
 自然エネルギー、気候変動問題に関する情報収集 - 多様化するさまざまなサービスを利用してみるトライアルの場でもあります

10月5日(日)のつぶやき その4

2014-10-06 01:59:59 | クリッピング 

The situation in Mong Kok: all tarps still up, large numbers of pro-dem locals here to support. Calm right now.

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Lot of protesters here tell me they came to Mong Kok tonight when they heard protesters were leaving. Turns out very few protesters had left

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Student leader Chow says occupations are a nonviolent last resort,but openness to dialogue shows ready for nxt steps pic.twitter.com/cwEPfpXSQN

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HKFS leader Lester Shum says police reached out to negotiate a withdrawal, but occupations will continue until reforms are made. #OccupyHK

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ブログ更新:再生可能エネルギーを導入するには bit.ly/1uFQe7i

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#HongKong protests are a challenge to Xi, but they could bolster him as well: on.wsj.com/10AJ47S pic.twitter.com/aQPIojXl17

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No internet (%)
Myanmar 99.5%
Pakistan 89%
India 85%
China 54%
Turkey 53%
Egypt 50%
US 16%

washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog… pic.twitter.com/4hEG0QCHBN

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大型で強い台風第18号はこれから6日昼前にかけて、近畿南部や東日本太平洋側にかなり接近し、上陸するおそれがあります。暴風や高波、土砂災害、低地の浸水、河川 …

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US Ebola patient in Dallas slips from serious to critical condition itv.com/news/story/201… pic.twitter.com/u9Gmk4cSKf

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【イラク】イスラム国、バグダッドに迫る アメリカの「戦費」は月1600億円 huff.to/ZfTusw pic.twitter.com/tRf5yC2tA0

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Spooky Gue(ho)st House Draped in a Melted White Veil Opens in France bit.ly/1vE6i6J pic.twitter.com/J1QPi8f5JH

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これでも読み込みが足りない。まだ本質的なポイントはいくつもある。:吉田調書から何を学ぶか:教訓活用、どこまで - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/shimen/news/20…

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The man who spent afternoon on a bridge over Hong Kong democracy protest shouting at everyone to go home @AFPphoto pic.twitter.com/cx8gHpT9rb

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Man: "When can my children go to school?" He demands to meet with student leaders. Alex & Lester mulling a solution. pic.twitter.com/zoG9p5u82u

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Dicky: "Each one has own idea for being here. No "protest leader" can tell them what to do. I will stay." #HongKong pic.twitter.com/ZROXEXQuof

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1/4 Gary Yeung helps man the main first aid tent where supplies are kept.
1 of 2 tents staffed by professional medics pic.twitter.com/gHLkeX8rdN

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2/4 There are around 10 numbered first aid booths at strategic positions around site, all w/walkie-talkies so supply levels can be monitored

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3/4 All manned by volunteers, first aid qualification at a minimum. Off duty doctors/nurses from gov't hospitals also helping out/advising.

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4/4 Working loosely w/St John's & Red Cross who maintain 2 official stations.
Gary sleeps on site, despite family disapproving. #OccupyHK

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10月5日(日)のつぶやき その3

2014-10-06 01:59:58 | クリッピング 

再エネ中断も #福岡 県は政策維持-NET-IB NEWS data-max.co.jp/company_and_ec… "..予算の決定している今年度は継続される見込み..果たして結実する日は来るのか.." #renewjapan #renewsolar #pv #接続保留問題 #kyuden

東北電力も説明会=再生可能エネで7日から-----時事通信 jiji.com/jc/c?g=eco_30&… "..7日に仙台..東北各県と新潟の県庁所在市で8~10日に実施.." #renewjapan #renewsolar #pv #接続保留問題 #tohoku_epco

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再生可能エネルギー:接続申し込み回答保留、事業者から批判相次ぐ 九電が説明会「大規模停電となる恐れ」 #鹿児島 -----毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/area/kagoshima… #renewjapan #renewsolar #pv #接続保留問題 #kyuden #鹿児島

