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2017-08-19 | アモリス・レティティア戦争

Leading theologian: change canon law to correct papal errors

Fr Aidan Nichols said that Pope Francis's teaching had led to an 'extremely grave' situation

A prominent theologian has proposed reforming canon law to allow a pope’s doctrinal errors to be established.

Fr Aidan Nichols, a prolific author who has lectured at Oxford and Cambridge as well as the Angelicum in Rome, said that Pope Francis’s exhortation Amoris Laetitia had led to an “extremely grave” situation.

Fr Nichols proposed that, given the Pope’s statements on issues including marriage and the moral law, the Church may need “a procedure for calling to order a pope who teaches error”.

The Dominican theologian said that this procedure might be less “conflictual” if it took place during a future pontificate, rather as Pope Honorius was only condemned for error after he had ceased to occupy the chair of Peter.


Newchurch Theologian Wants to Change Newcanon Law
To Deal with Heretical Newpopes Like Francis-Bergoglio

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Pope Honorius I Was Excommunicated
By the Third Oecumenical Council of Constaninople
Now a Leading Newchurch Dominican Theologian
Has Called out Francis-Bergoglio
For His Heretical Teachings in Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Sex)
And Has Called for a Change in Newchurch Canon Law
To Provide for "a Procedure for Calling to Order a [New]pope
Who Teaches Error" In Order to "Dissuade [New]popes
From Any Tendency to Doctrinal Waywardness"
The Dogmatic First Vatican Council Taught
That Even Popes Could Fall into Heresy

Dom Aidan Nichols, a leading Newchurch Dominican theologian, on August 18, 2017, broke his silence and publicly denounced Francis-Bergoglio's heretical teaching on marriage as leading to a "very grave situation" and has proposed a change in Newcanon Law to correct Newpopes' doctrinal errors. He was a signatory to a private letter of 45 presbyters and theologians to Bergoglio in 2016 to the College of Newcardinals requesting that they demand Bergoglio to correct his heresies on marriage.

 Many Catholics are unaware that in 1983 the Unsaint JPII-Woytyla substituted for Catholic Canon Law a Protestantized version, which is not Catholic. It is this anti-Catholic version to which Dom Nichols is referring. Dom Nichols predicted that there is as a result now in Newchurch "a danger of possible schism" but that it was not as immediate a danger as "the spread of a moral heresy."

Fr. Nichols was specifically referring to the heresies contained in Francis-Bergoglio's March 19, 2016, document Amoris laetitia (The Joy of Sex) He said that Newchurch needs "a procedure for calling to order a [New]pope who teaches error" in order to "dissuade [New]popes from any tendency to doctrinal waywardness." He referred to the case of Pope Honorius (625-658), who was excommunicated by the Third Oecumenical Council of Constantinople (680-681) retroactively as a heretic who had taught heresy.

Honorius was only one of several heretical popes in the history of the Church. For further information, click on POPELIM: Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files: FAQs and Traditional Apologetics department.

Dom Nichols enumerated several of Francis-Bergoglio's heresies.

  • Bergoglio would permit the sacrilegious "communion" of bigamists (although technically Newchurch has not had the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist since 1968, when the Protestantized presbyterate and the invalid New Mess were instituted).
  • Bergoglio would introduce a "a previously unheard-of state of life. Put bluntly, this state of life is one of tolerated concubinage."
  • Bergoglio would teach that "actions condemned by the law of Christ can sometimes be morally right or even, indeed, requested by God" and instead teach the heresy that some divinely-condemned acts are not always morally wrong.
  • Bergoglio would reject the dogmatic Council of Trent's anathema of the opinion that "the commandments of God are impossible to observe even for a man who is justified and established in grace" and instead teach the heresy that it is not always possible or even advisable to follow God's moral law. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]


There is ample precedent in the history of the Church for denouncing a pope as a heretic. The first was related by St. Paul in his Epistle to the Galatians (2:11/DRV et seq.) in which the Saint denounced Peter in front of the Council of the Apostles for falling into heresy. 


