


2019-06-21 17:26:46 | 日記



原文:Symptoms of influenza include fever and nasal congestion.

改写后:A stuffy nose and elevated temperature are signs individuals may have the flu.



原文:uptake of 300cc injected Regorafenib was reduced by one-one-third for each 0.5%of increased hypoxia in the tumored organ.

改写后:each 0.05%increase in hypoxia in the tumored organ reduced uptake of 300cc injected Regorafenib by one-third.



更好的改写后:in his 2012 study, Miller discusses recent innovations in interferon drugs. He writes that increasing levels of tumor hypoxia significantly reduced the uptake of Regorafenib(Miller,2012)



原文: “Fully grown penguins generate pressures of around 74 mm Hg to excrete liquid material and 430 mm Hg to excrete material of higher viscosity similar to that of oil.”


不想改写的同学可以用直接引用,在一些查重系统里,引用不会被计入字数:Direct Quote: In her study of Antarctic penguin defecation habits, Brooks(1995,p.4)wrote,“fully grown Chinstrap penguins generate pressures of around 74 mm Hg to excrete liquid material and 430 mm Hg to excrete material of higher viscosity similar to that of oil.”


改写后:When studying Chinstrap penguin defecation habits, Brooks(1995,p.4)observed that fully grown penguins generate a much higher pressure when excreting more viscous fecal matter.

这个改写就突出了这句话的重点:“Penguins use more pressure to excrete thicker poo.”


Quote/Paraphrase Combination: When studying penguin defecation habits, Brooks(1995,p.4)observed that fully grown penguins vary in how they excrete waste, generating “pressures of around 74 mm Hg to excrete liquid material and 430 mm Hg to excrete material of higher viscosity similar to that of oil.”




Effect of the renegotiation of the north American free trade agreement on the united states economy

2019-06-21 17:24:59 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Effect of the renegotiation of the north American free trade agreement on the united states economy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了北美自由贸易协定的重新谈判对美国经济的影响。USMCA于2018年10月1日由成员国正式签署,是北美自由贸易协定重新谈判的结果,计划于2023年全面分阶段实施。作为唐纳德·特朗普总统为推动经济强劲增长而进行的改革之一,可以看出USMCA的目标是与这三个国家建立更自由的市场和更公平的贸易。USMCA带来了制造业、农业和数字产业的重大变革,旨在加强对国内产业的保护,刺激市场。但USMCA在有利于相关行业的同时,也面临着市场稳定的潜在风险。

1. Summary

The United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA), which was formally agreed on October 1st, 2018 by its member states, is referred to be the new trade deal as a result of the renegotiation of NAFTA and is planned to be fully phased in 2023 (The Economist, 2018). Being as NAFTA 2.0, there are also several major differences in USMCA. For example, regulations on labor provisions, protection of intellectual property have been updated. Among these, the biggest difference would be in the auto industry associated with changes on labor market within the region. Also, the US will have more access to dairy market of Canada. As one of changes President Donald Trump proceeded in order to robust economic growth, it can be seen that USMCA is aimed to create freer markets and fairer trade with the three countries. However, the expectations can only happen under certain conditions. The most important one would be to reduce the insecurity of investors.

2. Issue #1: Dairy market

The changes on the agriculture area are mainly focus on the Canadian dairy market. Regarding the 3.25% of the diary market Canada has granted to the US in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, USMCA now provides more access for US farmers to the Canadian dairy market, which might be 3.6% (Dale & Maccharles, 2018). There are 38% of imports from the US and 52% of exports to the US in the Canadian dairy market in 2016 (Statistics Canada, 2016). Therefore, Canada has negotiate with the US to avoid the initial ‘sunset’ clause, which is expected by President Trump to eliminate Canada’s supply management system, by agreeing on the current rules, including to eliminate the ‘Class 7’ pricing system for specific mild ingredients. In this way, the dairy market in the US will be stimulated.

