

Feedback about parents observation

2022-07-21 10:47:18 | 英会話学校
Dear kids and parents,
Goodmorning! I hope you're doing good in this hot summer. Please drink plenty of water and stay healthy. Many kids are falling sick due to the weather and also increasing corona virus. I wish everyone stays healthy.
I just came back to kyoto, had been on a holiday with my family for few days. My daughters had a very happy time together. Both of them love going outside and trying new things. I also had a wonderful time with them.
I want to give some feedback about parents observation. It was good seeing many parents this time. Thank you all for taking out sometime from your busy schedule. Kids performance was good in front of their parents too. Everyone tries hard to learn English. I hope parents will keep supporting them.
We are also preparing for our next experience program which will be during the month of September. I'm sure kids will enjoy this time too.
I want to work together with kids to help them learn English conversation skills always.
Have a great day and good weekend ahead. See you all next week.

Kind regards,