thankful for everything in your life pave the way for greater abundance?  What happens in your world when you shift into a place of gratitude?”

2.  “Take time to write down all of the things you are grateful for that your physical body provides.”

3.  “Who are you grateful for today? Write a thank you letter to one or all of them detailing all of your appreciation and gratitude. Consider sharing your words in an e-mail, text, letter or spontaneous call.”


 4.  “Reflect further on your experience today.”

世界的デザイナーの感覚 と チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 13

2013年11月27日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション

マウイ島 ラハイナの夕日


NHKプロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀という番組がありますが









チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 13日目です




Day 13 Faithful Me              


“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” E.E. Cummings


「成長して本当の自分になるには勇気が必要だ」 E.E. カミングス






Mindful Moment:過去の経験を解き放つ思考、感情、感覚を感じてみましょう。

Centering Thought:  「私は信じます。信頼します。解き放ちます」

When we hold tightly to a goal, we often find it to be elusive. We may say to ourselves, “I want this so badly. I can see my goal. Why can’t I reach it?” The answer lies within the fine art and practice of detachment.


As we detach from the outcome of whatever we desire, we let go and gently surrender to the wisdom of uncertainty, which holds our freedom from the past, the known, and the limitations of any preconceived notions. In our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we give ourselves over to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe, trusting that what we desire will come to us.”


Mindful Moment “Take time today to explore the thoughts, feelings, and sensations connected to your experience of letting go. As you travel through the day, practice the fine art of detachment and let life flow. Invite yourself to shift your approach perhaps taking a different route as you make your way to work or school or by staying calm when you might otherwise not. Tune into what it feels like to let go; practice over and over today and see how your body, mind, and spirit begin to shift.”

Centering Thought:  “I believe.  I trust.  I let go.”


Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Bhavam Namah – I am absolute existence.  I am a field of all possibility”


Oprah:  “Welcome to day 13, Faithful Me.  What a wonderful feeling – when we allow ourselves to simply be who we are.  Today, we honor the freedom to be.  When we accept who we are, just as we are, with trust in the power of source energy, we take an essential step along the journey to aligning with our true purpose and destiny.  So here’s another thing I know for sure…uncertainty is certain. Embracing and flowing with that uncertainty is an essential part of the path to freedom, to peace, to love and abundance in our lives.  And it takes courage to surrender, to trust in divine timing, to be in your own flow.  It takes faith and belief to open up and access that which is our deepest truth.  But, when we allow the force of the universe to step in, we access a level of love, strength and abundance that comes from the very capital S source of our being.  The power of that, well…. there really are no words.  So, let’s listen as Deepak guides us to surrender.  Let go to life as it is at any moment, and have faith that no matter what, you will be all right.  Then we’ll meditate.” 


Deepak:  ”When we embark on the journey to follow our joy and fulfill our destiny, our constant traveling companion, our ego mind, naturally wants to know all of the details ahead of time.   Where exactly are we going and how long will it take?  Will we be safe and comfortable and enjoy ourselves?  Will we succeed in creating our desired outcome?


The ego mind creates certainty and control.  Yet life is inherently uncertain and can’t be controlled.  The good news is that while uncertainty can be unsettling, it is also the source of our greatest joy.  As the spiritual law of detachment states, in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it.  This doesn’t mean that you have to renounce your desire and live the life of a monk.  Instead, you set your intention, take whatever action is inspired and relinquish your attachment to the result.


In detaching, you affirm your unquestioning belief in the power of your true self which is a divine expression of the universe.  Your true self is the source of all wealth, abundance and everything else in the physical world.  It is the consciousness that knows how to fulfill every need.  When you hold on to your desire with limited awareness of who you really are, you prevent the infinite organizing powers of the universe from bringing it into fruition.  It is like wanting to use the wind to fly your kite but being unwilling to let go of the string.


Remember that if you have been holding on to attachments for a life time, letting go isn’t going to happen in one fell swoop.  Be gentle with yourself and take one step at a time.  By opening yourself to uncertainty, even if just a little bit at a time, you will gradually release any self-imposed limitations and allow your life and journey to unfold in ways more wondrous and fulfilling than you could ever have imagined.  You will come to realize that there is nothing that you can lose that will diminish your wholeness and nothing you can gain that will add to who you are.  You are already whole and so is everyone else.  Hold the intention for everything to work out for the highest good of everyone involved and then let go and allow opportunities to come your way.


As we prepare to meditate, let’s consider our centering thought, I believe, I trust, I let go.  I believe, I trust, I let go. Let’s begin

Please sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, go within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now, gently introduce the mantra, Om Bhavam Namah.  I am absolute existent.  I am a field of all possibilities.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself,  Om Bhavam Namah.  Om Bhavam Namah.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts or noises around you, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Om Bhavam Namah.  Continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.  Then release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.


As you walk through the day, contemplate our centering thought.  I believe.  I trust.  I let go.  I believe.  I trust.  I let go.   I believe.  I trust.  I let go.






Journal Questions:

1. “When we accept who we are, just as we are, with trust in the power of source energy, we take an essential step along the journey to aligning with our true purpose and destiny. Write a letter that shares “what you wish you knew” when you were younger – about the importance, liberation, and power of “just being you” in life. Write this letter of wisdom and encouragement to the important young people in your life, and as a reminder to your inner child. Consider sharing this letter with someone special.”

2. “Describe the evidence you have in your life experience that helps you to trust that things will be ok – to trust the timing in the universe. Maybe you have a story that speaks deeply to your heart and opens your trust; perhaps you see a sign in nature or hear a song over and over at just the right time. Where can you let go and let life flow in your life today?”

3. “What are you grateful for today?”

4. “Reflect further on today’s experience.”





チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 11&12

2013年11月26日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション




チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 11&12日目です。


Day 11 Intentional Me



Mindful Moment:瞑想を始める前に、今日の意図を設定しましょう。

Centering Thought: 「私は私の真実を創造します」

“Respond to every call that excites your spirit.” Rumi

“Over the past several days, we have defined what we want in life, responded to our heart’s deepest dreams and desires, and opened to the many opportunities that arise in the present moment. Today, we will learn more about developing clear intentions for our lives.

We believe that attention energizes and intention transforms. We are the masters of our own lives, our realities, and the universe offers us what we ask of it. Therefore, as we place our attention on what it is that we want, we set our intentions to orchestrate everything in our lives to help us achieve our goals. As we become receptive in this way, the universe conspires to support our every step.”

Mindful Moment “Before you enter your meditation, take a moment to set one intention for today. Perhaps you would like to share kindness during your travels, or maybe you would like to integrate peace or joy into your day. Take a moment to clearly identify this positive intention. As you close your eyes for meditation, let everything go. In this way, you plant your intentions in the womb of creation and allow the universe to orchestrate the details.”

Centering Thought:  “I create my reality”

Sanskrit Mantra:” Aham Brahmasmi – I am the universe.  I am absolute existence.”

Oprah:  “Welcome to day 11, Intentional Me.  Finding our true purpose, or as Deepak calls it, our dharma, it begins with setting an intention for our life journey.  As Deepak often says, attention energizes, intention transforms.  The idea of intention changed my life when I read Gary Zukav’s book in 1989, Seat of the Soul.  In it, he says, every action, thought and feeling is motivated by an intention and that intention is a cause that exists as one with an effect.  Your intention is creating your reality.  I just love that.  When we stay present with strength and trust in ourselves and make each choice with intention, we stay aligned with our true power.  When we set our intention to connect with infinite possibility, we open the door to our supreme destiny.  When we plant the seed of intention, we only need to trust and know that when clear and connected to our true purpose, you can surrender all of your fear, all of your anxiety, and settle into the expansive abundance and grace of the universe.  Each experience then contains within it, a sense of awe, of wonder and potential, and knowledge that there is a reason and a divine design to your life.  Simply said, if you can dream it with intention you can do it.  Here we go.  Enjoy a transformational experience with Deepak today.  Then we’ll meditate.

Deepak:  “At times, our busy lives may seem to get in the way of our dreams.  We may begin to wonder if they will ever come true.  The fact is that our abundant universe holds absolutely nothing back.  It is only when we disconnect or deny our true power, pretending we are anything less than magnificent creators that we find the doorway to the abundance to life remains closed.  We can, however, set our intentions to open to our infinite potential and receive as much good, love, peace and joy as we believe we deserve – no more, no less. Our path this week is to identify our deepest desires and learn how to reframe our view as we open to the process of realizing these dreams.  Today we will explore how deliberately increasing our attention on what we want accelerates the manifestation process.  The key to creating the life you want – and deserve – is to be fully aware and fully present in your daily life.  Know that every thought, every feeling, every belief and every action is creating your reality.  Stay awake and aware of your moment-to-moment choices and choose with intention.  Then take the time to dream, seeing and feeling yourself joyfully experience this new reality you have intended.

As we prepare for meditation, let’s consider our centering thought.  I create my reality.  I create my reality.  Let’s begin.

Find a comfortable position.  Take a deep breath in.  Hold it for just a moment and then let it go.  As you resume your natural breathing, settle into a place of peace, fully here in the present moment.  In your mind’s eye, see yourself lying under an ancient oak tree supported by the strength of the earth and cushioned by a soft patch of cool grass surrounded by colorful wild flowers.  It is a glorious day.  Your eyes are attracted to the sky as you drink in the billowing white clouds passing by beneath the sky’s blue canvas.  It spans as far as the eye can see.  You feel supported and safe as the sun sparkles in between the green oak leaves, showering you with a sense of the magical possibility before you.

Watching the clouds changing shape as they gently pass by, begin to consider the things you have identified that you truly want to experience in this life time.  Now, gently close your eyes and take a moment to notice which of those dreams you have the deepest longing for.  Hold that dream at the center of your attention, allowing all other thoughts to melt away.  Take time to picture this dream coming into clear vision.  See the details, noticing who is with you, what is around you, and what you feel like.  Imagine it in full color and dimension.  See yourself right in the middle of this vision, fulfilled.  As you open your eyes, see this vision carried by one of the beautiful clouds.  Watch as the cloud in this beautiful parade of dreams drifts away to the field of all possibilities, knowing that your vision will, in divine timing, become your reality.  With this blissful vision, a new understanding, gently introduce the manta, Aham Brahmasmi.  I am the universe.  I am absolute existence.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself.  Aham Brahmasmi. Aham Brahmasmi.  Aham Brahmasmi.  Continue to meditate for about 10 minutes.  Then release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply. When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, let your awareness travel to the blossoming dream within your heart.  Let the truth of our centering thought be with you today and all days.  I create my reality.  I create my reality.  I create my reality.



Journal Questions:

1. “Describe the vision that you sent off to the universe on the billowing cloud during today’s meditation. Take time to write in detail. When our intentions are clear we open the door for the universe to respond”

2. “Take a moment to consider the feelings and self-talk that comes up when you think bold and dream big. Write down as many of these limiting thoughts and sensations as you can. Let them flow freely until you feel complete. Awareness and intention are powerful. Your dream is far more important than any limiting thought, feeling, or belief–your dream is your destiny. Take time now to write your limiting thoughts and beliefs a letter excusing them from duty. As you do this, replace each limiting belief with an empowered statement that allows the negative to release, opening you to pure potential.”