3. Issue #2: Vehicle industry

Besides 75% of a vehicle’s parts required to be originated in North America, which was 62.5% in NAFTA, it is stated that 40% of the work should be completed by workers being paid for minimum 16 dollars per hour (McGregor, 2018). Therefore, the new agreement will lead to more protection of the domestic auto industry and possibly attract more investment as it pushes manufacturers to place more assembling work, in North America. On the other hand, protection would result in the decrease of overall efficiency in the industry. Also, as labour costs takes up 5% to 8% of a vehicle’s cost and consumers’ demand is driven by the price, it will be reflected in the vehicles’ price and eventually in the market (McGreger, 2018).

4. Issue #3: Digital economy

New provisions related to the digital economy are regarded as positive changes by the songwriters and composers in North America since it plans to extend the copyright term from the current term, the author’s life plus 50 years, to life plus 70 years (Kirby, 2018). Being as a protection of the cultural industry, it would help to reduce the concern and therefore stable and enhance the digital economy.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, USMCA, which brings up major changes covering manufacturing, agriculture and digital industries, is aimed to improve the protection of the domestic industry and stimulate the market. The arising protectionism might wok only if the uncertainties in the market could be eliminated. A vehicle tariff-free for a consumer in North American would require 20% to 30% more orders for the domestic supply chain (McGreger, 2018). Thus, USMCA could be beneficial to certain industries involved while it also faces potential risks regarding to the stability of the market.


Canada dairy information centre (2016). Canada’s dairy industry at a glance, Canada Statistic, retrieved October 19th, 2018 from:

Kirby, J. USMCA, Trump’s new NAFTA deal, explained in 500 words, Vox, retrieved October 19th from:

McGregor, J. (2018) Auto industry relieved by NAFTA 2.0, but results may be mixed, CBC News, retrieved October 19th , 2018 from:

The Economist, NEWFTA; North American trade. Retrieved October 19th from


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2019-06-21 17:23:06 | 日記


The effects of the Global Financial Crisis were first felt in 2007.Stock markets fell sharply around the world. Australia has experienced a period of relative economic prosperity since 2007.Good business practices lessened the effect of the Global Financial Crisis. There has been a surge in mining investment.

The effects of the Global Financial Crisis were first felt in 2007 as a result of a sharp fall in Stock markets around the world. However, Australia has experienced a period of relative economic prosperity in the same period. This can partly be attributed to good business practices as well as a surge in mining investment, which have lessened the effect of the economic downturn.

相比之下,第二段文本提供了更多的信息,同时表达也更为准确。而读完第一段文本之后,你可能会有以下的问题:是否是股市崩盘导致了全球金融危机?还是说正好相反?第三句句子是否与第一句自相矛盾?第三句句子中的Good business practices是只限于澳大利亚地区,还是包括世界其他地区?采矿投资的增加与之前的信息又有什么关系呢?

之所以第一段话会让人觉得表达得不清楚,是因为第一段话缺少了Cohesion,不同的想法之间的联系不够清楚,而第二段话运用了一些Cohesive Devices,即衔接的方法,来解决了这些问题。Cohesive Devices,衔接方法,指的是可以将文本的不同部分联系起来的单词和表达方式。比如因果关系、时间先后关系以及比较和对比关系。

除此之外,第一段文本读起来也有些重复。Cohesive devices不仅可以减少重复,而且可以用更少的词语补充更多有用的信息,同时很好地连接文本。




我们需要在写作当中明确指出文章讨论的对象和内容,但是,经常重复相同的短语或者单词使文章读起来非常乏味。所以,我们需要用到cohesive devices来帮助我们指代文本。比如:

人称代词:it, he, she, his, her, they, their etc.

指示代词:this, that, these, those

冠词:a, the

副词:previously, subsequently

举例:The Australian prime minister has called an early election. The date was selected to coincide with the start of the Olympic Games. This decision was based on the views of his ministerial advisors, who predicted that voter confidence in the government’s policies would be strong at this time .As previously mentioned, decisions on the timing of elections are based on predictions of voter confidence in the existing government. high quality essay writing service on

解析:在这段话里面,the date指的是an early election, this decision指代的是澳大利亚总理发起了提前选举这项决定;his指代的是澳大利亚总理;this time指的是奥运会的开幕;而As previously mentioned指的是前面所提到的所有关于election的信息。


我们经常使用一些单词和短语来提示读者新的信息。这有助于文章的内容从一个点顺利过渡到另一点。这样的单词和短语包括:the following, as follows, below, next, subsequently.

