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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション メッセージ その4

2013年08月18日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション








原典 ホ・オポノポノ―癒しの秘法 (bio books)」にも載っていましたが、そういうことですよね。


Day 3

Miraculous Nature

"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself." —Thich Nhat Hanh

Yesterday we began to explore the difference between our true self, which is the source of all our love and happiness, and our learned self or ego, which is the source of our fear and suffering. Although the ego has a difficult reputation, our intention isn’t to judge it or attempt to get rid of it because such efforts only intensify the drama of the ego and the struggle in our lives. Instead, we want to focus on embracing all aspects of our self, letting the healing that comes with self-acceptance work miracles in our lives. Today we will begin to let go of self-judgment as we experience the wholeness and truth of our essential nature. We will open our hearts to ourselves and let ourselves feel the love that has been there all along.

Mindful Moment

Begin today by putting your attention on your heart. Take time to connect with and feel how much your soul wants you to know that you are loved and appreciated. Look into your own eyes and see your timelessness. See everything—the joy, sadness, compassion, playfulness, and wisdom. You contain everything. You are whole. Each time you find yourself in front of a mirror today take a moment to witness yourself. As you look deeply into your own eyes, hold all aspects of yourself in loving awareness, silently repeat these words three times, “I see you, I accept you, I love you.” Carry this practice through your day and witness your heart gently open to yourself and others.

Today’s Centering Thought:  “I am a wondrous miracle of life“

Sanskrit Mantra:  “Sham.  Repeating “Sham” connects us to our wisdom and inner knowing.”

Oprah:  ”Welcome to day 3, Miraculous Nature.  It is a miracle that each of us is here – in this moment, at this time, to go on this miraculous relationship journey.  In fact, think about this for a moment…you are, I am, we are each a miracle; in our own right.  And, as we open up our hearts to ourselves, we set the stage for attracting rich, loving relationships in our lives.  When we start to feel our own miraculousness, we naturally start to see others in a new and wonderful way. be open to a new place.  Did you ever think about how our capacity to love and celebrate other people is directly connected to our ability to accept and love ourselves?  So, relax with me and open up as Deepak shines a light on the grace and the transformation when we all start to accept our own miraculousness with love and appreciation.  Let’s be still and breathe into today’s meditation.”

Deepak:  ”Lao Tzu wrote the following about relationship with the self.  ’Because one believes in oneself, one does not try to convince others.  Because one is content with oneself, one does not need another’s approval.  Because one accepts oneself,  the whole world accepts him or her.’

We expand and experience a sense of freedom in the moments that we open our hearts to ourselves.  Each time we give ourselves permission to accept who we are in this very moment, with love and appreciation, the world around us begins to transform.  Through the stillness of mediation, we begin to clear a path that allows us to connect with our essential truth.  In these quiet moments of clarity, we have the opportunity to choose how we relate to ourselves.

Do we choose to love, accept and celebrate ourselves?  Self-acceptance begins when we expand beyond our thoughts and embrace ourselves, knowing that the glories of creation are in our very cells; that we are made of the same essences as the angels, the stars and God himself.   From this place, we become one with our miraculous nature and celebrate the wonder of living life as our authentic selves.

As we prepare for our meditation, I invite you to begin the practice of gentle acceptance right now.  Close your eyes and drink in these words.  Today I choose to accept myself.  I choose to be aware of what it is like to simply be, without self-judgment.  I choose to live each moment knowing that “I am” is enough to sustain me forever.  I choose to sit quietly and open my heart to myself, expanding until my being fades into the infinite.  Today, I behold myself and know deeply that my capacity to love others and for others to love me is directly connected to my capacity to love myself.  Today, I choose love.

 As we prepare for meditation, let’s consider our centering thought, “I am a wondrous miracle of life”.  ”I am a wondrous miracle of life.”

Sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, go within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now gently introduce the mantra.  It is the sound “sham” which is associated with third eye chakra, the energy center in your forehead right between your eyes.  The sound sham assists with the gentle opening of this energy center which, when open and flowing, connects us with our intuition and inner knowing.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself.  Sham.  Sham.  Sham.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts in your mind, sensations in your body, or noises in the environment, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Sham, sham, sham.  Continue with your meditation for about 6 minutes.  Sham.  Sham.  Sham.  Silently.

[about 6 minutes  meditation]

Release the mantra.  Bring your awareness back into your body, take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.  Approach today gently and contemplate the centering thought, “I am a wondrous miracle of life”.  ”I am a wondrous miracle of life.”  ”I am a wondrous miracle of life.”


Day 4
Miraculous Self

"Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners." —William Shakespeare

Today you’re invited to relax into the infinite space of your heart and let yourself receive. 

Many of us were taught that it is better to give than to receive. We easily give our time, energy, and attention to our family and friends, yet we may find it difficult to receive these same things. In reality, giving and receiving are different aspects of the same flow of energy in the universe. Just as every exhalation depends upon an inhalation, the flow of love in our lives depends upon our ability to receive and to care for ourselves. As we meditate today, hold yourself in loving awareness and let your heart receive. 

Mindful Moment

Today, begin a practice of daily self-care. Begin by making a list of the loving things you can do for yourself this week—then set the intention to complete one of the items on your list every day. Consider posting the list somewhere prominent or maybe schedule a daily reminder on your phone or computer. Here are a few suggestions: write down one quality you love about yourself, remember to pause and take a few deep breaths when you’re feeling stressed, take a walk or enjoy a good meal with a friend rather than grabbing a sandwich at your desk. As you give freely to yourself you’ll experience the loving awareness that is your natural state.

Today’s Centering Thought:  ”As I love and honor myself, my relationships blossom.”

Sanskrit mantra:  Om Vardhanam Namah — I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.

Oprah:  Welcome to day 4, miraculous self.  Once we begin to recognize and embrace the miracle of our truest self, we can then take the next step toward miraculous relationships.  Our willingness to take loving care of ourselves is deeply connected to our ability to receive love from anyone else.  Take care of yourself.  Tend to your mind, your body and your spirit each day.  That will put you on the path to true love with the most important person in your life – you.  Honor yourself and your relationships will blossom beyond your imagination.  Let Deepak’s words today be your special invitation to nourishing yourself a priority.  Let’s begin right now by really opening up to today’s meditation.”

Deepak:  Every relationship is shaped by the dynamic flow of giving and receiving.  We breathe in to receive life-giving oxygen and as we exhale, we nourish the plants and trees with carbon dioxide.  We share our love, creativity and joy and we experience the expansion of those same qualities in our lives.  At the deepest level, giving and receiving are different aspects of the same flow of energy in the universe yet, many of us were brought up with the idea that it is better to give than to receive; that it is important to take care of other people’s needs before our own.  If you have taken that belief to heart, you may find yourself giving until you are physically exhausted, financially depleted or emotionally drained with little left to give.

In reality, truly loving relationships depend upon your ability to nurture yourself, to love yourself, and to practice self-care.  You can only give what you have, and your relationships will always mirror what you feel about yourself.  Are you treating yourself as the precious, lovable soul that you are?  Infinitely worthy?  Infinitely deserving?

In the words of the Buddha, we can search the entire universe and not find a single being more worthy of love than you.  If you haven’t been making your own well-being and self-care a priority in your life, please don’t use this realization to criticize or condemn yourself.  We are always doing the best that we can give our current level of awareness.   As our awareness expands, we open to new possibilities and ways of being.  Right now, in this very moment, you have an opportunity to begin giving yourself more love, appreciation and attention.  It is never too late.  Your true self is pure love and pure spirit.  And as you spend time meditating and awakening to who you really are, you will naturally make choices that nourish your body, mind and spirit.