3. “What are you grateful for today?”

4. “Reflect further on today’s experience.”


Day 12 Inspired Me


“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” Theodore Roosevelt



 Mindful Moment:今日はハートの奥深くの脈動を感じることに時間を使ってみましょう。

Centering Thought: 「私は触発されている」「何事も私を止められない」

“When we follow our hearts, we make life choices that seemingly open doors for us without force, we are then aligned with our inner knowing. The path is revealed with ease. Other times, we may “over-think” our decisions, choosing the guidance of the mind over the messages of the heart. We may find that in these moments, our paths become filled with obstacles that hinder us at nearly every turn.

In today’s meditation, we will connect deeply with our hearts, our most trustworthy inner guidance system. As we relax into our heart-center, we access the wisdom of the whole universe and the blueprint for true happiness. The invitation is to silence the chatter, to gently release thoughts, judgments, distractions, and pressures in order to truly hear our hearts’ desires and messages. Only then can we source our inner inspiration and realize not only our dreams, but our destinies.”

Mindful Moment “Gift yourself by dedicating time today to check your “heart center pulse.” Pause several times over the course of the day, place your hand on your heart and breathe. Close your eyes and spend time noticing your natural breath. Feel the easy flow of breath coming in and going out. Stop to feel your heart, allowing your senses to feel the rhythm of your physical heart and the pulse of your intuitive feeling heart. Just feel, connecting with your center, just be.”

Centering Thought:  “I am inspired.  I am unstoppable.”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Varunam Namah – My actions are in alignment with cosmic law.”

Oprah:  “Welcome to day 12, Inspired Me.  Now that we’ve opened up to our purpose, passions and intentions – very important word – it’s time to act and begin to understand how our actions impact realization of our dreams. When we force an action in hopes of creating an outcome we desire, we can actually block ourselves from magnificent possibilities.  If an action is born and inspired from the truth of you – from within – it’s coming from an essential and divine place, supported by the energy that helps us effortlessly move toward our destiny.  When we make choices based on out intuition and intention, the source of all knowledge of who we are and what we want from life, we steer from our hearts and we become the co-creators of our destiny.  So breathe, go as deep as you can, and let’s listen to Deepak’s inspired words today.   Today’s meditation will really open you up.” 


Deepak:  “Think for a moment about something you really wanted to happen, one of those times you were so connected to the outcome and passionate about the goal.  Yet every step you took forward, you experienced an obstacle.  You pressed on because your desire was so strong but you just could not shake the struggle.  While you arrived at your desired destination, you suffered some bumps and bruises along the way.  Take a moment to remember how that journey felt.

Now, recall a situation in which you had a goal in mind and very action you took toward it was effortless, comfortable, and easy.  Your inspiration was flowing and the doors just opened, one after the other, the next thing clear – nothing in the way, you just saw it.  You were inspired.  And then took smooth and easy steps toward success.  Your desired outcome was more delicious than you could have imagined.  Now reflect on that experience and what it felt like.

What was the difference?  When we force an action or an outcome, it’s much like when we’re stuck in traffic and we keep moving from lane to lane hoping that we’ll somehow get ahead of it.  However, when we take action that is inspired, we flow through our lives like cars on an open freeway, effortlessly moving toward our desire.

Our bodies give us cues through emotion, when we are forcing something and when we are in alignment with the universe.  It is important that we come to understand what those cues are – really feeling them inside.  Those are our road maps which guide us as we navigate through life.  If it feels right – it is.  If it feels uncomfortable or discordant in any way – it is.  Sometimes we override those emotional cues or feelings in our body that tell us we’re taking a more difficult route by forcing an outcome that we desire.  When that happens, it’s easy to open ourselves to greater problems or block ourselves from being present for something even grander in our lives to unfold.  We often do this because we are comfortable with what our ego minds foresee as right for us while the answer resides within our hearts.   Flowing with life from our heart involves trusting the unknown which can be uncomfortable.  When faced with uncertain choices, check in with your heart.  Is it singing with excitement and joy?  If it is, take action.  On the other hand, if there is confusion, worry or fear, be easy on yourself and wait for the inspiration to come.  Trust in your heart’s wisdom which is that of the universe as your loving and reliable escort to all things wanted.

As we prepare for meditation, consider today’s centering thought, I am inspired, I am unstoppable.  I am inspired, I am unstoppable.  Let’s begin

Please sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, let your awareness move within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now, gently introduce the mantra.  Om Varunam Namah which means my actions are in alignment with cosmic law.  Om Varunam Namah.  Om Varunam Namah.  Whenever thoughts enter your mind, you get distracted by something in your environment, or you have sensations in your body, gently go back to silently repeating the mantra.  Om Varunam Namah.  Please continue meditating for about 10 minutes.  Then release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

During your day, think about a specific desire you have in mind and invite divine inspiration to inform your actions as you contemplate our centering thought… I am inspired, I am unstoppable.  I am inspired, I am unstoppable.  I am inspired, I am unstoppable.




Journal Questions:

1. “When we force an action in hopes of creating an outcome we desire, we can actually block ourselves from magnificent possibilities. Reflect on a time where you forced action. What cues did your body, mind, and spirit give you along the way? As you begin to get in tune with and listen to your inner cues, you begin to transform your life.”

2. “Describe your most memorable experience of receiving, listening and responding to your inner knowing. What cues or intuitive responses do you receive that let you know you are in the flow of right action?”

3. “What are you grateful for today?”


4. “Reflect further on today’s experience.”