举例:The following dates have been proposed for the forthcoming election: September 8, September 15 and 3 October.

The results of the analysis of voter confidence are shown in Table 1 below.

The next issue to be discussed is the influence of the media on voter confidence in the government.



举例:‘The government’s election campaign commenced with a media blitz outlining a series of election promises. This beginning to the campaign sparked numerous media commentaries.’



举例:‘The conflict began in the Bay of Pigs in 1961.This unsuccessful invasion was…’



举例:‘…through the use of tariffs and import quotas. These forms of protectionism can…’

解析:这里protectionism指代了上文提到的tariff和import quotas,同时也更好地帮助读者理解这两种措施。









举例:Although the government was elected for a three-year term, the Prime Minister decided to hold an early election. At the same time, the opposition parties, which had anticipated this move, had been planning their own election campaigns, however, they had not expected such immediate public support.



举例:When editing your writing, notice what you have repeated, what you have omitted and what you have not expressed clearly.


举例:Just as overusing spices ruins a recipe, overusing a thesaurus can weigh down good writing. It is easy to spot injudicious use of a thesaurus.





2.选一个自然段,并且标记出在这一个段落里面所有用到的cohesion devices。





Paper代写:The European security council

2019-06-21 17:20:53 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The European security council讨论了欧安会。欧安会是包括所有欧洲国家以及美国、加拿大在内的一次盛会,在二战后东西方关系史上是前所未有的。当苏联一心希望尽快召开欧安会时,英国却始终主张欧安会多边预备会谈不应该谈判实质性问题。英国为欧安会正式谈判设想了足够复杂的、多层次的会议组织结构,并且还构思了“归纳法”和“平行法”两种谈判方法,以便能够使西方各国的欧安会代表能够在欧安会谈判期间随心所欲地提出他们所关心的各种问题,从而形成并有效保持了对东方的压力。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The csce is a grand gathering that includes all European countries, as well as the United States and Canada. It is unprecedented in the history of east-west relations since the second world war. Prepared Britain to the European security council was divided into two aspects, on the one hand is for western union, mainly in safeguarding the interests of the whole western group as the ultimate goal, to keep the pressure on the east, strengthening the non-governmental exchanges between the two parts, and then to the Soviet union and eastern European countries the goal of peaceful evolution of the cold war struggle; On the other hand, it is the national goal to play the role of a great power in Europe and a great power in csce. In order to achieve these goals, the British side stressed the importance of western unity and firmly safeguard, side to design some negotiation strategies and methods, including multilateral preparatory talks to avoid the European security council negotiations substantive issues, determine the organization structure of the European security council, as well as "induction" and "parallel method" method, and stick to distinguish between negotiations and file drafting phase. Through the practice of these strategies, the west had a long advantage during the negotiations and maintained strong pressure on the Soviet union and eastern European countries.

The csce multilateral preparatory talks, a preparation for the formal conference, opened on 22 November 1972 and ended on 8 June 1973. Preparatory talks themselves are not simple things, during which the east and the west have been engaged in debates and struggles on various topics, among which the most important issue is whether the multilateral preparatory talks should negotiate substantive issues or not. The so-called "substantive issues" of the western alliance mainly refer to the "humanitarian" and "human rights" issues, as well as the "most-favoured-nation treatment" issues in the economic field. Among them, the "humanitarian" issue was very strange in the Soviet union and eastern Europe, but it was convenient for the western alliance to promote the "peaceful evolution" in the east, and the economic issue was the urgent need of the east, but it was likely to have to pay a huge price. The western alliance attaches great importance to "humanitarian" issues.