As we prepare to meditate, let’s reflect on our centering thought.  ”As I love and honor myself, my relationships blossom.”  ”As I love and honor myself, my relationships blossom.”  ”As I love and honor myself, my relationships blossom.”  Let’s begin.

Make yourself comfortable, placing your hands gently in your lap and with your palms open and closing your eyes, go within to that place of inner quiet where we experience our connection to the higher self.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to experience the inflow and outflow of your breath.   With each inhalation and exhalation allow yourself to become more relaxed, more comfortable, more at peace.  Now gently introduce the mantra, repeating it silently to yourself and allowing it to flow with effortless ease.  Om Vardhanam Namah.  Om Vardhanam Namah.  I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.  Om Vardhanam Namah.   Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, sensations in your body or noises in the environment, simply return your attention to mentally repeating the mantra.  Om Vardhanam Namah.  Om Vardhanam Namah.  Continue with the meditation for about 6 minutes.

 [about 6 minutes meditation]

Release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body, take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.  As you continue with your day, carry the sense of inner quiet and expanded awareness with you, reminding yourself of today’s centering thought, “As I love and honor myself, my relationships blossom”.  ”As I love and honor myself, my relationships blossom.”  ”As I love and honor myself, my relationships blossom.”


Day 5
Miraculous Esteem

"Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one's own sunshine." —Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today we have a new opportunity to cleanse the lens of perception and see ourselves as we really are: completely loved and completely lovable.  

Despite what you may have been conditioned to believe, there is nothing that you have to do or achieve to be worthy of love. Your true self is pure love and you are already infinitely precious exactly as you are. This awareness of who you really are connects you to your true self-esteem. This esteem is solid and unwavering. Your soul loves you unconditionally. The approval rating of your ego, in contrast, is fickle and forever shifting. Your ego may approve of your performance one day and then the next day judge you as inadequate or lacking. As we shift from identifying with our ego’s insecurities and fears, we open to the gifts of the soul. It all begins with self-awareness. Each day as we spend time in the inner quiet of meditation, our awareness will expand and awaken us to love.

Mindful Moment

Make it your practice for today to cultivate self-awareness and self-love. No matter how much you have suffered, your soul sees you as whole. When you feel out of balance, anxious, or alone, pause for a moment and take a deep breath. In the quiet moment of a pause you can assess the gentle refuge of your heart. Take a few moments to close your eyes and sit quietly, feeling your heart as a soft, warm enclosure. Let your attention settle there and rest as long as you wish.  

Today’s Centering Thought:  ”I am a perfect, divine creation.”

Sanskrit mantra: “Om Bhavam Namah”  I am absolute existence.  I am a field of all possibilities.”

Oprah:  ”Welcome to Day 5, Miraculous Esteem.   Real self-esteem is abundant and is ever present but at times it can be clouded by all the noise of the outside world.  When we reframe our point of reference from the outer world to the quiet, sacred inner space, we then allow ourselves to embrace that loving self-image that is buried deep within every single one of us.  We can then shift our perceptions of ourselves and others and that is what allows us to connect to true self esteem.  Listen as Deepak illuminates the vital importance of turning our attention inward.  Take a deep breath with me.  We’ll get very quiet and listen – within.”

Deepak:  Earlier this week, we reconnected with the essential truth that we came into this life as perfect drops of love and divinity.  As we reflect in this knowledge of our universal value, let’s explore the power of healthy self-esteem.  Our sense of self-worth influences our perceptions and inner dialogue, often creating incongruence between our essential truth and how we experience daily life experiences.    Today, as we prepare for creating a life filled with miraculous relationships, I invite you step into a refreshed self-image, one that reflects your true beauty and divine essence.

Take a closer look.  Self-image is the self your ego believes you are.  The ego takes its cues from the outer world,  feeding on approval and security, often fueling feelings of inadequacy and fear.  What do these people think of me?  Do I look ok?  Did I say the right thing?  The feedback we receive from our environment over the years forms the image we hold of ourselves.  In this respect, self-image keeps reminding us of who we were in a specific situation, not who we are.