それは愛から?恐怖から? と、チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 10

2013年11月25日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション


「地球で起きることは変えられないがどうやって起きるのかは変えることができます」 と、書いてありました。







 Desire and Destiny 10日目です。











Day 10 Passionate Me

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” Confucius

“It is not uncommon to set a goal and then push forward with our eyes so fixed on the destination that we become unaware of the terrain on which we travel. Today we will practice navigating the path toward our destination with fluidity and balance, remaining attentive to our goal with present moment awareness. As we do so, we take a powerful step toward realizing our dreams and living our destinies.

In our passionate pursuit of our life’s purpose, our destination, we have the choice to stay present in the now, which increases our awareness of the many supportive cues and opportunities that arise along the path. Staying connected to the present enables us to enjoy every moment of the journey—the people we meet and the experiences we can enjoy with them—enriching us as we live out our deepest, most heartfelt desires.”

Mindful Moment“Sometime today, when you catch yourself projecting into the future, take the time to practice 10 rounds of conscious breathing. Close your eyes and begin to witness the breath as it flows in and out of the nostrils. If it is helpful, count as you practice this, inhaling for a count of five, holding the breath, and exhaling for five. After you repeat this exercise 10 times, notice if you feel more grounded in the present, better able to seize opportunities as they present themselves in the here and now.”

Centering Thought:  “Now is my time.”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Vardhanam Namah – I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me”

Oprah:  “Welcome to Day 10, Passionate Me.  What is passion?  The word gets thrown round a lot.  Well, it isn’t always a fire that blazes hot.  Rather it is the power and joy that gets sparked by being present in every moment.  It’s betting up each day, excited about what lies ahead.  It’s about having faith in the unknown, eager to embrace anything that comes our way.  It is loving the journey – the one you’re on right now.  We all set goals and have dreams but true abundance, riches beyond the goals we set for ourselves, exist more profoundly in knowing that this moment – this one, the one you’re in right now – is really perfection.  You are right where you’re supposed to be.  Choosing to embrace the fullness of this moment, finding love and opportunity in where you are, right now, is choosing the most powerful way to live.  It puts each of us squarely in charge of our own journey – and, of course, our destiny.  As William Ernest Henley said in his poem, “Invictus”, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul”.  Enjoy this moment as Deepak ignites the fire within and prepares us for living life with passion.  Then we’ll meditate.”

Deepak:  “Each morning that we’re given the chance to admire yet another rising sun, is an extraordinary gift.   From the moment we open our eyes, exquisite blessings surround us, waiting to be witnessed.  All we have to do is gaze upon them.  As the years of life pass, it is quite common to keep our eyes on the horizon.  In our quest to survive and succeed, we look ahead to what is often just out of reach – our next goal, a new career or pay raise we are waiting for, relationships we are dreaming of, maybe even the weekend fun we have planned.  Focused on the destination. A great Indian poet, wrote “If life’s journey be endless, where is its goal?”  The answer is, it is everywhere.  We are in a palace which has no end but which we have reached.   By exploring it and extending our relationship with it, we are ever making it more and more our own.  Very telling words – which we are in a palace with no end, but yet, we have reached that palace.  It is ours to explore and experience. Regardless of where we are in this journey of life, or where we aspire to be, we are at exactly the place we are supposed to be.  Each choice you have made throughout your life has brought you to where you are today.  This very moment, where absolute perfection lives. 

Today, we set the life-changing intention of finding peace in the moment and loving the journey, the miraculous journey.  This journey can be similar to dancing with a partner.  We take a few steps forward and then back, your eyes taking in all that is around you and then gently closing as you drink in the music and trust the movement of your partner. The most important and magical part of the dance is embracing its rhythm.  As you embrace life, knowing that there is really nowhere and yet everywhere to go with your partner’s arm around you.  There is nothing with which to be concerned, your mind absorbed in the wonder of the dance.

This life is a great adventure and your partner in this wondrous journey is Spirit.  All the steps, twists and turns may surprise you but when embraced, they keep you excited and interested.  Enjoy the journey, move easily through your days declaring, I can hardly wait for the next turn.  Something wonderful is awaiting me around the bend.  In the words of the American-born author and spiritual teacher, Ram Dass, ‘Be here now.  Love the journey. Love the moment with peace and love.  Just be here now.’

As we prepare for today’s meditation, let’s consider our centering thought, now is my time.  Now is my time. Please sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, move your attention within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now, gently introduce the mantra, Om Vardhanam Namah.  I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.  Now repeat the mantra silently to yourself.   Om Vardhanam Namah.  Om Vardhanam Namah.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts or noises around you, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.  Now release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

As you travel through your day, contemplate the centering thought, now is my time.  Now is my time.  Now is my time.


Journal Questions:

1.  “Describe the things that are abundant and perfect in your life right now, in this present moment. What is the rising sun, the extraordinary gift you see before you today?”

2.  “When you find yourself getting caught up in the twists and turns of life, what are three activities or actions you can take that will bring you back to center?”

3.  “What are you grateful for today?”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”

チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 9

2013年11月23日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション

チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 9日目です。










Day 9 Focused Me

“We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in the dark to our success.”

Henry David Thoreau

“It’s difficult to arrive at a destination if we don’t know where we are headed. This is equally true for our life’s journeys. In order to realize our deepest desires, we need to identify exactly what we want and stay focused on that intention with single-pointed awareness. At the same time, this practice requires us to let go of attachment to any single outcome, opening us up to abundant possibility.

Today’s meditation centers on bringing our heartfelt desires into crystalized focus and putting our attention on what we envision. In this way, we align ourselves with the universe to reach our intended destination, clear on what we hope to achieve and open to all opportunities that help us realize our dreams.”

Mindful Moment “Before we meditate together, take a minute to notice if you have any attachments, expectations, or fears about your life’s purpose. Just notice and allow yourself to be curious about whatever is present for you in this moment. Inhale deeply from your belly, allowing your breath to carry through your entire being. When you exhale, release anything that isn’t serving you in this moment. Invite your inner knowing to be with you as you meditate today.”

