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10月4日(土)のつぶやき その3

2014-10-05 01:56:30 | クリッピング 

People Power legislator Albert Chan says his party has "been here for a week & we will support the students" pic.twitter.com/WtWHB6KZ13

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"I've lived here since 1992,I feel as qualified as anyone to speak out. I just think that HK deserves a legitimate form of democracy" -John.

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"I also think that most of China's promises about HK in 1997 have been badly broken," John says. "I consider myself as local as one can be.

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Police in single figures at Nathan Rd barricade where two sides of protesters are face to face pic.twitter.com/Bw07gtLRR6

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Nearby shops open. McD's "more busy" since yesterday.
Follow @joannachiu who will continue in Mongkok #Occupycentral pic.twitter.com/HnbBWmYPgz

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WWF: Renewable energy is the best solution to power crisis snsanalytics.com/xQqvy6

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Cotton production linked to images of the dried up Aral Sea basin gu.com/p/4246z/tw

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最新iPhone 6を含むスマートフォン数機種の強度試験を実施、ほんとうに「曲がりやすい」のか? bit.ly/1v3H9BE youtu.be/Y0-3fIs2jQs

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米国農務省が #枯れ葉剤 耐性 #遺伝子組み換え 作物を承認してしまったが、その農薬エンリスト・デュオは米国環境庁が来週にも承認か。枯れ葉剤の大量散布、日本列島住民が知らない間に食べる事態を止めるためにも反対署名を! facebook.com/photo.php?fbid…

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田淵電機、太陽光発電の効率高める新技術-----日本経済新聞 nikkei.com/article/DGXLAS… "..パワコンの小型機をパネル下に数百台設ける.." #renewjapan #renewsolar #pv #powercon #Inverter

10月4日(土)のつぶやき その2

2014-10-05 01:56:29 | クリッピング 

日本製紙が秋田に火力発電所 数百億円投資し建設へ bit.ly/10myGAD

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初のCO2回収実用プラント完成 カナダの石炭火力、温暖化対策 bit.ly/1vBPfEc

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大阪ガス、首都圏で火力検討 17年にも発電へ bit.ly/1vBQ3J9

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熊本新型市電、出発進行 「ななつ星」の水戸岡氏デザイン bit.ly/1BCH1vs

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噴火対策検証で検討会設置へ 防災相が会見で表明 bit.ly/1vBUxPZ

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東電、地震や津波の想定引き上げ 福島第1原発の廃炉作業で bit.ly/1x5WALg

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不明者の捜索難航、長期化必至 御嶽山噴火1週間、大雨予想も bit.ly/1x64jsT

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憲法9条にノーベル平和賞と予想 オスロの研究所長 bit.ly/1CIyglP

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Here's what the violence in Hong Kong looked like Friday night. Pics by @tomgrundy glpo.st/1vACvMa pic.twitter.com/eiRfuVm2ZP

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10/1(水)に開催され、議題は「2014年度夏季需給検証のまとめ」と「2014年度冬季の需給見通し」総合資源エネルギー調査会 電力需給検証小委員会(第7回)‐配布資料(経済産業省) meti.go.jp/committee/soug… 録画 ustream.tv/recorded/53404…

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一瞬マイクロインバータかと思ったが、パネルにくっつけない分散型インバータか。そうかそういう手もあったか…地上や陸屋根置き向けに面白そう。 QT @pigeon1985: 田淵電機、太陽光発電の効率高める新技術 :日本経済新聞 s.nikkei.com/1rT3lA2

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ライカがMシリーズ60周年を記念して発売する新モデルはあえて「液晶画面なし」のデジカメ。価格は19,000ドル。 buff.ly/1sQXRaY pic.twitter.com/6AfU6xGkMr

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福島民報 [県内ニュース]東電が臭気対策費賠償 国見の県北浄化センター汚泥 twd.ac/Z2VbJL #fukushima #福島

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TDKがネオジム含有量を半減した高性能磁石開発 s.nikkei.com/1x7QASe

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Arrive in #Mongkok, see similar scenes as last night. Woman shouts at students to leave. #OccupyHK 1/2 pic.twitter.com/EJEzaYsMcb

