

En Wikipedia - Tang-gam (탕감 蕩減) 2022.07.01

2022年07月02日 | 資料

Unification Church Tang-gam- Wikipedia

Tang-gam (탕감 蕩減)

"Forgiveness" is the main theme of the entire Bible. It is translated as "Tang-gam [ja]"(탕감  Sino-Korean vocabulary[110]) in several places in the Korean version.[111][112][113] It is frequently quoted in the sermons of the Christian Church in Korea.[114] Also, it is often seen in Korean media.[115]

Original meaning

In the Bible it means forgiveness of sins, and in financial terms, it means debt reduction or exemption.[116]

「주님은 우리가 죄인이었을 때에, 하나님과 원수 되어서 용서 받을 자격과 능력이 없을 때에 그 크신 사랑으로 우리 믿는 자들의 죄를 탕감(tang-gam) 해 주셨고」[117]
"When we are sinners, enemies of God, and not qualified to be forgiven, he has forgiven(tang-gam) our sins with that great love. "

「앞서 정부는 문 대통령 공약대로 1000만원 이하 장기 소액 연체자의 빚을 전액 탕감(tang-gam) 줬다.」[118]
"As promised, President Moon Jae-in forgave(tang-gam) all long-term small debts of less than 10 million won."

Definition of Sun-Myung Moon

Sun-Myung Moon explained the definition of "tang-gam" as follows.
"The meaning of tang-gam is forgiving a large amount of debt under small conditions".[119]
"God always sets small conditions (less than total debt) so that everyone has the opportunity to receive salvation."[120]
”Tang-gam is to settle on the condition of a certain sacrifice.'Condition of tang-gam(forgiveness)' is a thankful amnesty to us. Because 95% is God's responsibility and 5% is human responsibility."[121]
"Don't assume that the responsibility we have is heavy. We must know that God has already done more than 95% of the hardships for us to share the responsibility of 5%. "[122]

Sang-Hun Lee,[123] the director of the Institute for Unification Thought, wrote in his article[124] that "tang-gam" means "forgiveness" and its origin is in the "Parable of the Unforgiving Servant(Matthew 18: 21–35)" in the Bible.

"그 종의 주인이 불쌍히 여겨 놓아 보내며 그 빚을 탕감(tang-gam)하여 주었다"
"The lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave(tang-gam) him the debt."

He wrote, "If a sinner wants to take off his sins and become an innocent person, he must receive the forgiveness of his sins from God. Because humans have made God sad by the fall. A sinner cannot be forgiven by God unless he meets certain conditions." The only record in the Unification Church that accurately says the meaning of "Tang-gam" is Sang-Hun Lee, except for Sun-myung Moon.

Definition of "Exposition of the Divine Principle"

"Tang-gam" is the core word of "Exposition of Divine Principle part Ⅱ" in the Korean version.[125][126][127][128] However, for some reason, the word "forgiveness" does not appear in any place in the English version. The reason is that Hyo-won Yoo[129] did not know the meaning of "tang-gam" and defined it as "atonement", which won-pok Choi[130][131] translated as "indemnity".


Dong-Jun Kim[132] read the definition of tang-gam in the Exposition of the Divine Principle, Professor Emeritus of Kanda University of International Studies,[133] said, "This is a complete mistake. The meaning of tang-gam is forgiveness, not indemnity."[134][135]
In short, tang-gam has been translated into the opposite sense, from "forgiveness by God" to "indemnity by sinners".It also shows that the author and translator were not familiar with Sino-Korean vocabulary,[136][137] and they have never read the Bible properly and have not attended a Formal Christian church.[138][139]

Due to misidentification and mistranslation, the original meaning of tang-gam, and the concept of forgiveness of God, which Christianity places the highest importance on, has completely disappeared from the "Divine principle ", On the contrary, it became only the concept of indemnity by sinners. Therefore, the Japanese Christian church criticizes it as an "oriental idea" that contradicts Christianity.[140]

Example of use

"Tang-gam" is most often used within the Unification Church to mean "indemnity" that Japan should pay to Korea. The reason is that Korea is the birthplace of the Immaculate Conception of the Second Coming Christ (Sun-Myung Moon, now he is denied and his wife Hak-Ja Han), and Japan is the country that persecuted Korea the most. That's what makes the church members believe.[141] But the fact is Japan is the only country that supports the Unification Church economically and in terms of human resources.[142][143]


See also: Justification (theology)

Indemnity, in the context of Unification theology, is a part of the process by which human beings and the world are restored to God's ideal.[144][145][146][147] The concept of indemnity is explained at the start of the second half of the Divine Principle, "Introduction to Restoration":

What, then, is the meaning of restoration through indemnity? When someone has lost his original position or state, he must make some condition to be restored to it. The making of such conditions of restitution is called indemnity.[148] .... God's work to restore people to their true, unfallen state by having them fulfill indemnity conditions is called the providence of restoration through indemnity.[149]

그 러면 '탕감복귀(蕩減復歸)'란 무엇을 말하는 것인가? 무엇이든지 그 본연의 위치와 상태 등을 잃어버리게 되었을 때, 그것들을 본래의 위치와 상태에로 복귀하려면 반드시 거기에 필요한 어떠한 조건을 세워야 한다. 이러한 조건을 세우는 것을 '탕감(tang-gam)[150]'이라고 하는 것이다....그리고 이처럼 탕감조건을 세워서 창조본연의 인간으로 복귀해 나아가는 섭리를 탕감복귀섭리(蕩減復歸攝理)라고 말한다[151] 

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