Centering Thought:  “I am focued upon what I want”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Varunam Namah – My life is in harmony with cosmic law”

Oprah:  “Welcome to Day 9, Focused Me.  In the last few days, we’ve begun to explore, what do I want.  What do I really want?  Well, the way to truly manifest those deep desires begins with listening, even more clearly, to that loving and loyal voice that all of us carry within us.  Some people call it instinct, other say its intuition.  I like to call it my emotional GPS.  Everyone has it.  It is the unspoken intelligence of our heart and soul.  It is the inner wisdom that goes beyond our senses to the very essence of source – with a capital S – and possibility.  That wisdom always knows where to guide us.  If only we’re willing to pay attention.  When we align our calm, determined, open-hearted focus with that source – the source of all things, source energy, we begin to make decisions from a place of stillness and divine design.  The cues are always there – within you – and the miracles await you.  So, open up, get still and listen as Deepak helps us connect with, and trust the intuition, emotional GPS, that enlivens our dreams.  Then we’ll meditate.”

Deepak:  “On the path to manifesting our deepest desires and destiny, we have taken the important first step of getting in touch with our heart’s desires, forming a clear vision of what we truly want to create in our lives and share with the world.  In today’s meditation, we continue to expand our awareness of our infinite potential as we cultivate the focus and intuition that will help bring our dreams to fruition.   Let’s start with the quality of focus.

One of the keys to setting powerful intentions is to focus on what we want rather than on what we don’t want.  We want to generate a field of awareness that feels whole, content and complete.  If you want a new job that allows you to express your creativity while receiving abundant compensation, set that as your goal rather than focusing on what you don’t want.  Whatever we put our attention to will expand in our experience.  So it’s important to focus on what we want to flourish in our lives.  Once we have set clear intentions, we can take steps to bring our vision to life, connecting to the inner wisdom that is both the source and the fulfillment of our desire.  We want to tune into our intuition, the form of intelligence that goes beyond the rational mind.  Intuition is contextual, relational and holistic.  It is an attribute of our soul and does not have a win/lose orientation.   Our intuition eavesdrops on the mind of the universe, giving us access to an infinite source of possibilities.  When we are tuned into our intuition, we can experience flashes of insight and quantum leaps of creativity that our logical, linear mind cannot make.  We can feel our way through life, trusting our hunches and staying open and flexible instead of rigidly sticking to a plan.


Intuition is not a special gift.  We all have intuitive abilities that we can cultivate and use to manifest our desires and fulfill our destiny.  Often, we are unaware of the messages our intuition sends us because it is clouded by our fear and agitation.  In meditation, we go beyond our noisy mental turmoil into inner quiet and stillness.  In the pure clarity of silence, our intuition awakens and guides us into spontaneously making the most evolutionary choices.

As we prepare for today’s meditation, bring your attention to your heart and consider our centering thought, I am focused upon what I want.  I am focused upon what I want.

Now, let’s begin.  Please find a comfortable position, placing your hands gently in your lap and closing your eyes. In this moment, go within to that place of inner quiet where we experience our connection to the higher self.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath.  With each inhalation and exhalation, allow yourself to become more relaxed, more comfortable, more at peace.  Now gently introduce the mantra, Om Varunam Namah – my life is in harmony with cosmic law.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself, Om Varunam Namah.  Om Varunam Namah.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body or noises in the environment, simply return your attention to mentally repeating the mantra, Om Varunam Namah. 

Now release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, carry the sense of inner quiet and expanded awareness with you, reminding yourself of today’s centering though, I am focused upon what I want.  I am focused upon what I want.  I am focused upon what I want.





Journal Questions: 

1.  “Deepak reminded us today to focus on what we want versus thinking about what we don’t want. Write in detail about one thing you truly want in your life. What is it? Paint the picture in detail. What will your life be like when you have it? How will you feel? Who will be with you and what will you being doing? Have fun with this one, dream big!”

2.  “As you connect daily with your inner knowing, your intuition, you notice that you will find clarity and confidence as you select each step toward your dream. What three things do you intuitively know will bring you closer to living the vision you wrote in question one?”

3.  “What are you grateful for today?”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”

「生まれ変わったら」 と チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 8

2013年11月22日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション











チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 第8日目をアップします。


Day 8 What Do I Want?

“Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture the heart.”

Native American Proverb


“Welcome to the second week of our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Desire and Destiny. Last week, we focused on understanding who we are, connecting with our essential nature and divine essence. Today, as we invite abundance and clarity into our lives we begin to explore what it is we really want in this lifetime, the steps of the roadmap toward our destinies.

We may carry long held ideas that were given to us by others about who we are that influence our perceptions about what we want in life. Today, as we meditate together, give yourself permission to let go as you sink into the meditation. Let your heart and soul speak to you as we travel within to hear our inner song of truth. Breathe deeply and receive. Today is a day filled with transformational opportunity. Today we let our hearts lead the way for all of the answers we seek live within- all we have to do is listen.”

Mindful Moment“Spend some time today closing your eyes, connecting with your heart, and repeating the questions, “What do I want?” “What do I really want?” Be open to whatever answers come to you. After a few minutes, open your eyes and write down what you envision. Look at this list each day before you go into meditation and see how these things manifest in your life.”

