英語と書評 de 海馬之玄関



2010年04月12日 16時13分37秒 | 英字新聞と英語の雑誌から(~2010年)

On February 24, under orders by the House Committee, Toyota’s president, Akio Toyoda, gave testimony before angry U.S. lawmakers and millions of irate Americans which left some unconvinced of his sincerity. ・・・

Next stop: Beijing. On March 1, in an address to a group of 300 reporters gathered at a hotel, Toyoda apologized to consumers of the world’s biggest auto market. Toyota sales have held steady in China, and analysts believe Toyoda’s visit was primarily to show the increasing importance the Chinese market has to his company. One commentator said that Toyoda went to Beijing “to say thanks as well as sorry.” Toyoda bowed twice during his apology to the Chinese, which was two times more than he bowed in Washington. ・・・



The colder attitude toward Washington, like the ongoing Okinawa argument, reflects a broader trend. Prime Minister Hatoyama is working toward a Japan with a more “balanced” relationship with Washington. After 65 years of Japanese subservience in the security sector, Tokyo’s mood is changing. This, coupled with Hatoyama’s desire to develop an East Asian economic community with China and other Asian powers, has been met with criticism in the U.S.—so much so that former Ambassador Hisahiko Okazaki said, “The relationship between the U.S. and Japan is in its worst state ever.”

Hatoyama’s foreign-policy adviser Terashima Jitsuro published an essay on March 15 calling for Tokyo to revise the U.S.-Japan security treaty. Jitsuro said it is “unnatural for foreign military forces to be stationed for an extended period of time in an independent nation,” and implored Japanese citizens to return to the “common sense of international society,” which he says would not tolerate the U.S.’s current military role in Japan.



The shift in Japan’s priorities—away from the U.S. security alliance and toward stronger ties with the surrounding “kings of the east”—is nothing new, but it is gathering momentum at unprecedented speed. Despite the Western orientation Tokyo has maintained since World War ii, Japan has deeply-rooted Eastern ideologies, and will return to its roots.

Rachman is right in saying that something is afoot in the Land of the Rising Sun. Japan will continue to distance itself from the West, and Sino-Japanese relations will continue to strengthen.




記事が参照している ”Japan edges from America towards China”(March 8, 2010)

If the Okinawa dispute was an isolated incident it might be taken as a bit of an accident. But Mr Hatoyama seems to have gone out of his way to confirm that things are changing. ・・・

So what is Mr Hatoyama up to? The uneasy suspicion in Tokyo is that even the prime minister himself may not really know. Mr Hatoyama, it is said, often proposes grand- sounding schemes – whether on climate change or Okinawa – without really thinking them through.

The prime minister’s vagueness means that it is probably overdoing it to suggest that Japan is definitively shifting away from its postwar special relationship with the US. But, nonetheless, over the long term the country clearly faces a crucial strategic choice.





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