

Paper代写:The ICO or the cryptocurrency

2019-06-20 17:36:03 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The ICO or the cryptocurrency,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了ICO和加密货币。ICO是加密货币利用加密技术保护数字货币的市场。密码学是一种通常用于安全的加密技术。加密货币主要用于在线购买商品和服务。与传统货币不同的是,加密货币不能兑换成其他商品,因为由于中央政府不发行货币,加密货币不被视为法定货币。ICO曾帮助企业筹集资金,用于区块链和加密货币技术的开发。

The ICO or the cryptocurrency is the market that utilizes the digital money that have been protected through a technology called cryptography. Cryptography is an encryption technology that is usually used for security. Cryptocurrencies are primarily used online for the purchase of goods and services. Unlike the traditional currency, the cryptocurrency is not redeemable for another commodity as there are not considered a legal tender because a central authority does not issue them. The use of cryptocurrency is currently still limited to the individuals who are even considered as the early adopters. There are approximately 10 million bitcoins holders worldwide who own them primarily for investment purposes. Objectively the cryptocurrencies have been viewed to be unnecessary because the government-backed currencies function adequately (Duffield & Diaz, 2015). The merits that have been associated with the use of cryptocurrency are mainly theoretical. It is believed that the mainstream utilization of the cryptocurrency will be realized only when there is a significant tangible benefit that is associated with the usage of cryptocurrency

Currently, there are two primary types of the cryptocurrency: those that are used to buy goods and services and the alternative that allow individuals to participate in smart contracts which is an are an arrangement that is reinforced mainly through the codes that courts. Experts have asserted that there would not be one superior digital currency (Tumber, 2015). The market share for the cryptocurrency is currently being led by bitcoin which is closely followed by the Ethereum.

Nevertheless, it is essential to understand that there has been an emergency and the growth of many novel technologies. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that was founded by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency .Additionally, the infrastructure that is associated with bitcoins is the simplest technology. In typical bitcoin transaction the buyer and the seller would utilize a facility that is known as the payment wallet to receive and send cash. A bitcoin transaction the buyer and seller the buyer and the seller would mostly utilize the payments wallets to send and receive payments. There are a number of companies that have started to use bitcoin had greatly expanded during since its inauguration. The list currently includes the merchants who are diverse such as the Microsoft, subway, Expedia and the sandwich chain. Apart from bitcoin ether and other digital currencies have increased their popularity in terms of uses over the recent years. During the period of 2017, market capitulation was estimated to be around $28 billion, most financial experts had asserted that the financial the figure would soon pass the target that had been set by the bitcoin. However, there were issues with the Ethereum technology that made to the decline in the value of Ethereum. Additionally, Ethereum is recognized as a vehicle that gives the capability of the making of digital contracts while on the hand Ether is a just like a token that is used to enter transactions on the Ethereum blockchain infrastructure. Apart from the earlier mentioned three, there are other cryptocurrencies such as the ripple, bitcoin cash, Eos, stellar, Litecoin, Cadano, Monero, and coin.

Another important concept that is important for one to understand in cryptocurrency is the concept of initial coin offering. The ICO has used to assist companies to raise funds that can be used in the developments of novels block chains and the cryptocurrencies technologies. With the regard ICO, digital tokens or coins are usually offered instead of the issuance of shares for ownership. Many startups have raised cash without depending on the private investor or the venture capitalist.ICO has currently attracted much interest with reports that many bankers have left prestigious positions for a cut of the huge profits that are currently being made in the ICO market.

With the inevitable growth of the cryptocurrency markets, many countries have seen the need for the regulation of the entire ICO market to ensure that the individuals and the company assets that indulge in the cryptocurrency markets are being protected. It is important to notice that it is only South Korea that has come up with the regulations that seem to support the new growth of the cryptocurrency market. Most countries can be assumed to have taken the inhibitory approach to reducing the activities of the ICO in their jurisdiction. It is essential to interrogate the reason why there is a need to regulate the cryptocurrency market in the country. Perhaps the two obvious reasons which are going to be covered in this document is security and privacy issues.

Security may be the first reason perhaps why the need for the regulation of the cryptocurrency market may be very imperative. Cyber threats such as theft and computer hacking have continued to impede the widespread acceptance of the cryptocurrency market. The level of cybercrime and hacking are believed to have been on the rise since the introduction of the cryptocurrency. The hacking of Ethereum and Bitcoin in July 2017 marked the climax insecurity in the ICO market. The infiltration led to the loss of user information, and hundreds of millions of Korea won. FTC have recorded an increase in the identity fraud by 100% between the year 2013 and 2016. Another high level of account hacking was recorded by coinbase which is the largest US-based exchange which also recorded an increase in the cases of hacking by 100% between the period of November and December 2016. The second reason why regulation of the cryptocurrency may be imperative is the issue of privacy. When it comes to the problems of confidentiality, the anonymity characteristic of the bitcoin and the block chain transactions have been an issue of concern when it comes to regulation. In a typical traditional financial market, when a service or a good is defective, it is the role of the central authority to cancel the transaction and refund the buyer in order to avoid fraud. However, cryptocurrency ecosystem, there is no central organization that can be tasked with the primary role to facilitate recourse against the seller.