Centering Though:  “My heart knows the answer.”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Om Varunam Namah – My life is in harmony with the universe”

Oprah:  “Welcome to day 8, What do I want?  And to week 2 of our 21 day meditation experience.  We spent our first seven days together deepening our trust in the possibilities that arise when we let go of fear and resistance and move toward acceptance, embracing the power of our own choices.  That’s big!  And I’m hoping you’re all feeling a difference.  Do you?  Feel a difference?  With our new knowledge and expanded sense of freedom, we now move from preparing for abundance towards consciously creating a life aligned with creating our greatest desires, passions and true purpose.  Deepak begins by asking the next important soul question.  What do I want?  That’s a powerful question and he’s going to help us focus beyond the desires of our head, and the ego, to access our deepest and most heartfelt desires.  What do I want?  Those are the desires that, when nourished and cultivated, create a life of purpose and fulfillment of your destiny.  It’s week 2 so you know what’s next.  Unwind, breathe, and go within as Deepak helps us listen to our soul’s desire.  And then we’ll meditate.”

Deepak:      “Over our past week together, we embarked on a courageous exploration to examine our perceptions and inner state of being as we identified and released limiting thoughts and beliefs.  Now we stand before an open field of infinite possibility.  It is from this place that we can begin to create a life where our dreams turn into reality.  Our quest this week is to discover and cultivate our true purpose and destiny.  Today, we’ll use our heart, mind and soul to become clear what is truly important so we can pursue these things with intention, focus and awareness.

As we make ourselves comfortable for meditation, let’s contemplate today’s centering thought, my heart knows the answer.  My heart knows the answer.  Now please sit comfortably with your hands lightly in your lap.  Gently close your eyes.  Breathe naturally and effortlessly.  Become aware of your body and release any tension you might be holding on to.  As you release and breathe, allow yourself to become calm and peaceful.  Now, silently ask yourself, “what do I want” what is my deepest most heartfelt desire”.  Give yourself a moment to observe what arises within you.  Many times, when we ask ourselves what we want, our minds and egos may quickly answer and material objects come into view.  I would like a big house on the beach.   Or, I would like to own a motorcycle.  These desires are not only common, they are also perfectly wonderful dreams, dreams that may also contain further insight about our inner truth.

If you ask the question again, this time moving from the mind to the heart, you may connect with a deeper meaning.  If the answer that came up for you the first time was, “I would like a big house on the beach”, perhaps when ask from the heart, you’re guided to the place within that seeks to strengthen your connection with nature, or  longs to find a place of quiet and solitude.  If a motorcycle was on your list, you may now be connected to the place in your heart that is craving a sense of freedom.   So let’s ask the question again, moving just a little closer toward discovering what we really want.

Place your hand over your heart.  Bring your awareness to the rhythmic flow of your breath.  In and out.  In and out.  Visualize your heart joining in with the natural steady rhythm.  Feel your heart and breath become one.  With each inhalation and exhalation, feel your entire being let go as you gently move deeper into your heart, allowing yourself to rest in what feels like a soft, comforting cloud.  Quietly ask again, “What do I want?”  ”What is my deepest, most heartfelt desire?”  Listen carefully to hear the answer that lives within the song of your soul.

This song has a vibration that travels through your entire being.  Drink in the resonance of your soul’s response, silently repeating the manta, Om Varunam Namah which means my life is in harmony with the universe.  Om Varunam Namah.  Om Varunam Namah.  Continue to silently repeat the mantra for about 10 minutes.   Then release the mantra and bring your attention back into your body.  Take a moment to rest and breathe.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

Throughout your day, note the desires that come to mind and pay attention to the feelings and deeper meanings that accompany them.  Keep the soul question, “what do I want” as you travel through the week with us.  There is no right or wrong answer.  Awareness of what you really want is what will truly motivate you to seek and fulfill your unique life’s purpose.  Together, let’s repeat today’s centering thought, “My heart knows the answer”.  ”My heart knows the answer.  My heart knows the answer.”



Journal Questions:

1.  “What your answer is to today’s soul question, “What do I want?” Take time to reflect on what you really want, in your heart and in your soul. Write with abandon! As you begin to declare your heart’s truth, the universe begins to respond.”

2.  “As you reflect on your heart’s deepest desires know that it is inspiration paired with action that activates the path to making your dreams come to life. What are five gentle or even bold actions you can take this week to begin to invite these things into your life now? Consider this carefully and set yourself up for success. There may be several steps or even a process involved so be realistic as you start the journey. Take your first steps this week!”

3. “What are you grateful for today?”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”


ジョン・レノンのイマジン と、チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 7

2013年11月21日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション

「We are the world」のビデオで







Imagine - John Lennon (Original video with lyrics in English included)

"Imagine" 下記和訳あり

there's no heaven

It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one


想像してみて 天国は存在しないと
想像してみて 全ての人が

想像してみて 国が存在しない世界を
想像してみて 全ての人が


想像してみて 個人の持ち物がない世界を
想像してみて 全ての人が






Day 7 Fearless Me

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop

 to look fear in the face.” Eleanor Roosevelt

“Congratulations on completing our first week together! During this past week, we have taken an important journey into better understanding who it is we really are and we have grown in our knowledge of our authentic nature. We have learned to honor our passions and long-held dreams and free ourselves from the limiting thoughts and beliefs that hold us back from living the life of our dreams.

Today, we will take a journey together that will help us as we gently release our fears and embrace a journey on the road less traveled. As we experience this special guided meditation, we encourage you to connect with your True Self and the deep understanding of your abiding relationship with the infinite.”

Mindful Moment“As you prepare for today’s meditation, take a moment to become conscious of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply. Begin to imagine the breath as a tool for cleansing and letting go of all that is not serving you in the moment- a tool which allows you to gently observe the state of your body, mind, and spirit. Conscious breathing is a simple technique to transform and release feelings of fear, anxiety, and tension as you come into the present moment. As Thich Nhat Hanh notes in Peace is Every Step,’ Centering Thought:  ”I am free”

Sanskrit Mantra:  ”So  Hum.  I am.”