There are two opposing views within the western group on the csce preparatory talks: one represented by the United States and the other by Britain and France. The United States has repeatedly argued that preparatory meetings should negotiate substantive issues so that clear substantive agreements can be prepared in advance for formal negotiations to be ratified during the formal session. The United States wants to take advantage of the Soviet union's eagerness to convene the csce, forcing the Soviet union to pay a price on issues such as human contacts in exchange for western agreement to participate in the csce, so the multilateral preparatory talks should discuss substantive issues. The administration is clearly under pressure at home because if the preparatory talks don't get substantive, congress and the public will increase pressure on the administration to unilaterally withdraw U.S. troops from Europe, while undermining the Allies' support for the necessary troop increases. Both the Netherlands and the us want the west to be "unequivocal from the start" and then adjust as needed. Although Britain and France also advocated making the Soviet union pay the price, they all advocated that the preparatory multilateral talks should not talk about the substance, but only about the agenda and procedures. They oppose turning multilateral preparatory talks into csce pre-conferences. Both countries are more committed to this position. France had earlier suggested that substantive issues should be left to the committee of experts during the formal session. The closer it is to the csce, the more support France's proposition has gained within the European Community. The French claim was broadly supported by the British. However, the UK also believes that everything must depend on the situation. Moreover, while many western countries favor a detailed agenda, Britain wants to preserve the "ambiguity" of the csce agenda so that western representatives can make their own proposals without breaking any rules.

The reason why Britain believes that multilateral preparatory talks should not talk about substantive issues is mainly to avoid "early confrontation" and to continue to create favorable conditions for western participation by taking advantage of the Soviet union's eagerness to convene csce. If the west demands too soon, it will be hard to get the Soviet union to back down on that basis, and there will be little to gain from later negotiations. Eastern Europe and European neutral states may not pay much attention to what the western alliance has already said. "Once the elevator starts, it is unrealistic to want to go down again," said Britain, which wants "full flexibility" in any meeting of ministers. The British deputy ambassador to NATO, j.a. homson, then proposed the British agenda: the western declaration, the eastern declaration and the common ground. In this way, there can be something substantive without leading to debate. West Germany was "hooked" on the idea.

Britain thinks America underestimates two political problems. First, once multilateral preparations for the csce begin, no European government wants to be blamed for preventing the conference from taking place, except in the event of a serious Soviet invasion of Romania. Second, America ignores the growing convergence among the members of the "enlarged European Community". This consensus "arose from a natural sense of common interest and awakened in the work of European political cooperation". The fact that the csce has been chosen by western European states as one of the occasions to pursue a common foreign policy is itself an indication of their increasing coherence. In essence, the British aim is to ensure that western representatives can raise whatever issues they deem important on the csce "at will". Let the east move towards the demands of Britain, not the other way round. It became the official position of the western alliance, including the European Community and NATO, to "discreetly refuse to commit to the csce" and not allow the Soviet union to take western participation in the csce for granted. During csce, the United Kingdom has always insisted on the outcome of the previous stage of negotiations as a condition for further progress. The western alliance has also taken this basic position.

The csce agenda includes the "security dimension" and "cooperation dimension" of Europe, and there are many topics on the agenda. Therefore, how to make the negotiations proceed smoothly and gain advantages in the negotiations is an issue that both eastern and western camps attach great importance to. The organizational structure of the csce has two implications. One is the format of the conference - whether it is staged or composed of small meetings; Second, the organization of the conference - what kind of consultation bodies should be set up during the negotiations and how many should be set up.

At the NATO Lisbon meeting of 3-4 June 1971, the NATO countries presented two views on the structure of the formal meeting: the first view advocated the formation of csce with multiple meetings, which Italy supported; The second idea calls for a conference, but in stages, an idea that was put forward by France. In the end, the French view prevailed, and the west finally decided that the csce would be held in three stages. On the eve of the multilateral preparatory talks in November 1972, the Soviet union also advocated a three-stage csce and put forward its own agenda. Britain has prepared and revised a document for the ec, defining the basic organizational structure of the csce to establish a cooperation committee and three committees. During the multilateral preparatory meetings, the west and the Soviet union put forward structural ideas for a formal meeting of the csce.

