

警察国家まっしぐら日本 Japan rushing to be "Polizeistaat"

2017-05-28 10:14:44 | ぷんぷんじじい


According to Wikipedia," police state is a term denoting a government that exercises power arbitrarily through the power of the police force.The inhabitants of a police state may experience restrictions on their mobility, or on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement."  UN's Human Rights Office of the high commisioner Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy, Prof. Joe Cannataci showed a great concern with Japanese Anti-Organized Crime Law. This law may lead Japan to a police state. The liberal democratic party insists anything bad will never happen to Japanese citizens, because it will only apply to the criminals who conspire against the government. But who knows. It's all up to the government who judge the person. I might be busted for the blogs like I'm writing right now. Nobody can assure the LDP become like KGB or China's Communist Party. Things like The Red Purge in US or Japan may happen again. The most people in Japan voted for the LDP because there were no competitor parties. That was totally wrong in my opinion. You can cast a blank vote. I long for an opposition party who can manage the country right, who never lies.


共謀罪の果ての世界「華氏451度」 ブラッドベリの名作、映画化もされています Fahrenheit 451, the masterpiece of Ray Bradbury,warning police-state


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トコロテンの一部としての自覚 To confirm myself as a mere part of time

2017-05-24 07:49:18 | エッセイ


My wife and I had a lunch with parents of my son's fiancee on 21MAY. I recalled what had happened back in 34 years. I had a same occasion. Both my parents and hers got extremly nervous. Every one sat still on washitsu, tatami room for a long time. My mother could not stand up for 10mins as her leggs were asleep. Whenever this kind of event happens, I recognize myself as a tiny small part of time or history. I'm just like certain part of tokoroten, Japanese Jello-like food. A rectangular tokoroten shall be placed in the divice called ten-tsuki, tokoroten push slicer like french fry cutter to make tokoroten noodles. Tokoroten will be pushed out of the device from the top to the end. When you are pushed out of tentsuki, you finish your life. And I am in tokoroten. The first one in will be the first one out. This was what I meant. And it is a blessed thing. To finsih life in orderly manner is the best way. I've seen my aunt who've lost her daughter. That was really painful. So as my Kamikaze uncle Ryo. Just can't imagine how it hurt my grand mother. Death is scary but blessing if it comes in orderly manner. I do not want to be immortal as I might have to face thousands of deaths of loved ones. It'll be the ultimate torture.   

古い小津安二郎映画に定年まで働いた会社のポスターが Posters of Northwest Orient Airlines in old picture

これもトコロテン、売却の決まった横浜山手の妻の実家 The house of my wife's parents.Sold.

新聞折り込みチラシなぜ4枚も?いい加減な仕事 4 same flyers in the news paper. What a goof job!

テントウムシって結構首が長い I didn't know the ladybug had such a long neck

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