Oprah:  ”Welcome to Day 7, Fearless Me.  Here we are already at the end of our first full week together.   We’ve spent this time opening up to the riches that await when we choose acceptance, when we connect with the power of inherent worth, when we let go of struggle and resistance, and trust in Spirit to guide us toward the next right step.  Um – what a gift.  Today, Deepak will take us on a very special journey, clearing our path of fears, helping us move past limiting beliefs and moving toward our authentic beauty and power.  That is the place where our destiny rises.  What you most afraid of?  What is holding you back in life?  We’ll identify the places where fear lives within the body.  In your mind.  And begin to release that which no longer serves us.  Breathing into the wonder and magnificence that is our true reality.  So…find a comfortable place and prepare for a transformational experience as we open more deeply into the now and allow a beautiful path of healing and release to take us toward abundant and fearless possibility.” 

Deepak: “Some of the most spectacular sites to take in are not found on the road most traveled.  In fact, they may require preparation – the clearing of a path both figuratively and literally.  And for some of the most coveted pristine views, those thought of as heaven here on earth, the trusted support of a wise guide to lead the way.  What motivates some to take such a challenge?  Does the witnessing of nature offer the great reward of special insight?  Or is it the process of having an idea that is so intriguing there is a willingness to do whatever it takes to make it happen?  Maybe it is the experience of an epic quest.  A story to tell complete with view and victory.  A memory so vivid it lasts a lifetime.  From vision to victorious completion, this is a trek that quite possibly reveals the very essence of strength and potential that lies within.

I invite you to consider taking such a journey with me today.  Is not the destiny you seek to find during our time together, actually your unique and inherent heaven on earth?  Now is the time to open to the treasure that lies within your soul – your Dharma.  Let’s travel there together as we take a spiritual quest during our meditation time.  Before we begin let’s consider our centering thought… I am free.  I am free.

Close your eyes and notice the natural inhalation and exhalation of your breath, feeling the peaceful support of this natural rhythm.  As you breathe in, you become present.  As you release the breath, you gently let go of any tension.  Now let’s begin

With your mind’s eye, envision yourself at the base of a majestic mountain.  As you look up, you see a magnificent peak resting peacefully just above the light and lofty clouds.  A bit of snow sits upon it and you spy waterfalls making their way down the mountainside as the snow melts, pouring into a crystal clear stream.  The sky around the peak is a glorious display of colors.  A full spectrum of inviting purple, pink, gold and deep orange hues.  The sun is rising, delivering a grand procession of warmth and light announcing this new day.  Rising into the sky, the colors intensify, an exquisite symphony for the eyes.  This is heaven on earth.  You feel yourself called to the peak as your inner guide gently encourages you to take the first step.  You can see the delicious experience awaiting you at the top of the mountain and you feel an eagerness to get there, scanning the landscape for a clear path to take.  As you survey your surroundings, you see overgrown vegetation, weeds and wild grass that have overtaken the trail.  Just beneath the weeds, you see what looks to have been, at one time, a traveled path, now abandoned.  You gently pull the weeds and overgrown grass and as you do, you see a paved path beneath, leading toward the top of the mountain.  You eagerly pull at the weeds to reveal the next step – and the next – one after another.  With every pulling of a weed, you become aware of a gentle voice coming from your inner being, identifying the limiting, untidy and wild thoughts that have blocked your pathway to true freedom, the voice encouraging you to release them with each clearing of the path.  As you continue to pull the vegetation from the ground, you identify a belief that no longer serves you and gently toss the weed to the side.  Knowing it will regenerate itself into the fertile ground, one day resurfacing as a glorious flower.

Ahead, you notice a group of rather tall weeds whose presence might lead you to walk around them.  You are guided to make your way through.  You notice the largest one and begin to place your hands around it and from deep within, you hear Spirit ask – what is your greatest fear?  You stop and listen.  What is your greatest fear?  You feel the answer – you know it well, and you know it is time to gently let it go.  As you release this fear from within, the deeply earthed root gently loosens and is freed.  Now, free to move forward you continue to pull the remaining weeds, one by one.  The path clear, you make your way to the top of the mountain.

At the peak, you have an immaculate, elevated view of the world.  From this view, you see unspoiled beauty, hope and possibility.  You once again notice the snow, now beneath you, melting into cascading waterfalls and you consider the nourishment it will provide to humankind, plants and animals.  You recognize that from this clear, uplifted place, all living things downstream are of benefit.  You feel blessed in having discovered this place, and having discovered your true power.  You feel confident, assured, and clear – knowing that all things are possible.  You know you are free.  Free to be, do, or have anything you want.  At this moment, your inner being, Spirit, begins to whisper.  You are free.  You are free.  You are free.

With this divine understanding, gently introduce the mantra.  It is the sound, So Hum, I am.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself.  So Hum. So Hum.  So Hum.  Just silently.  So Hum.  Continue to meditate for about 10 minutes.  Now release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.


As you continue with your day, know that as you let go, you open to abundance, to your infinite potential.  You open to your destiny.  Let the song of our centering thought be in your heart today – and all days.  I am free.  I am free.  I am free.




Journal Questions:


1.”What is your greatest fear? Describe what it feels like. What is the inner dialogue you experience around that fear? What is the message you can give yourself to begin to gently release that fear?”


2.”We connected with the song of spirit today, guiding us to remember that we are free. What in your life makes you feel free?”


3.”What are you grateful for today?”


4.”Reflect further on today’s experience.”

チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny Day 6

2013年11月19日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション


チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Desire and Destiny 6日目のチョプラ博士の部分の翻訳をアップします。






今日のcentering thoughtは、「ギフトはあらゆる瞬間に存在する」です。

今日のマントラは、私は宇宙を育み、宇宙は私を育むという意味のOm Vardhanam Namah です。



Day 6 Resilient Me

"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." Abraham Lincoln

 "Within each perceived failure or difficult life passage lives the seed of opportunity, but so often in life when we experience a setback, we have difficulty seeing the true blessing enveloped in this disguise. Through the sustained practice of meditation, we begin to clear away ego thoughts connected with success and failure and begin to understand that the universe must have much grander plans in store for us that we can only begin to fathom.

Each step along the path of life, regardless of the destination, is an exciting part of the adventure. The moments themselves are the gift, the journey itself, the rich reward."

Mindful Moment"Use today to experiment with perception by tapping into the power of your thoughts, intentions, and the resilient strength that is always with you. As you travel through the day, any time you feel a sense of struggle, or you hear your inner dialogue sending you messages that cause you to feel you have failed or that you are less than, take a moment to pause. Stop what you are doing and allow yourself to take a deep breath. Then re-write the story of your inner response. Take time to identify the opportunities before you as a result of this perceived adversity.  Give yourself permission to be in gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow. "


Centering Thought:  "A gift resides in every moment."


Sanskrit Mantra:  "Om Vardhanam Namah.  I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me"


Oprah:  "Welcome to Day 6, Resilient Me.  This is how I live my life, and know this for sure... every day brings us a chance to start over.  We all have those stand down moments that require us sometimes to stop and center ourselves and clear the way for truth and transformation.  Sometimes those are painful moments.  Though it's hard to imagine, when you lose what you thought was a perfect relationship, the job that defined you for 20 years is gone, the people you counted on turn their backs on you, you may actually be taking a step forward on the path to your truest desires and ultimately to your destiny.  Perceived failure is just life trying to move us in another direction - this I KNOW for sure.  Even devastation is there to bring us closer to being more of who we are.  In the midst of my own greatest turmoil, when I've reminded myself to get still, to let go and listen for the treasure in the experience, I'm always guided to my deepest truth, and to the next right step.   That is grace, My Friends, and abundance.  When we get quiet, become more observant, more contemplative and less reactive, we can then find the gifts that are buried in every problem awaiting us.  When we trust in the generosity of the ever-present, releasing our fears, releasing our resistance, we can connect with the truth that every challenge really opens a new door, bringing us closer to our destiny.  So, let's settle in as Deepak reveals how to embrace resilience so we can find gratitude, calm and the new dreams the universe is generously waiting to unveil. "  


Deepak:  "When everything is flowing according to our idea of how things should be, it's easy to feel that we're living in harmony with the rhythms of the universe.  But when there is a clear gap between what we want and how our life is unfolding, we're more likely to feel stress and doubt.  We may judge a situation as wrong or unfair.  Or judge ourselves for what we perceive as our shortcomings or failures.  When our mind is full of resistance and painful thoughts, it's difficult to access our innate state of wisdom, clarity and creativity.  We get caught up in our thoughts and begin to think that we are our thoughts.  In the inner quiet of meditation, our mind settles and we're able to witness our thoughts and limiting stories as a detached observer.  As our awareness expands we begin to see the hidden gifts and possibilities in whatever challenge we are facing.  With a shift of perception, we realize that what appeared to be a devastating setback has actually cleared the way for our rebirth and transformation.  


The life cycle of the sequoia tree offers a beautiful example of nature's cycle of clearing and renewal.  The giant sequoias are some of the world’s most ancient trees.  The oldest known sequoia is estimated to be about 3,500 years old.  What is the secret of the Sequoia's incredible longevity?  The elemental power of fire.  Periodic forest fires clear away everything that threatens the tree's survival while ensuring their growth and regeneration. Without the fire's heat, the sequoia cones couldn't open and release the seeds.  Without the clearing force of fire, sequoia seedlings would be overcrowded by competing shade trees and not have enough sunlight to grow.

In your own life, you can probably think of examples of events that felt like a dream going up in flames but which ended up being the start of something more wonderful than you could have imagined.  For instance, being laid off from a job may have led you to take action on a long-held dream of opening your own bakery.  Or going back to school to train in a different field.  Today, as we meditate, remember that from the soul's perspective, there is no such thing as success or failure.  There is only the present moment which is filled with infinite possibilities.



As we prepared to meditate, let's set the intention to gently acknowledge and release to spirit all thoughts and feelings about our perceived challenges and adversities that do not serve us.  Let's fill that newly cleared space with love, light and joy.  As we step into this acceptance, and find our resilience, we open to prosperity and our infinite potential.  Now consider our centering thought, A gift resides in every moment.  A gift resides in every moment. Let's begin.



Please sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, go within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now, gently introduce the mantra, Om Vardhanam Namah.  I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself. Om Vardhanam Namah.    Om Vardhanam Namah.  Whenever you feel yourself distracted by thoughts or noises around you, imply return your attention silently to the mantra.  Continue with your meditation for about 20 minutes.  Release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.


Approach today with certainty as you contemplate the centering thought,  A gift resides in every moment.  A gift resides in every moment.  A gift resides in every moment.




Journal Questions:


1.  "Think of a time you felt a dream went up in flames or felt the sting of failure. Take some time to reflect. After considering that experience, write about the things you learned about yourself and life from that challenge. Was there a treasure in disguise, a new opportunity, or new beginning within that experience?"

 2.  "During meditation today, we were encouraged to release thoughts and feelings about our perceived challenges and adversities to fill that newly cleared space with infinite love and light. Take some time to fill your cup with possibility--describe your new vision for this day. Open wide, tap into your resilience, positivity, and pure potential."

3.  "What are you grateful for today?"

4.  "Reflect further on your experience today."