

Halloween time

2022-10-13 11:12:14 | 英会話学校
Hello kids and Parents,
How are you all? I am glad that summer is finally over. Fall is here, we can enjoy beautiful changing colors and go for a picnic.
Halloween is also coming soon. I am sure all kids are excited. Let's go trick or treating. Who wants to be a zombie? Who wants to be a witch? Who wants to be a black cat or a vampire? Let's all have fun next week. We have our Halloween lessons from next week. I'm so excited.
Let's all try our best to speak English during the lessons. Do not hesitate to talk. Practice makes you perfect. If you make mistakes, teachers are always there to help you.

Looking forward for a wonderful time together ❤️.
Kind regards,,

Experience program

2022-09-12 11:18:02 | 英会話学校
Dear kids and parents,

I hope everyone is doing great. I'm also very excited about our second experience program which starts from today. The theme is International food. We'll learn about different countries food,taste,,flavour and countries flag. We'll also practice some dialog about food. Have you trief Tacos?, Do you want to try dumplings? etc. It sounds exciting to me. Kids can also design their own flag. I hope everyone will enjoy this lesson.

Last experience program was very successful and kids had so much fun. I always feel so happy tp see kids learing new things nd enjoying at the same time. Let's try our best and enjoy.

I had a wonderful holiday with my family last week. We went to Tokyo. My girls had their fantasy time at Disneyland. They were so excited to see the princess and Mickey Minnie. My elder daughter didn't want to come back to kyoto. She said she likes Tokyo more.

I'm looking forward to meet everyone during the experience lesson.
Have a good week ahead and stay safe.

Kind regards,,

Feedback about parents observation

2022-07-21 10:47:18 | 英会話学校
Dear kids and parents,
Goodmorning! I hope you're doing good in this hot summer. Please drink plenty of water and stay healthy. Many kids are falling sick due to the weather and also increasing corona virus. I wish everyone stays healthy.
I just came back to kyoto, had been on a holiday with my family for few days. My daughters had a very happy time together. Both of them love going outside and trying new things. I also had a wonderful time with them.
I want to give some feedback about parents observation. It was good seeing many parents this time. Thank you all for taking out sometime from your busy schedule. Kids performance was good in front of their parents too. Everyone tries hard to learn English. I hope parents will keep supporting them.
We are also preparing for our next experience program which will be during the month of September. I'm sure kids will enjoy this time too.
I want to work together with kids to help them learn English conversation skills always.
Have a great day and good weekend ahead. See you all next week.

Kind regards,

Friendship day feedback

2022-06-15 22:29:47 | 英会話学校
Dear kids and parents.
How are you all? I'm doing good and hope you'll too. I'm very happy to share the experience of our Friendship day lessons last week. Kids enjoyed a lot. They learned some new words related to Friendship. Teachers explained the meaning of the words like caring, sharing, kind, helpful etc.They could understand and tell about their friend who is kind or who is very caring, who shares things with them. Teacher also asked the kids about their pets explaining that not only humans but pets can also be your friend.

I think kids could imagine the importance of being a good and caring friend. After making the friendship tree with everybody's name they could understand that friends can be made anywhere. Not only at school but also at different places. Your teacher, your mother, your father, sister, brother, pet, anybody can be your friend. To be a good friend age doesn't matter.
They enjoyed making the friendship tree very much.
I hope our next experience program will also be very effective.
I'm looking forward to seeing some parents during the mother's observation week.
Thank you for trusting me to teach your childrens. I enjoy teaching them.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Kind regards,

Forst experience program

2022-05-06 20:53:05 | 英会話学校
Dear kids and parents,
How have you all been?

I am sure everyone enjoyed your golden week holidays. What did you all do?
Spring is always so beautiful and warm. I like going out and sitting in the warm sun.

I'm happy that i started teaching on Wednesdays. I love teaching them all. I want to share some ideas about our first experience program.
We thought of celebrating friendship day in our classroom during the lesson. We'll talk about our friends. Kids will practice some pharses and vocabulary.
Who is your good friend?
Is your friend kind, helpful, sharing, caring?
Kids can imagine themselves as a good friend to others.
We will also make some crafts and they can take home. I hope kids will have fun during this lesson. I'm so looking forward to it.
We'll also have our second experience program later.

We have also made some changes in our curriculum and some of our teachings. I hope it will be helpful to all the parents.

Have a good weekend!
Kind regards,