There are several techniques that they have been applied to regulate the cryptocurrency market in a different jurisdiction. A ban on the initial coin offering is one of them. A country in China has banned the crowdfunding through initial coin offering. All the urgency that deals with financial regulation in China which include the People's Bank of China (PBOC), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) recently issued a joint statement that asserted that they would prevent any financial risks that would result from Initial coin offerings for the primary functions of investor protection and financial risk prevention. In that consequence, according to the regulations of the ICO, the organizations crowdsourced cryptocurrencies such as the bitcoin and the Ethereum through the irregular exchange and circulation were deemed to be engaging in the practice of public financing without the authority of the central authority a practice which is illegal in china. The rules of ICO clearly asserts that activities such as unlawful issuance of security, financial fraud, Pyramid selling, illegal fundraising will be considered financial crime, since the cryptocurrency such as the bitcoin are not offered by the country monetary system, then they are not recognized as a legal tender. The recommendations asserted that the bitcoins did not bear equal legal status with the Fiat and "cannot and should not be circulated and used in the market as currencies." The regulation by the ICO had also asserted strict regulations on the business of cryptocurrency selling platforms. They had also made the rules to prevent the changing of legal tender into cryptocurrency and vice versa. The regulations have also prohibited the government of china from selling or buying cryptocurrency, deciding the price of the digital currency or the provision of the urgency services that are related to the same. The government of the Chinese government was given the role to go to the extent of going to the full extent of shutting down the website or the application that does not follow the above recommendations. The punitive in case of apps may involve even removing an app from the app store and cases of businesses suspend the license of the businesses that fail to comply.

Another method that has been used to regulate the cryptocurrency market in China setting requirements for the financial institutions. The ICO rules have set requirement rules that prohibit financial organizations from indirectly or directly offering services for cryptocurrencies and ICO which includes opening bank accounts, trading, providing registration, clearing or liquidation services. The insurance services that are related to ICO s or cryptocurrency is also prohibited. There has been the ban on the bank and other financial institutions dealing with ICO since 2013. The directive of precautions that mainly touched on the issue of the risks of bitcoin that was jointly issued by CIRC,CBRC,MIIT,CSRC and PBOC on December 3,2013,had clearly directed that financial institutions and banks must not indulge in bitcoin, sell or buy bitcoins, utilize bitcoins pricing for services and products, or provide either direct or indirect bitcoin related services which include trading clearing ,settling ,registering and other services. The regulation also made it illegal for this financial institutions to accept bitcoins or using the same as trading or clearing tools or trading the same with chinese yuan or foreign currency

Another methodology that has been used in the regulation of the financial market in China is the practice of discouraging the concept of mining of bitcoin. China's Leading Group of Internet Financial Risks Remediation (IFRR) in January,2018, had demanded the removal of the existing preferential policies that affected the Bitcoin mining companies regarding taxes, prices, or land use, and help to come up with an organized framework that could control orderly exit from the bitcoin business. The jurisdictions report all the activities that involve bitcoin mining operations in their localities (Duffield & Diaz, 2015). Since then regulations of the bitcoin mining has been strengthening, in most of the Chinese provinces. The control has led to most bitcoins to stop their operations

In the United States of America, Individual states have adopted different approaches when it comes to the regulation of the bitcoins. The state of New York created the Bit License system, which had the primary role of imposing new recommendations on the organisations that sought to conduct business with New York residents’. In the period of mid-2017, the New York state had only licensed three BitLincenses, and a more significant number of the BitLincenses have either been denied or withdrawn. The cost of obtaining bitcoin license is very high in New York estimated to be $ 100000 a factor which galvanized and departure of the cryptocurrency from the New York State.

Contrary to that kind of regulation, other states such as the state of Arizona and Vermont have accepted the technology. The states have passed regulations that have provided lawful status to the records or facts that are connected to Block chain which will that case include the smart contracts. Arizona has however passed a second law that will make it illegal for a block chain technology to be utilized to track the location or control firearm

Venezuela may not be a major world economy nor have a massive investors of digital currencies, but they have come up with their regulation framework. The company under the restrictive regime of Nicolas Maduro have come up with their oil backed petrol cryptocurrency. The initial indication was that the company wanted to crack down on the use of cryptocurrency because the Bolivar had become relatively unusable. The government of Maduro decided to control cryptocurrency by releasing a list of authorized cryptocurrency miners in the country (Hayes, 2017) on December 13,2007. Since the fiat currency is not doing well in the country and the sanctions by the USA continue to hurt the economy, a state-sanctioned cryptocurrency may place Venezuela as the most progressive country when it comes to cryptocurrency regulations.