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"..太陽光発電設備事業者ら約350人が詰めかけ立ち見も出て、「今になっての回答保留は乱暴だ」などと批判の声が相次いだ.."-毎日新聞 twitter.com/greenpost/stat… #renewjapan #renewsolar #pv #接続保留問題 #kyuden #鹿児島

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米国で蓄電池を利用したエネルギーマネジメントシステムを発売-シャープ sharp.co.jp/corporate/news… "..ビル..商業施設向..過去の..実績などから消費電力の変動を予測.." #renewusa #renewbattery #sharp #lithium_ion

業界最小のピン形リチウムイオン電池を製品化----- #panasonic panasonic.co.jp/index3.html #renewjapan #renewbattery #lithium_ion

リチウムイオン電池の生産会社「パナソニック エナジー ノースアメリカ(株)」を設立- #panasonic panasonic.co.jp/corp/news/offi… "..テスラ..電気自動車." #renewusa #renewbattery #lithium_ion #EV #tesla

"My" story for @AFP: "Deadline set for Hong Kong protesters to clear streets" yhoo.it/1s1A9qM #HongKong pic.twitter.com/gcfdxRppZ4

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Police tight-lipped when asked about possible plans to clear #OccupyHongKong by tonight f.sc.mp/BB3pVQD pic.twitter.com/4qqu1xIsMd

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#phanfone #TY201418

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[JMA] Typhoon PHANFONE (201418) is at 30.7N, 132.5E with 945hPa and 40m/s on 2014-10-05 09 UTC
#phanfone #TY201418

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【高知県に大雨と洪水警報】18時22分発表。高知県では、低い土地の浸水や河川の増水、暴風、高波に警戒してください。詳細は以下。jma.go.jp/jp/warn/344_ta… pic.twitter.com/XKiMjrwc4d

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【台風18号の最新情報】18時の進路予報。明日6日6時には三重県志摩半島の南海上を中心としたエリアに。東海地方では明朝が満潮で、伊勢湾など南東に開いた湾では気圧低下による吸い上げ効果と南東の暴風による吹き寄せ効果により、高潮にも要警戒 pic.twitter.com/wRpJQyI97o

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Back in Mongkok. ArgyleSt barricade has reappeared.About 4 separate heated arguments under way near by #Occupycentral pic.twitter.com/JUU3iDEbfy

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Protester in MK tells crowd that they will remain in Mongkok #Occupycentral rejecting request from protest initiators pic.twitter.com/qN17lj2buI

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"Most of Hong Kong is running as normal"
But "things are tense" in MK today. "Cops are not really on our side. They are not doing anything"

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Ed: "Most students have gone to Admiralty" but 'working class pro-democracy' activists want to stay till 9am Mon.
Others say till 'last min'

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Mongkok #Occupycentral
People now sitting down, still significant number of students. pic.twitter.com/IoJLKmUzWQ

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Shum: Gov sought dialogue, but attacks in MK followed. Will restart talks if violence investigated & order maintained pic.twitter.com/IEJ7Za2Ope

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Shum says police reached out to student leaders to negotiate withdrawal, but occupations will remain until reforms made #OccupyHK

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1/2 - Man applauded as he draws attention to banner in simplified Chi (used in mainland). MC tells ppl to thank him. pic.twitter.com/9hFY27Va5I

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Banner says that the world knows about HK's democracy fight, but it is not known in mainland China.

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I'm at Mong Kok. Spoke to one of the core protesters in the main tent. Reports of MK being abandoned are greatly exaggerated.