With regard to the organizational structure of the csce, the most important question is not whether there are three stages, but what organizations should be established during the formal negotiations and what their respective responsibilities are. On this issue, the UK insists that a "sufficient number" of committees and sub-committees be established and their terms of reference defined in accordance with csce security, cooperation and other topics. Britain wants to maintain the complexity of the csce organization structure and ensure the meticulous nature of the negotiations. According to the "western organization department" in Britain, western interests can be realized through a rather complicated committee and sub-committee structure. If not, it will be difficult for western interests to be effectively realized in Helsinki, where the size of western missions is limited and the convenience of meetings is restricted. On 13 November 1972, the British foreign and commonwealth office, in an annex to its guidance brief to its preparatory talks delegation, proposed the establishment of three csce committees for the second phase, each dealing with: security; Economic, scientific and technological cooperation; Cultural cooperation, developing humanitarian contacts and expanding the dissemination of information. The first committee consists of two sub-committees and the third committee of four sub-committees. The participants had largely agreed to the idea of a commission, but Britain reckoned that the Soviet union might object because it wanted to limit the duration of the second session to avoid detailed consultations on various issues. Britain, on the other hand, believes that the establishment of committees and sub-committees is the most basic work, which should be solved in multilateral preparatory talks and can provide a basis for future negotiations.

In mid-july 1973, before the formal csce negotiations began, the nine European Community countries asked the UK to revise the document on the organizational structure of the csce and what should be done by the nine countries. Britain's document number is no. 44, which eventually became the common document of the European Community, and Britain's proposition became the common position of the European Community. The paper, based on the multilateral preparatory talks, Final Suggestions, provides detailed answers to the following questions: number of committees; Which committee starts work first; the number of sub-committees and the timing of their commencement; How the work of the sub-committees should be organized; How the committee supervises the work of the sub-committees; How the cooperation committee coordinates the work of each committee. In the UK's view, the Helsinki "final proposal" clearly provides for the establishment of three substantive committees and a cooperation committee, which conforms to the views of the European Community and will not cause difficulties among other participating countries. The United Kingdom contends that the main function of the Coordinating Committee is to coordinate the work of the substantive committees and to maintain continuity of work through meetings; however, the cooperation Committee should not meet too often to avoid putting pressure on the committees; Nor should it require periodic reports from committees. The fco also felt that if the co-operation committee met regularly, it might give the russians a place to "put pressure on to speed up meetings". As for the "substantive committee", Britain argues that the three committees should work simultaneously. As for the sub-committees, Britain envisages them as places where all the proposals can be discussed in detail, so as to ensure that issues that are important to the west are not ignored. Britain insisted that the sub-committees should deal first with substantive issues and that the sum of their discussions constituted the results of the committee's work. Britain believes that this approach has been accepted by the Soviet union and eastern European countries at the csce multilateral preparatory talks, and should not be abandoned by the west during the second phase of the conference.

Switzerland, Sweden, Finland and Austria formed an early alliance and made proposals for the organizational structure of the csce phase ii, but they did not succeed, in large part because they did not consult the western countries. In addition, small European countries demanded a reduction in the number of sub-committees, but this was resisted by Britain's foreign secretary, Douglas home.

With the establishment of the commission, the question followed: how to define the terms of reference of each committee and its sub-committees. Britain argues that the terms of reference of committees and sub-committees must be clearly defined. Britain attaches great importance to this issue, because it is the only way to better deal with the details of the issue, or when the formal negotiations start, the delegates may not know what to do. Britain wanted to ensure that western representatives could raise their concerns freely and without hindrance at the conference, thus guaranteeing the interests of the western alliance. T.A.K. OTT, British ambassador to Helsinki and head of the British csce delegation, said that Britain "should be able to guarantee a real csce second phase". In order to obtain a clear "terms of reference", Britain also insisted on linking the issue to the determination of the csce agenda and holding discussions at the same time, so as to force the Soviet union to compromise on the "terms of reference" while seeking a favorable agenda. The western alliance accepted the proposal to discuss both issues at the same time. By the time the csce preparatory talks began their second session, the csce agenda and the committee's terms of reference had been developed by the davionix and NATO and presented to the preparatory conference by Belgium, Italy and Denmark on behalf of the west. The delegations of neutral and non-aligned countries in Europe generally welcomed the western proposals and supplemented their deeper views, particularly in the field of security. In fact, consultations on the "terms of reference" covered the early stages of the multilateral preparatory talks and formal meetings of csce. Prior to the multilateral preparatory talks, the nine eec countries had agreed that the preparatory talks stage should be about the terms of reference of the consultative committee and sub-committees. It was written in French documents. The soviets were reluctant to define the terms of reference. The Soviet union initially did not raise the issue of "terms of reference" at all. It did not want to delegate to the committees and resisted. But in the latter stages of the preparatory talks, the Soviet union and eastern European countries "moved towards the west" on issues that suggested they were prepared to accept the terms of reference of the three main committees.