True self esteem is based on a spiritual recognition of one’s true value which lies beyond your ego and starts with self-awareness.  As we accept and honor who we are, we begin to treat ourselves as a cherished loved one – with kindness, honesty, trust, compassion and love.  With increased awareness of our true self, we become conscious of how we talk to ourselves, choosing words that are enlightening, uplifting and loving.

Should we falter, we forgive ourselves quickly and fully.  Who you are is so much more than the image you have formed of yourself based on feedback from the outside world.  Give yourself permission to detach from those opinions and perceptions.  Open to your divinity, your creativity, your potential, and live from your highest self.

As we prepare for meditation, let’s consider our centering thought, “I am a perfect, divine creation”.  ”I am a perfect, divine creation.”

Let’s begin.  Sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, go within.  Let go of all thoughts and begin to observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now, gently introduce the mantra which is the sound, Om Bhavam Namah.  I am absolute existence, I am a field of all possibility.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself, “Om Bhavam Namah.  Om Bhavam Namah.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts and noises around you, simply return your attention to the mantra.  Om Bhavam Namah.  Continue with your  meditation for about 6 minutes.  Om Bhavam Namah.  Just silently.  Om Bhavam Namah .

[about 6 minutes meditation]

Release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body, take a moment to rest, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

Approach today with certainty as you contemplate the centering thought, “I am a perfect, divine creation”.  ”I am a perfect, divine creation.  I am a perfect, divine creation.”


Journal Questions:

1. Are there any ways in which you place your worth in external sources such as other people, possessions or achievements? Take a moment to write them down; be honest and very specific.

2.  What are your fears, if any, of truly accepting and loving yourself? If you find you quickly answered “none”, place your hand on your heart and take a deep breath in and then exhale slowly. Then gently ask your heart this question one more time. This practice of pausing and asking your deep heart can change your perception and your life. You may discover a different answer, or you may receive the same one you started with—it is all perfection in the moment.

3.  Write down ten things that you love about yourself, no matter how seemingly small. We do not always have the chance to shine the light on ourselves. Be patient with yourself if it takes a minute to get started. Give yourself permission to enjoy this moment as you write out the truth of your magnificence. If you find yourself getting stuck, take a deep breath and keep it simple. As you begin to celebrate yourself your relationships will open and expand.

4.  Please reflect on today’s session.

Day 6

Miraculous Magnificence
"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. " —Joseph Campbell

Today’s message and meditation celebrate the magnificence of your radiant, joyful spirit. If you could see your body as a physicist can see it, you would observe atoms or particles moving at lightning speed around vast, empty spaces. These particles aren't material objects at all. They are fluctuations of energy and information in a huge empty space. And what is this space? It is the womb of creation, the field of all possibilities. It is the same place that nature goes to fashion a galaxy and to fashion a thought.

This field of pure potentiality is within you. It is your inner space that gives rise with amazing fertility to all of the divine qualities of the universe, including love, grace, abundance, joy, creativity, and freedom. You are a unique expression of everything in existence, and you shine with the beauty of a million stars.

Mindful Moment

There is a beautiful saying in India’s ancient Vedic tradition: “If you want to recreate the world, look at it with fresh eyes.” Today have the intention to see one thing as if for the first time. Look without the camouflage of your memories. Sometimes the hardest thing is to truly see someone we have known for a long time, such as our partner, child, or friend. We assume we know who they are, and so we stop seeing. It is also important to look at yourself as though doing so for the first time. We may assume that we know ourselves, but as we are discovering, who we are is much more than our limited ego-mind can envision. Through the eyes of your true self, take a few moments to consider how truly magnificent you really are.

Today’s Centering Thought:  ”I cherish the beauty in myself and others.”

