As Miyu’s sees it\(^o^)/


Road of the bilingual; Unruly guy...因果応報?!

2017-12-05 19:42:59 | 日記
I've been fed up with the sales rep attitude.

At the same time,
I looked back my behavior...
So far did I do my assignment without making any mistakes?

Since I made a complain about him; posted on this blog,
Unexpected things happened one after another

What goes around what comes back around...??


I never meant to speak ill of him.


I just wanted to tell what happened and he involved a lot of staffs to cope with the problem.

I know no one can do the things flawlessly.


I should stop criticizing the unruly guy.


But I should take a measure to do my
assignment smoothly.


So I asked my boss to rethink our work flow.

Of course he recognized lots of problems were caused by the sales rep.

I explained one by one in a logical way.

Then we're going to have a meeting tomorrow to discuss it.
