

End of the term

2022-03-13 21:58:54 | 英会話学校
Dear kids and parents,
Hello. How's everything going with you all?

It's almost the end of the term now. I would like to look back into our relationship and our conversation classes. I thank all the parents for their continued support. I'm also glad that lot of kids has shown great improvement. Some in speaking, some in reading and some have become so much confident . I hope our Japec test will help us grow more in the future.
I'm looking forward to have an excellent new term with all happy faces.

I wish everyone happy spring. Enjoy your spring holidays and picnics with your family. I congratulate all the students who have and will graduate from their respective schools. Wishing you all a bright future.
Stay healthy and safe everyone.

Kind regards,

Happy new year

2022-01-11 10:23:55 | 英会話学校
Dear kids and parents,

I wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year. I am very happy and thankful for all good things that happened last year. I'm looking forward to have a good relationship this year too. Let's study English with fun.

I think everyone had a wonderful time celebrating new year with your family, visiting shrines and enjoying family time. Everyone starts their school from today. Wishing you all the very best.
Enjoy your school days and be safe.
We will be trying our Japec test very soon, let's fpcus on our speaking skills more. I request every
One to practice speaking at home. Talk to your siblings, parents, watch English videos, read more books. It will help you a lot.

I look forward to a fun English learning environment this year. Thank you to all the parents for their support.

Kind regards,

It's a warm day

2021-11-15 09:28:49 | 英会話学校
Dear kids and parents,

How was your weekend? Are you all ready to have a good week ahead?
What did you do in the weekend? Did you go to see some fall colors, did you play in the park?
My weekend was fun but little busy. I love sitting in the warm sun.

I think some of you had schigosan , 753 this month. I'm sure you had a great and beautiful time with your family. My daughter is also celebrating her schigosan this week.

Now it's almost time for Christmas and hence we need to start singing Christmas songs. It's time to enjoy and get some gifts from Santa. What present do you want this year?

After Christmas we will have our Japec test coming soon. Let's all tey our best and start practicing. We need to do our best in the speaking test this year. Always try to answer in full sentences. If you make mistakes, it's okay. Don't you all worry. Everybody makes mistakes. This is the way you learn to be perfect. Be confident in whatever you do or say. You'll always reach your goal.
I wish all my students all the best.

Have a lovely week.
Kind regards,

Halloween time

2021-10-10 18:20:28 | 英会話学校
Dear kids and parents.

Halloween is almost here. What is your plan for this year's Halloween? What costume are you wearing?.
Do you want to be a witch, pumpkin, bat, vampire, zombie?
Please choose what you like most and get ready to talk about your costume qnd yourself during the Halloween lesson.
I'm sure everyone will have a great time learning English with us.
It's almost the time for changing colors. Weather looks pleasant It's a good time for outdoors activities. Do you like going out with your friends and family?
I just love going out for a walk or a picnic. I enjoy going to Gosho and playing with my kids. It's so much fun!

Let us all try our best to speak English with confidence. As I always say, don't worry if you're wrong. I'm there to correct you. Anything you do , do it with confidence. Practice soeaking with your parents, brothers and sisters at home. Read English books, watch English Tv shows. It will help a lot.

Looking forward to seeing you all this week.
Kind regards,
Bibu sensei.

Let's enjoy fall

2021-09-20 10:42:58 | 自己紹介
Dear kids and parents,

How is your long weekend going? Are you enjoying?

Days are getting cooler and it feels to go out for a walk, picnic or playing in the park. Everyone must be looking forward to beautiful fall colors. I am looking forward too. Stay safe while being out.
I feel really good and connected with my students after I started teaching again. I was also happy to see that some of my students has improved so much than the time I left them. I will always try my best to teach you with my warm heart. Let's try our best and try to speak as much English as we can. Speaking is the best practice. Doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, just keep trying.
Try to watch some English movie, animation at home when you watch T.V. Make use of your daily routine as the practice platform. Some mom can speak good English , please try to communicate in English with your parents. This is the best way to practice.
I'm always there to correct you whenever you're wrong.

Have a good Monday.
King regards,