Sanskrit mantra:  “Sat Chit Ananda” – Existence, consciousness, bliss

Oprah: “Welcome to day 6 - miraculous magnificence.  One of the biggest blessings in my life is that I’ve been able to connect with thousands of people heart-to-heart.  Every one of them have proven to be a one-of-a-kind soul.  Just as you are.  Each one of us is a collection of unique gifts, talents and beauty.  Each of us has something unique that we have to offer to the world.  If we understand that truth, then not only are we able to celebrate ourselves, but then we can appreciate the absolute magnificence of everyone else.   The world needs what only you were divinely created to share.  Think of your own gifts as Deepak guides us to cherish the beauty in ourselves and to see it in others.  Then we’ll meditate.”

Deepak:  ”Modern physics teaches us that our physical body and the body of the universe are composed of the same molecules.  Equally intriguing is the thread of oneness that weaves the ancient spiritual traditions together in the shared belief that the universe and all it contains come from the same source.   Together, the universe and humanity obey the same rhythms and pulse, with the same storms of electromagnetic activity.  It must be, then, that the universe is living and breathing through us.  We are an expression of everything in existence.  We come from the same source and are made from the same molecules.

How then, can we say that each one of us is unique when unique means that there is no one else who is exactly l like us?  Walk out into a gently falling snow and look at the snowflakes.  The beautifully designed ice crystal is easily identified as a snowflake.  Yet, under a microscope, we would see that no two snowflakes are alike.

In our physical forms, we humans live within that dichotomy – alike yet different.  Alike because we come from the same source, different because, through the information and energy received from our environments, we develop unique talents and abilities.  You are the snowflake in human form, designed with precision, created to add beauty and grace to wherever you are.  You have been instilled with a spark of divinity which, if nurtured, can accomplish great and wonderful things.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “Insist on yourself, never imitate”.  ”Your own gift you can offer with a cumulative force of a whole life’s cultivation.  But off the adopted talent of another, you have only an extemporaneous half-possession.”  Embrace the interconnectedness, the commonality of that which you are.  Yet, also celebrate your differences.  Share your uniqueness with the world.  Live your dharma, your truth, from the core of your being.  As you begin to identify, cultivate and celebrate your many beautiful qualities, you will effortlessly create space to appreciate the unique nature of each person who crosses your path, opening the door to rich, diverse and meaningful relationships.

It is through the stillness of meditation, that our intentions begin to unfold and blossom.  As we prepare for our meditation, set the intention to allow your magnificence to shine.  Consider our centering thought, “I cherish the beauty in myself and others”.  ”I cherish the beauty in myself and others.”

Let’s begin.  Sit comfortably and close your eyes.  In this moment, go within.  Let go of all thoughts and observe the inflow and outflow of your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.  Now, gently introduce the mantra which is the sound Sat Chit Ananda which means existence, consciousness and bliss.  Repeat the mantra silently to yourself.  Sat Chit Ananda.  Sat Chit Ananda.  Whenever you find yourself distracted y thoughts, sensations in your body or noises in your environment, simply return your attention to mentally repeating the mantra.  Sit Chit Ananda.  Continue with the meditation for about 6 minutes.  Sat Chit Ananda.  Now silently, Sat Chit Ananda.

[about 6 minutes meditation]

Release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.  Approach today with certainty as you contemplate the centering thought, “I cherish the beauty in myself and others”.  ”I cherish the beauty in myself and others.  I cherish the beauty in myself and others.”


Journal Questions:

1.  Chances are that you have a unique gift, talent or passion that the people around you do not know about. What do you dream of being, doing and sharing with the world? As you write, connect with your dreams . . . our soul’s magnificence. Let your writing flow without judgment or inhibition. As you “own” your inner truth, the universe begins to conspire with you to make it so.
2.  In what ways have you limited yourself in expressing your true magnificence? Take your time and be specific.
3.  What steps would you like to take to share more of your authentic self and gifts with the world? What is one action you are willing to commit to integrating into your life today?
4.  Please reflect on today’s session.
