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聖フィロメナ・ファンクラブ会員一覧 大聖人たちがより頼む偉大なる乙女 歴史資料のない聖人の出現は近代合理主義的社会科学への神の挑戦である

2018-04-04 | 聖人

There are many saints who were deeply devoted to Philomena. They sought out her intercession, had great trust in her desire to help them, and spread devotion to her among the people around them. Here are several of those saints:

  • Saint John Vianney (Cure de Ars)
  • Padre Pio
  • Saint Frances Cabrini
  • Saint John Neumann
  • Saint Peter Julian Eymard
  • Blessed Anna Maria Taigi




In 1833, a Neapolitan nun reported that Philomena had appeared in a vision to her, and the Saint had revealed that she was a Greek princess, martyred at 13 years of age by Diocletian, who was Roman Emperor from 284 to 305.

 On December 21, 1833, the Holy Office declared that there was nothing contrary to the Catholic faith in the revelations that Sister Maria Luisa di Gesù (1799–1875), a Dominican tertiary from Naples, claimed to have received from the Saint herself.[6]





Although the Church has removed her feast from the modern liturgical calendar, Pope Pius X declared that Philomena’s veneration as a saint is part of the infallible Magisterium. 