When it comes to the cryptocurrency regulation japan cannot be considered to be particularly liberal. Due to the fact that South Korea and China, have been seen to be creating a very hostile environment for the development of cryptocurrency market, the country has been to have ability of attracting some of cryptocurrency investment that will be lost in China and South Korea. The Japanese government has been judged by investors to be more accommodating to the cryptocurrency than most of its Asian counterparts (Hileman & Rauchs, 2017). However, the recent hack on the Japanese exchange on January 26, 2018, which led to a massive theft of 530 million worth of NEM coins may have led to fear from the community and attracted a more watchful eye from the Financial Services Agency

The analysis of the future of bitcoin cryptocurrency indicates that the development cannot be contained anymore. The bitcoin has been reported to have grown from $0.001 to $ 20k and is currently estimated to be at the trading range that is between 5800 and 6200. The figures indicate that bitcoin has been showing a very stable growth. The future of cryptocurrency is auspicious. When the world leaders discussed the rapid development of cryptocurrencies at the G2o summit, they concluded that a point of no return had already been passed and cryptocurrency was here to stay. They found that the industry needed to be regulated within the framework of the legislative field. Exactly a year ago the cost of bitcoin was $2500, and the market capitalization was estimated to be slightly over $100 billion. After less than one year the figures are 2.5 higher meaning that bitcoin figures have increased by 250% on the regular chart. In a large-scale study that was concluded by Stanford University on cryptocurrency, an approximate number of the existing bitcoin wallet was calculated. The name was found to have increased from 5 million to 11 million. The others of the study contended that the figure might not be exact, but the multiplication of the maximum statement by 3 meant that still, a total of 33 million people would have done some transaction by utilizing bitcoin at least once in their lifetime. Now considering that the total population in the world is 7 billion people, it becomes self-evident in that sense that even a figure of 33 million that is overestimated is very significant (Gandal & Halaburda,2014). The statistics assert that indeed the globalization of the cryptocurrency is still something that has a very bright future. In that concerned, it expected that the entering of new users would undoubtedly lead to an increase in the rate of the use of cryptocurrency.

In conclusion, The ICO or the cryptocurrency is the market that utilizes the digital currencies that apply the technology of encryption called cryptography. Cryptography is a technological technique that is usually used for security. Cryptocurrencies are primarily used online for the purchase of goods and services. The ICO has used to assist companies to raise funds that can be used in the developments of novels block chains and the cryptocurrencies technologies. With the inevitable growth of the cryptocurrency markets, many countries have seen the need for the regulation of the entire ICO market to ensure that the individuals and the company assets that indulge in the cryptocurrency markets are being protected. Perhaps the two obvious reasons which are going to be covered in this document is security and privacy issues. Different countries have applied the different regulatory framework to regulate the use of cryptocurrency and the ICO market with Japan and Venezuela being the most liberal countries in their regulatory frameworks. Currently, most indications are clearly showing that ICO is here to stay.


Vigna, P., & Casey, M. J. (2016). The age of cryptocurrency: How bitcoin and digital money are challenging the global economic order.

Tumber, R. S. (2015). Cryptocurrency: The New God.

Gandal, N., & Halaburda, H. (2014). Competition in the cryptocurrency market.

Hileman, G., & Rauchs, M. (2017). Global cryptocurrency benchmarking study. Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance.

Hayes, A. S. (2017). Cryptocurrency value formation: An empirical study leading to a cost of production model for valuing bitcoin. Telematics and Informatics, 34(7), 1308-1321.

Duffield, E., & Diaz, D. (2015). Dash: A PrivacyCentric CryptoCurrency. Self-published.


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Assignment代写:Apple’s globalization strategy

2019-06-20 17:35:04 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Apple’s globalization strategy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了苹果公司的全球化战略。企业在扩大世界生产和市场时更加依赖全球化战略。对苹果公司来说,全球化战略的好处是显而易见的。通过全球化,苹果公司将生产工厂转移到劳动力成本相对较低的发展中国家,大大降低了制造成本。苹果公司在向其他国家推出产品的同时,也在吸引投资,以增加营业收入,扩大市场份额。此外,苹果公司的全球化战略也为他们在国际上创造了良好的形象和声誉,为美国带来了巨大的国际贸易收入,因此,苹果公司已经成为世界上最著名的电子技术公司。

Companies are more dependent on globalization strategies when expanding world production and market (Jerry Harris, 2015). For Apple Inc., the benefits of globalization strategies are obvious. Through globalization, Apple Inc. has moved production plants to developing countries where labor costs are relatively low, results in significantly reducing manufacturing cost. When introducing products to other countries, Apple Inc. is also attracting investment to increase its operating income and expand its market share. In addition, Apple Inc.'s globalization strategy has also created good image and reputation for them internationally, bringing huge international trade income to the U.S. Thus, Apple Inc. has become the world's most well-known electronic technology company.