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10月5日(日)のつぶやき その2

2014-10-06 01:59:57 | クリッピング 

太陽光発電の何が問題なのか 九電、東北電... 電力5社が接続申し込みを「保留」
--J-CASTニュース j-cast.com/2014/10/032170… ".. 3月以降の申し込み分を加えた、7月末現在の申し込み量.." #renewjapan #fitjapan #接続保留問題

関電、水力発電所の点検・更新先送り 原発停止で余力なく--日本経済新聞 nikkei.com/article/DGXLZO… "..151カ所..戦前から稼働..過半を超え..先送りは思わぬトラブルを招く可能性.." #renewjapan #renewhydro #kepco #要調査

九電の太陽光発電契約保留 鹿児島だけで1万5千件 このままでは原発が動かせない-JC-NET n-seikei.jp/2014/10/post-2… ".参加者たち..老後どうなる..無責任" #renewjapan #renewsolar #pv #接続保留問題 #kyuden #鹿児島

イベント10/17 エイモリー・ロビンス博士と鈴木代表の対談会---エネルギーから経済を考える経営者ネットワーク会議 enekei.jp/news/show/id/1… "..ロビンス博士、原発がなくても経済は廻る..?.." #renewjapan #renewevent #RMI

1 件 リツイートされました

地域創生のため、地域主導の自然エネルギー利用を最大化する系統運用を求める(談話)----全国ご当地エネルギー協会 communitypower.jp/news/1145 #renewjapan #electricity #japan #politicsjp #エネルギー政策 #接続保留問題

新たにバイナリー発電機2台を取得----ジオネクスト geo-nx.com/info/20141001 ".. #鹿児島 県指宿市に建設中のバイナリー発電所の能力を増強するため..260kW 2台.." #renewjapan #renewgeothermal #binary

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月額900円の太陽光発電用 低価格・簡易遠隔監視システムに 田淵電機社製 三相9.9kWを追加対応-----ファインウッズ atpress.ne.jp/view/51331 #renewjapan #renewsolar #pv #maintenance #powercon

目標「気温上昇2度以下」は無意味?-ナショナルジオグラフィック nationalgeographic.co.jp/news/news_arti… "..平均地表温度 は過去16年間さほど上昇していない..気候システムの余分な熱の大半を吸収する深海部分の平均水温は 上昇し続けている.." #climatechange

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"「この目標は絵空事で的外れなものになる一方だ」と、カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)の国際関係 学教授デイビッド・ビクター(David Victor)氏"

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台風18号、奄美近海北上=6日午前に東海・関東上陸も-暴風大雨警戒・気象庁-----時事通信社 jiji.com/jc/c?g=soc_30&… "..奄美大島などが暴風域、沖縄本島から九州、四国の一部が強風域.." #台風 #防災 #TY201418


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台風18号(ファンフォン)による強風は奄美や種子島でピークを迎えており、九州南部にも雨雲が広がってきました。agora.ex.nii.ac.jp/digital-typhoo… fb.me/32py3a3TI

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週明けまでに強制排除か=行政長官が示唆 香港民主化デモ-時事通信 jiji.com/jc/c?g=int&k=2… "2014/10/05-00:53..梁長官は4日夕のテレビ演説.6日まで..封鎖を解除することが「最も差し迫った」問題だと.." #hongkong #香港民主化デモ

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This guy has been pepper sprayed at Mong Kok protest pic.twitter.com/Zh6pfHxCxs

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Situation in Mong Kok appears calm. Have headed home after long night with @JeromeTaylor and @antoinebouthier

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.@AFP reporters covering Hong Kong protests are some of the best out there. Follow them here: twitter.com/AFP/lists/hong… #OccupyCentral

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Barricades on empty western edge of protest on HK island; spread thin now, occupation stretches over a mile from here pic.twitter.com/fSmE2ZCfUR

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Sunday morning, PLA headquarters on the left. I've not seen this area so empty all week pic.twitter.com/eOuksK5yJk

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拡散願⇒ それなのに再稼働?【図でみる川内原発の避難計画の非人間性】

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【MEXT 気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書(AR5)第1作業部会(WG1)報告書(自然科学的根拠)の和訳】bit.ly/1unQ96X

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【MEXT 気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書(AR5)第1作業部会(WG1)報告書(自然科学的根拠)の和訳】よくある質問と回答 PDF → bit.ly/1oIiIpS

