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2015-05-07 05:10:53 | 日記

【ブログ】マーケティング専門家が語る スタートアップが成功のために守るべき10箇条

kc1027さんがリツイート | 9 RT

Plato (427B.C.-347B.C.) was a Greek philosopher, who was one of the outstanding founders of Western philosophy and the founder of idealism.

He based his philosophical reasoning on the principle of idea or form, which holds that all objects have -

their pure and ideal archetypes or paragons behind themselves which go beyond our sense-impressions.

He was the founder of 'the Academy' in Athens and a disciple of Socrates as well as the teacher of Aristotle.

His philosophical writings are presented in the form of dialogues including 'the Timaeus' and 'the Symposium',

which features Socrates as the principal speaker. Plato wrote about political theories in 'the Republic',

in which he argued that Philosopher kings, who have wisdom and knowledge, are the best rulers of the ideal city-state.