However, on the other hand, Apple’s globalization strategy is also a double-edged sword which has brought many difficulties to Apple. It is no doubt that Apple's globalization has brought huge profit to it and its market value has become the world's top, but it has also intensified competition in the electronics industry, constantly forcing Apple to surpass itself and develop more attractive and creative products to satisfy customers. In the process of globalization strategy, Apple exports its products to countries all over the world, however, all products are in the original version of design of the United States. Without certain modifications to its own products according to the different national conditions of each country, Apple lose a lot of potential customers (but at the latest Apple conference, we also saw that Apple added a dual-card-dual-standby function on the new iPhone, which is obviously a great compromise for Chinese fans). In order for Apple to achieve long-term sustainable development in the process of globalization, it must maintain its invigorating innovation and design new products that are more in line with customer needs.


Jerry Harris, (2015) "Globalization, technology and the transnational capitalist class", Foresight, Vol. 17 Issue: 2, pp.194-207,


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2019-06-20 17:34:01 | 日記


















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Paper代写:The rural economy of late medieval England

2019-06-20 17:31:50 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The rural economy of late medieval England讨论了中世纪晚期英国的农村经济。中世纪晚期,英国的农业生产力水平全面提升,创造出了更多的社会财富,促进了英国社会经济的繁荣。同时,英国社会独特的传统习惯和法律机制,又赋予了社会基本劳动群众一种原始个人权利,这种权利在一定程度上形成了对农民利益保护的屏障,使得社会的底层民众能够在超经济强制的条件下逐渐实现了财富的积累。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Land is the material basis on which people live and develop, the basic means of production for agricultural production, and the source of all production and existence.

From the 14th to the 15th century AD, especially after the outbreak of the black death, the population of England was greatly reduced and the land resources were abundant. The serfdom system was gradually disbanded and the organization of manors in name only existed. In order to attract more tenants to cultivate the land, the Lord relaxed the lease conditions. For example, the bishop of Worcester's estate has increased the number of tenants renting out their land because of lower entry taxes. In addition to leasing land, farmers could obtain it through other means: buying from other tenants, marrying widows who owned the land, directly acquiring the land of the dead Lord or the land that the tenants had abandoned due to migration, and so on. William white of cowperley, county durham, inherited from his father in 1480 30 acres of land and two cottages, and by purchase in 1482 increased the number of acres from 60 to 80. John mayer of bermfield, Suffolk, inherited 48 acres in 1461, and by purchase and lease increased his holdings to 150 acres in 1478.

Many scholars have judged and analyzed the land possession of farmers in the 12th and 13th centuries, and they all agree that most farmers in the rural society in Britain owned less than 15 acres of land during this period. Hilton estimates that while some landholders in Britain owned 12 to 15 acres or more at the time, most were under five acres. Dale's survey of land holdings in cliffey parish in 1299 showed that the average number of farmers covering less than 15 acres was between 42 and 45 per cent, and estimated that in densely populated east Anglia it was 80 per cent, compared with an average of 50 per cent in the country as a whole. The results were similar. We can see from this that the peasants who owned about 15 acres or less at the end of the 13th century belonged to the middle class, which was the majority in rural society.

After the 14th century, however, farmers holding less than 15 acres became a relatively poor minority in rural society. In most midland villages, for example, most farmers held at least 40 to 50 acres of farmland in 1500. In another example of the scale of farmers' land holdings in the late middle ages, archaeological excavations at codexter, herefordshire, uncovered the remains of two barns belonging to a farmer in the late 15th century, each more than 60 feet long and capable of storing 160 acres of grain. Dale studied the land holdings of two villages in the east and central England, compared the number and proportion of land owned by farmers in the middle of the 13th century and the middle of the 15th century, and further understood the change of the number of land owned by farmers through this table.

Although there were local differences in the change of the amount of land held by British farmers at this time, the trend of land area expansion of most farmers was very obvious, and the area occupied by each household generally increased, while the number of small land holders decreased. He also argues that the average landholder in an English farming area can meet the needs of a farmer's family with half a wilgett, the amount of land needed to maintain the minimum standard of living for an average family. By 1480, according to historians, about three-quarters of the farmers in the midlands had enough land to meet their needs. Most farmers in the late middle ages apparently owned more land than this. For farmers, land is the main means of production, and increasing land ownership is the most effective way to improve their living capacity.

Without land, people cannot make a living, and land needs careful management and utilization by farmers to be more transformed into the means of production and livelihood that people rely on.

The late middle ages was a period of important changes in the agrarian system in England. In the 12th century, the three-bed system was introduced to England. By the 14th century, it was widely promoted and implemented in agricultural production. "In 1300 it is safe to say that almost all were three-way," clapan notes. The three-bed system divides the land into three parts: one-third fallow, one-third sow wheat in the autumn and harvest early next summer, and one-third sow oats, barley or beans in the late spring and harvest in the autumn. The farmland is rotated for three years. Compared with the two-field system, the three-field system has improved the land utilization rate, which is a great progress of the farming system.