Setting up enough committees, maintaining the complexity of the csce organizational structure, and clarifying the terms of reference of each committee and its sub-committees are all negotiating strategies that Britain insists on. Fundamentally, the British aim is to ensure that western representatives are free to raise issues of interest to the csce that might embarrass the Soviet union, in order to ultimately safeguard the interests of the western alliance. Especially when the "terms of reference" of the committees had been largely defined, Britain felt encouraged that, for example, a political "declaration of principles" could be drawn up if the west tried to work out a set of principles for relations between European states. And, more importantly, the British can efforts to improve the Soviet union in negotiations "humanitarian" and "information" and the more the behavior of the free flow of issues, and the Soviet union insisted that only adopt the way of bilateral consultations, but after determine the scope of their functions and powers, Britain now have to the Soviet union and its Allies to exert pressure "multilateral" approach, the British had never had this kind of power. Elliott said, at least in the UK can now forcing the Soviet union or in the field of "humanitarian" do something tangible improvement -- even if the progress is very small, or with the actual results to show the Soviet union publicly acknowledged that "moderate" desires is how empty "humanitarian space" is what the British want to use for the concept of "fulfilling" Soviet detente. According to the csce results, the Soviet leaders paid a great price for the successful convening of the csce and for multilateral recognition of the "status quo in Europe" after the second world war, especially in terms of humanitarian contacts and information exchanges, and were forced to revise their own concept of "detrension".


Essay代写:Adult education in the United States

2019-06-21 17:19:03 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Adult education in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的成人教育。在人们的观念中,接受教育主要是为了获取学历和文凭。因为在现代社会里,人们的职业、收入和社会地位都与学历文凭密切相关。所以在过去的时代里,学历和文凭对于美国成人教育的发展曾发挥了很大的作用。但随着社会的进步和时代的变迁,这种状况在美国成人教育中已经有了根本的改变。当前成年美国人接受教育已不再是追求学历和文凭,更注重的是提高自身的素质与能力。

In people's traditional concept, receiving education to obtain academic qualifications and diplomas is the main purpose of the educated. Because, in modern society, a person's occupation, income and social status are closely related to his/her academic qualifications. For this reason, in the past, academic qualifications and diplomas have played a great role in the development of adult education in the United States. But not now, with the progress of society and the change of times, this situation has been fundamentally changed in American adult education. Nowadays, the purpose of adult Americans' education is no longer to pursue academic qualifications and diplomas, but to improve their own quality and ability. There are two reasons: first, American education is excessive; Second, in the eyes of Americans, one's professional level and practical experience are more practical than an advanced degree. According to a survey by the us bureau of commerce statistics, from 1992 to March 1993, four out of five American adults over the age of 25 completed high school, and one out of five completed a college degree, reaching the highest level of educational attainment in the history of the United States. Therefore, the education consumption of Americans is very practical now, and their main purpose of participating in adult education is no longer to obtain academic qualifications and diplomas, but to improve their own quality and ability. According to a recent survey by the federal department of education, of the six types of adult education activities, 23. One percent, or 22 percent of all adults, are enrolled in personal development programs. Eight per cent of adults attend post-secondary education with a diploma. Four percent indicated that more adults were willing to attend work-related courses and personal development courses.