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10月5日(日)のつぶやき その1

2014-10-06 01:59:56 | クリッピング 

Tonight's anti-violence rally will be key for democracy supporters' morale. They need to regain the hopeful spirit of the early week

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"Everything we did was worth it" - Joshua Wong, student leader.
Condemns Mongkok violence. #Occupycentral pic.twitter.com/RRJ4nAdPSY

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"Democracy in HK!" Student leaders say "This is not a revolution," but a movement #Occupycentral vine.co/v/OKzAxZlUKBQ

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時事◆強制排除、再び示唆=民主派デモで香港長官 jiji.com/jc/c?g=int_30&… 「梁長官は4日夕のビデオメッセージで、道路占拠をやめるよう改めて呼び掛けるとともに、「政府と警察には、社会秩序を回復させるためにあらゆる行動を取る責任と決意がある」と強調」

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香港、強制排除を示唆 行政長官「6日に道路開通」 - 朝日新聞デジタル t.asahi.com/g0tb

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Many sources, inc MC at on stage, have suggested #Occupycentral camps may be cleared before Mon.

+ CY Leung indicated Mon return to normal

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I took this from overhead bridge at #HongKong #OccupyCentral rally in Admiralty a few hours ago. pic.twitter.com/9XBnuoXyKY

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Here's the longer version. Huge crowd singing at #HongKong rally Saturday night (local time). plus.google.com/10898737898317…

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Photos: huge #OccupyCentral crowd sings Beyond 海?天空 earlier.

The song w/English subs: youtube.com/watch?v=TIeTcF… pic.twitter.com/qfzUVFA1Dq

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Yes, thirdly it's because #umbrellarevolution is a genuinely organic movement.
Inspired by Occupy & students, but is neither @prabhar92

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@kjalee @AnujChopra Such rumours every night. The force seemed stronger with this one, but I've decided to get some sleep.

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Bed for me. But some action in Mongkok. Live tweets: @BWaiC @kjalee @hkdemonow

& at gov't HQ: @natashakhanhk @nvanderklippe @comradewong

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Scene in Mong Kok right now. Police with riot shields and batons. Tense crowd on other side of road #hongkong pic.twitter.com/UR0Z7YtdoN

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Now dozens of riot police on all sides of Argyll St / Reclamation St junction. Angry crowds behind them #mongkok #hongkong

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BREAKING: Senior police commander tells @SCMP_News: "Absolutely no clear out of Mong Kok tonight." Stand off/calm continues #OccupyCentral

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Mong Kok protesters have quieted down. Police remain in cautious formation. pic.twitter.com/uOleIRSMl8

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Police pull out Pringles-size pepper spray. (Also available in sizes of an inhaler and of a fire extinguisher.) pic.twitter.com/buS3nvR4wc

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Mong Kok protesters' Nathan Road stronghold. All peace and quiet here. Standoff remains outside Langham Place. pic.twitter.com/FxE18sflwe

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Doesn't look like police plan to clear #Mongkok protests in next few hours, judging by lack of emotion pic.twitter.com/ooobZQNMKv via @Garvey_B

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#大阪 イチジク栽培と太陽光発電、相性調査--朝日新聞 asahi.com/articles/ASG9L… "..府立環境農林水産総合研究..農家の収入を増やす狙い..収穫量や品質にどのような違いが出るのかを調" #renewjapan #renewsolar #pv #farming

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新型水車で小水力発電 熱海で実験始まる--中日新聞 chunichi.co.jp/article/shizuo… ".. #NEDO 委託事業..名古屋大エコトピア科学研究所の内山知実(ともみ)教授(52)が考案した新型水車..40W.." #renewjapan #renewhydro #静岡

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住友電工の太陽光発電、効率2倍へチーム奔走--日本経済新聞 nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO… "..ヒマワリのように..虫眼鏡のように光を.. #CPV .." #renewjapan #renewsolar #pv 参考 greenpost.way-nifty.com/softenergy/201…

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