In the 14th and 15th centuries, the three-field system in the east and southeast of England was gradually replaced by the system of grain rotation, and the fallow land was further reduced. 1268-1269 the earliest recorded abolition of fallow land on the earl of south walshham estate in Norfolk; from the 14th century, records of the reduction or abolition of fallow land in other places gradually increased. For 80 years after 1350, the average area of fallow land on 18 properties in Norfolk was 13.5% of total arable land. The original fallow land will no longer be abandoned, or the fallow period will be reduced, instead of once every three years to once every four to six years. Feed crops, such as legumes, alfalfa and turnips, are cultivated on the original fallow land. The loss of fallow land further increased the amount of land under cultivation, leading farmers to strengthen their fields with labor-intensive inputs, such as multiple plowing, extensive application of fertilizer, and even shipment of manure from Norwich in addition to manure from their sheepfolds. This new method of farming, on the basis of the three-bed system, has further improved the yield of grain and forage, and produced greater economic benefits than single-cropping.

After the mid-14th century, with the expansion of farmers' land holdings and the increase of grain harvest, the midlands and the south adopted the combined farming and pastoral land rotation system. By the 16th and 17th centuries, this method became the main farming system adopted by large lease farmers. As the cultivated area of land increased, the role of fertilizers became more prominent. In order to ensure sufficient fertility of the soil and avoid sterility, landholders often changed the land into pasture for grazing after a few years, and then into arable land after a few years. Thanks to improvements in production technology, famine in England largely disappeared after the 1930s, when there was still a food crisis in parts of the continent. With the implementation of rotation farming system, Britain began to transition from traditional agriculture based on plantation to modern agriculture combined with farming and animal husbandry in the 15th century. The heavy plough, an advanced tool of production in the late middle ages, replaced the traditional light plough when the new farming system was widely adopted. Heavy plough is a new type of plough with wheels. In the land plowed back and forth for several times with light plough, heavy plough only needs to plough once but turns the land more thoroughly. The use of replough also provided the conditions for intensive cultivation of the land. When the population of England fell in the late middle ages and there was a shortage of labor force, the use of heavy plough had obvious advantages, which not only improved the cultivation quality, but also saved labor force.

The application of replough has raised the requirement of animal strength. Horses are increasingly being used in farming as efficient draft animals. Horses have the advantage of being able to plow faster and work longer than conventional cattle. The use of horses increased dramatically after the 13th and 14th centuries. Horses account for 17 per cent, 60 per cent and 70 per cent of the draft stock on the three Worcester estates, which are already heavily used for farming. There are areas where horses and oxen are mixed for farming. For example, in 1291, on the redham and laurend estates of st. Bennett Abbey, there was a plough with two cows and two horses; on the acre estate, three horses and four oxen formed two plough teams. For example, in 1343, the farmer of the slateby estate, who owned 26.5 acres, owned three horses. Two of the horses ploughed the land and the other horse was used to rake the ground. The improvement of production tools has greatly improved the labor efficiency of farmers.

During this period, farmers adopted some other advanced methods of field management: intensive farming, multiple deep plowing, at least three times a year; Scientific and reasonable fertilization, make full use of plant fertilizers, livestock manure and natural marl rich in minerals to improve soil fertility; The use of intensive seeding to curb weed growth and other new production technology, agricultural production technology progress is an important means to improve productivity, all this greatly promoted the progress of British agriculture, increased food production.

Due to the improvement of agricultural production technology, the yield of agricultural land in Britain changed significantly in the 14th and 15th centuries. According to western historians' estimates of the yield per acre of land in the middle ages, we can clearly see the track of crop yield changes in the late middle ages by comparing the 13th to 15th centuries.

Due to the improvement of the yield of land and the surplus of farmers, the grain market in Britain was always active in the late middle ages, and there were special grain markets in small and medium-sized market towns all over the country. In addition to meeting domestic demand, grain was exported in large quantities and, as Moore describes in his history of the people of Britain, the urban population of Flanders such as Ghent and bruges in the 14th and 15th centuries depended on British wheat for a living, or would have starved to death. By the 16th century, Britain was an important grain exporter and London became the national grain distribution center. The increase of grain production has improved farmers' income and consumption ability, providing a guarantee for their improvement of living conditions. At the same time, the surplus food can also release a large number of labor, promote the development of other industries.

The increase of the land holding area and the increase of grain yield provide the condition for the adjustment of agricultural management structure.