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2/2 #OccupyHK student tells me "She's from China." Another student quick to add "But this opinion exists amg HK ppl." pic.twitter.com/A4MYwLvxwP

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#OccupyCentral supporters &those complaining abt disturbance shout abt "protecting HK & being HK citizens." #Mongkok pic.twitter.com/fedQkshD2I

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12:54pm #Mongkok Anti crowd try to pull barrier. Some on other side yell back. Many urge calm w/ difficulty #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/uwGnne2ZHA

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#OccupyHK in #Mongkok continues. People look somber after last night's violence, but resolute. pic.twitter.com/jvZPWYVGwC

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Just saw a man hit a journalist's camera and face. Crowd and police move him away. #OccupyHK #Mongkok pic.twitter.com/8X3ruWFXdT

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"Support the students", protesters chant as rain starts again, Mongkok #Occupycentral pic.twitter.com/qf4IUpVVdG

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10月4日(土)のつぶやき その1

2014-10-05 01:56:28 | クリッピング 

#BREAKING: Hong Kong student protesters say calling off talks with government. RT @AFP

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Man paraded down st followed by large angry mob. seems to be a citizens arrest. Some say he was fighting? #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/AuHV5KWMCI

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The truth is, we're scared, but we have to stand up for future generations otherwise it collapses & it's the end of HK" #Occupycentral

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"We suspect they received money from gov't... We don't want any riot... We stay to protect students" - Vincent pic.twitter.com/r6ANECpHe8

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Senior police say 'hold the line' as those outside #Occupycentral area surge forward. pic.twitter.com/y3q5DFXJdu

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香港で親中派とデモ隊が小競り合い bit.ly/YZaKlH

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速報:香港の大規模デモで3日夜、学生ら1万5千人以上が最大拠点のアドミラリティ(金鐘)に集結した。 bit.ly/17n4iz

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速報:香港で続く大規模デモの反対派と学生との衝突で3日夜、学生側に少なくとも1人の負傷者。軽傷とみられる。 bit.ly/17n4iz

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香港、デモ反対派が学生と衝突 暴行で警官出動 bit.ly/1rE7E2V

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#BREAKING Hong Kong student protesters say calling off talks with govt

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Supportive chants as #Occupycentral protesters sit down in cordon pic.twitter.com/LruHkJK9b4

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Earlier, police "just had one team. I saw many students crying"
Anti-Occupy ppl swore, threw plastic bottles - June. pic.twitter.com/JwdkU2dnWG

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Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters clash with pro-government supporters on streets ? video bit.ly/YWUKjZ

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Some arrive, angry upon hearing of attacks on students. Came to protect them, despite disagree w/ #OccupyHK methods pic.twitter.com/pCV8FnRbz4

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Young engineer says, "Democracy may not solve all problems, but we have no future with this system & govt." #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/2Diz7okKV3

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Pro-democracy supporter Angela Wu, 32, tells me she's at a "loss for words" when she thinks about Mong Kok tonight #OccupyCentral

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Dom Leung, 43, tells me as he leaves Mong Kok: "This movement no longer has a leader. I'm not sure if we can succeed without more direction"

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Saw several arguments bw young & old. Gets heated, usually rationality wins. Mini arguments everywhere. #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/JHVDk0jX5O

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People chanting loudly "Protect the students!" when there are confrontations. Mongkok. #OccupyCentral pic.twitter.com/K2IihL27EE

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Hong Kong demonstrations: Protesters hold positions despite violent clashes ? live updates gu.com/p/425yv/tw

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Hong Kong protesters beaten and bloodied as thugs attack sit-in
theguardian.com/world/2014/oct… pic.twitter.com/RKcvBSnIhV

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トルコが越境軍事作戦を承認、イスラム国は国境付近で進撃 bit.ly/1mWORi4

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政府がエボラ熱対応で2200万ドル支援決定、WHOなど6機関に bit.ly/1vgeKIK

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スウェーデン首相にロベーン氏 中道左派、原発抑制へ bit.ly/1mUTXeD

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