After the 13th century, the role of animal husbandry in peasant economy became more and more prominent. In particular, sheep farming gradually became an important means of management for farmers, and its economic prospects became increasingly considerable, which became an important feature of the feudal economy in this period. The rise and development of animal husbandry increased cash income and food sources for farmers and provided animal power and fertilizer for production. Because England has the best pastoral areas, superior grazing conditions, and good wool quality, almost all the classes in the countryside are keen to raise sheep. In the Wiltshire revenue books, William DE putt of west head kept livestock in 1225 that included a horse, six cows, four cows, four calves, a pig and 52 sheep. The lowland areas of cambridgeshire recorded farmers raising 200 poultry and 300 sheep in the early 14th century.

The 14th and 15th centuries saw further development of animal husbandry. According to the research of camble on the agricultural problems of Norfolk from 1250 to 1850, we can see the changes of the livestock raising structure, the improvement of the raising ability and the increase of livestock quantity of British farmers in the late middle ages. Sheep Numbers on the Norwich Abbey estate in east Norfolk were found to have increased fourfold between 1300 and 1500. After the black death, yeomans with 300 sheep were common in some midland villages, and many common sharecroppers had an average of 30 to 60. Some farmers farm only a small amount of land and shift their focus to animal husbandry. Thomas vickers of stronsell, Yorkshire, leased two plots of land for farming in 1451, but his main profits came from his 799 sheep, 198 cattle and 92 horses. There are also farmers who specialize in animal husbandry for the purpose of selling to the market. Richard scholas, for example, paid his parish £20 a year to pasture 4,366 sheep in derelict villages in Sussex, earning a hefty profit beyond the rent. The development of rural animal husbandry has strengthened the link between farmers and the market, not only improving the production and survival ability of farmers and expanding their income sources, but also the importance of animal husbandry in the British economy has become increasingly prominent. According to statistics, in 1357-1360, the export of wool up to 45 varieties; For the British, the 13th and 14th century export trade was synonymous with wool. The act of Edward iv also stated that the production of wool in England constituted the "principal and basic agricultural product" of the kingdom.

From the 15th century, the rapid development of sheep farming promoted the widespread rise of the rural industry led by cloth industry. The industrial center of Britain showed a trend of shifting to the countryside, providing farmers with opportunities to engage in non-agricultural production and absorbing a large number of rural labor force. Between the middle of the 14th century and the end of the 15th century, the output of rural weaving industry increased by more than 14 times, which not only occupied the domestic market, but also covered half of Europe, becoming an important pillar of British industry and trade. As the cloth textile industry went deep into the countryside, the production scale expanded and became the national industry of Britain, the wool exports rose. At the end of the 14th century, the wool exports reached about 40,000 pieces per year, 60,000 pieces from 1437 to 1447, and 70,000 pieces from 1499 to 1500. In the late middle ages, the rise of rural industry represented by textile industry transformed the industrial management mode of peasants from the "unitary economy" of single agricultural planting to the diversified economic structure combining agricultural planting, animal husbandry and rural industry.

The overall improvement of agricultural productivity in the late middle ages created more social wealth and promoted the prosperity of British society and economy. At the same time, the unique traditional habits and legal mechanism of the British society also endowed the basic working people with a "primitive individual right", which to some extent formed a barrier to protect the interests of farmers, enabling the people at the bottom of the society to gradually realize the accumulation of wealth under the conditions of super-economic compulsion. Thus, it laid a comprehensive and solid material foundation for Britain's transition from feudal society to capitalist society.


Essay代写:Informal American ideology

2019-06-20 17:29:46 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Informal American ideology,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的非正式意识形态。在美国,意识形态代表是着贬义,是专制集权的社会主义国家向人民灌输的共产主义思想。冷战结束后,美国意识形态领域的斗争好像已趋于缓和,但实际上,这一领域的斗争只是更加隐蔽、更加复杂罢了。躲在美国正式意识形态后面的非正式意识形态,随着时代的发展而不断变换着它的形式和内容,这也符合意识形态的虚幻性,然而它所反映出来的精神实质却没有变。

When it comes to ideology, many people find it repugnant. No matter what the theorists define it, people always associate it with the rigid indoctrination of certain theories or ideas. In the United States, ideology is often seen as a derogatory term for the "horrible" communist ideology that "authoritarian, centralized" socialist countries have instilled in their people. They use more values, beliefs, beliefs and ideals. At the end of the last century, with the upheaval of Soviet union and eastern Europe and the collapse of the so-called "socialist camp", many western media and mainstream academia began to hype the "final conclusion of ideology". The end of the cold war, they argue, marks the ultimate triumph of capitalism, and thus the "end" of ideology. In fact, every country has its own ideology. In this sense, ideology does not and will not end. The word "ideology" first appeared in the introduction to ideology written by the French philosopher and politician trahi in the early 19th century, which means the theory of ideas. In Marx's German ideology, ideology has two USES: one is "false consciousness"; one is the "superstructure of ideas". As an important category of historical materialism, ideology can only refer to the superstructure of ideas, that is, the ideological system that reflects the social and economic basis and political system from the standpoint of specific class interests, and manifests itself in the political principles, action programs, value standards and social ideals of a certain class.

Use this definition to analyze the ideology of the us, we will find that, not only in the United States trumpeted, widely spread with the core values of individualism, liberalism ideas and American democracy is ideology, moreover, there are many look less like the concept of ideology and theory, is another form of ideology. In response to this phenomenon, professor jin canrong argues in his article ideology and international relations that American ideology can be divided into formal ideology and informal ideology. The so-called formal ideology refers to those systematic ideological and ideological systems that consciously reflect the economic and political interests of certain social groups and directly safeguard the interests of existing social system and ruling class. It is generally very clear, has a very mature, relatively stable theoretical system, and is known as an ideology. The so-called informal ideology refers to those concepts, ideas and theories that are not directly and closely related to the economic and political interests of certain social groups, but serve indirectly to maintain the existing social system and the interests of the ruling class. They are generally vague, not obviously class and political, so people tend not to regard them as ideology, and therefore very deceptive. It is the American informal ideology that is the subject of this article.

After the end of the cold war, many Chinese scholars have noticed that the ideology of the United States has not been weakened by the disappearance of the old adversary, but tends to strengthen, and takes promoting its ideology around the world as a realistic political goal, which is probably unique in today's world. Chinese American scholar liu kang puts forward the proposition of "successful ideology", holding that in the United States, the relationship between ideology and individuals is extremely natural and appropriate, and people highly agree with the same ideology, so they cannot feel its existence. This shows that the mainstream ideology of the United States has been basically internalized into the self-conscious norms and values of the public. At the same time, with the spread of all kinds of American products, especially Hollywood movies, Disney cartoons and massive online information, the ideology of the United States has been infiltrating into all areas of people's lives around the world. There is no denying that American ideology is indeed a "successful ideology".

At the same time, the international communist movement fell into a low tide after the Soviet union and eastern Europe upheaval, which also posed a severe challenge to the ideological construction of our country. In the eyes of some us media, China, which still adheres to the socialist system after the collapse of the Soviet union, has naturally become its political enemy, "ideological opponent" and "hated symbol". "No country in the world today is more bold than China in defending ideologies and values that most Americans consider outdated or evil," the New York times said in an opinion piece on September 10, 1991. So they turned their ideological struggle against China. At the same time, China's ongoing reform oriented by socialist market economy also calls for continuous sublation and innovation of traditional socialist ideology from content to form, so as to meet the needs of the development and situation of The Times and improve its effectiveness. It can be seen that the study and analysis of American ideology is of great significance to the construction of socialist ideology in China.

Relative to the official ideology and informal ideology in the United States due to its concealment and deception more difficult to recognize the essence of which, as a result, the author will be America's "manifest destiny" in the 19th century and the frontier theory, modernization theory in the 1960 s and 70 s after the formation of the theory of globalization, as the three typical informal ideology to analyze.

"Manifest destiny" originated in the protestant spirit of the English puritans, who considered themselves the chosen people of god and had a natural mission to expand since landing in America. As early as 1776, Thomas paine, in his book common sense, quoted the Puritan ideal of the millennium, arguing that only the chosen people of a blessed god could play a special leadership role in the global spiritual renewal. Max weber also argued that the spirit of American capitalism was born of the protestant ethic. Throughout the 19th century, under the banner of manifest destiny, the United States embarked on one expansion after another. From 1783 to 1872, the size of the United States tripled and the population increased ninefold. In the mexican-american war of 1846-47 alone, the United States annexed half of Mexico. This is the mystery of the sustained development of the United States in the 19th century: once a serious economic crisis occurred in the country, leading to the intensification of class contradictions, the United States would seize the land of other countries by means of "immigration-occupation", transferring the surplus labor force while transferring the dissatisfaction and class contradictions. American historian Turner first proposed the frontier theory in 1893, indicating the significance of frontier in American history. Turner concluded that "the frontier of the free land, which has been shrinking back, is the key to the development of the United States." For the frontier was a "magical fountain of youth," without which "ideological divisions begin to develop in certain classes, and ideological divisions may expand and divide." The frontier theory makes the "manifest destiny" with strong religious flavor more theoretical. Since then, pretentious Americans with their "natural mission" have turned America's frontier into an "active frontier" that can be pushed anywhere in the world.

As an ideology, "manifest destiny" and the frontier doctrine have been continuing to influence the United States, which is the ideological basis of the American ideology. For Theodore Roosevelt, the clash between civilised and savage RACES was inevitable, and progress could only be achieved by civilised people "subduing their savage neighbours". Nixon described the "American ideal" in his book beyond peace, which is to "promote" the highest American civilization and the most perfect American democracy in the world, so that "all countries have free economic system and political system, always faithful to social justice and human rights". Both historical "expansion" and today's "humanitarian intervention" are aimed at achieving this sacred goal and fulfilling this god-given mission. Since the end is sacred, the meanness of the means is of course less important. Understanding this, it is easy to understand why the United States, which once condemned colonialism in the declaration of independence, pursued the establishment of an already infamous "empire" under the banner of "expanding freedom" and "spreading the republic". It is easy to understand the strong sense of moral superiority and racial superiority shown by American foreign policy under the guidance of "American exceptionalism". It is also easy to understand the arrogance and arrogance that the United States has always shown in the international political arena. Up to now, the so-called new theories and rules, such as "human rights above sovereignty", "war for values", "legitimate humanitarian international intervention" and "civilization conflict" put forward by the United States in diplomacy, still hide the lingering "manifest destiny" and frontier doctrine.

After the end of the World War II, the theory of modernization and the social science of "liberal development" emerged in the United States, which had a great impact on the ideological field and diplomatic field of the United States. Some social scientists directly entered the government and became "think-tanks" of the government. The exchanges and contacts between the government and academic circles were unprecedently strengthened. Social scientists participated in the formulation of American foreign policy in an unprecedented breadth and depth. Harvard economist Lincoln Gordon, for example, was U.S. ambassador to Brazil and assistant secretary of state for American affairs. Harvard historian Arthur schlesinger jr., a former White House adviser; Rostow, a social scientist, has served as national security adviser and director of the state council's policy and planning commission. In response to what they saw as the "threat from communism" during the collapse of the European colonial order, some social scientists and Kennedy administration policy makers used modernization theory as a tool to enhance the power of the free world. In order to curb communism and socialist countries compete for the new national independence of developing countries in ideological, they using the theory of modernization, the process of the development of human society are extremely complex, depicted through a series of basic stage from traditional society to the modern development of general process, and the United States is at the end of the process or the top. In other words, the United States is the ultimate model of modernization, the American way of development is the only right way to achieve modernization, all other countries are on the same path, and irresistibly toward the ultimate goal of the United States is constantly closer and closer. So they control their own first modernization theory contains those seemingly scientific index system, points out that the developing countries in economic, political and cultural defects, lead the country to the modernization of universal "way" - American development path, and "selflessness" to provide all kinds of material aid and spiritual assistance, to help the poor countries by the "way" realize the transition from traditional to modern, as to avoid the transition of these countries in danger due to the poverty and despair of people into the arms of communism. Clearly, these ideas met the needs of the Kennedy administration during the cold war. Modernization theory also proposes specific policy choices to push backward countries along the "right transition path" toward liberal and capitalist modernization. Undoubtedly, this theory plays into the hands of the us government and directly influences its policy planning.

It can be seen that modernization theory is in line with the doctrine of "manifest destiny" and "frontier doctrine". It is only a theoretical summary of the development path of the United States, replacing the "authorization" of "heaven" and "the hand of god". Instead of formal territorial conquest, the "demonstration effect" was used. Under the background of the cold war, the U.S. government needs to be a new kind of powerful ideological content to replace the original naked gangster logic, to fight against "communist indoctrination", maximum limit for people in the developing world public opinion, and modernization theory is such a strong concealment and attractive, can continue to exert influence of informal ideology. Under the guidance of the ideology, the United States have made a plan to fight for progressive alliance, through the implementation of this plan, make people forget the United States in the history of Latin American aggression, and regarded it as a the best modern values, technology and system to Latin America, in order to "help" backward "neighbors" as soon as possible to modernise the altruism and humanitarian. Through the peace corps, the United States has also sent tens of thousands of young people to some of the world's most backward regions to "help" them overcome the obstacles to modernization, remedy their cultural deficiencies and accelerate their modernization process by teaching them advanced technologies and democratic concepts. Although these policies have not been completely successful, the theory of modernization has become popular and widely spread all over the world. The concept of modernization is deeply rooted in people's hearts and has become the unswerving goal of many developing countries.

However, when we establish our own theory of socialist modernization, we should see that the theory of modernization as an American ideology has its own defects. It follows almost entirely the development path of the United States, abstracts a set of unitary development indicators, and USES them to evaluate backward countries, completely ignoring their different historical conditions and cultural characteristics. It elevated the path of American modernization into a universal model, a universal truth, and a wishful and overconfident attempt to impose that model on the rest of the world; Last but not least, whatever its concealment and deceit, it is an American ideology.

It can be seen from the above analysis that, on the surface, the struggle in the ideological field has tended to ease after the end of the cold war, but in fact, the struggle in this field is only more subtle and complicated. The informal ideology hiding behind the formal ideology of the United States is constantly changing its form and content with the development of The Times, which fully conforms to the illusory side of ideology said by Marx. However, the spiritual essence it reflects remains unchanged. So. In the process of accelerating opening up to the outside world and integrating into the tide of world economic development, we should maintain a high degree of vigilance against various forms of informal ideology of capitalism.