According to the federal department of education, there were 8,509 adults enrolled in adult education nationwide in 2001. 10000 people. Among them, 63.65 million have received higher education, accounting for 74 percent of the total number of adult education participants. 8%; 17.15 million have received high school education or equivalent vocational and technical education, accounting for 20% of the total participation in adult education; Those with less than a high school education had 429. Ten thousand people, only 5% of the total adult education. In 2346. Of the 80,000 workers with bachelor's degrees, 1,515. Ninety thousand people participated in adult education, accounting for 64 of the total number of similar workers. 6% : at 1096. Of the 20, 000 workers with master's degrees, 789 participate in adult education. 70,000, accounting for 72% of the total number of similar employees; In 353. Of the 70,000 workers who have received doctoral degrees, 2.15 million have participated in adult education, accounting for 60 percent of the total number of similar workers. 8%. And 5,003 with a high school education or less. Out of 10,000 workers, there were only 1,934. Twenty thousand people participated in adult education, accounting for 3. 8%. From this series of data, it can be seen that the proportion of workers with secondary education participating in adult education is significantly lower than that of workers with higher education. In order to meet the needs of many workers with higher education degrees to receive adult education, the United States attaches great importance to the investment of adult continuing education after college. According to statistics, at the end of 2000, there were 18056 adult education centers of various types in the United States, whose funds, teachers and buildings were funded by the government and enterprises. In order to implement advanced post-college adult continuing education, the United States established the national university of technology. The new school, jointly founded by 45 prestigious universities, USES satellites for postgraduate education and short-term continuing education. It currently has 280 teaching centers, mainly in large enterprises, research institutions and important defense bases, as well as teaching centers in Europe.

Compared with full-time school education, adult education has obvious characteristics on the education object. The object that accepts adult education -- adult, it is to be already mature on physiology, intelligence commonly, have certain labor ability and social experience, once or be engaged in some kind of job, have responsibility and obligation to the family and society, it is the main economic source of the family. For them, spending on adult education means working fewer hours, which leads to lower household incomes. At the same time, it also has to bear certain expenses for participating in adult education activities. So does a family's economic situation largely determine whether it can consume adult education? What forms of adult education are available? And how long have you been involved in adult education? Statistics from the federal department of education show that in recent years, American adults have been spending more and more on adult education as their household income increases. In 2001, 30 percent of adults with household incomes between $10,000 and $15,000 participated in adult education. 2%, while 63 percent of adults with household income of $75,000 or more participated in adult education. 3%, more than double that.

The progress of science and technology, especially the rapid development of modern information science, has greatly changed people's traditional way of life and work. In the field of adult education, advanced communication technologies such as Internet and satellite are used to make it more convenient and flexible for adults to participate in educational activities in terms of time arrangement, content selection and communication with tutors. Adults can learn more actively and creatively according to their own characteristics. At the same time, it is precisely because of its obvious advantages compared with traditional teaching methods that the Internet and other advanced teaching methods are widely used and popularized in the field of adult education. For example, the university of California, Berkeley began to use aol to develop distance adult education in 1994, which was widely welcomed. Several hundred people signed up in the first few months alone, and by 1998 there were 60 online courses, expanding to 1,800 in 2001. According to new-promise, as of December 18, 2002, 415 colleges and universities have offered 4,216 courses online, which covers more than half of the states in the United States. California, New York and Minnesota are the most popular states for online courses. Through the Internet, California's universities offer 970 courses, including 120 private ones covering 80 majors. Through the Internet, Stanford university conducts continuing education and training for adults through E-mail, online conversation, Wed teaching materials, electronic bulletin boards, online library and online testing.

Under the promotion of UNESCO and the call from all walks of life in the United States, lifelong education has become a popular educational trend in the United States, and has gradually become the basic educational strategy and policy of the country. The educational concept of "life itself is an educational process from birth to death" by American adult educator wen shentt is deeply rooted in people's hearts. The educational concept of lifelong learning and learning society has been accepted by more and more people, and has gradually become a social reality. Adult education in the United States is aimed at young and old, rich and poor, and of all colors. Students come from all walks of life, from their teens to their 60s. Members of the society aged from 17 to over 65 have a certain proportion of adults participating in various forms of adult education, with the highest proportion in the ages of 25-29 and 30-34, respectively accounting for 58 of the total number of adults in this age group. 5% and 56. 9% : 44 percent in the 60-64 age group and 44 percent in the over-65 age group. 6% and 39. Seven percent of adults are engaged in some form of adult education.

In order to facilitate lifelong education for Americans, adult schools in the United States not only try their best to meet the needs of all kinds of adult learning in terms of teaching plan, curriculum setting and enrollment methods, but also allow students to have greater autonomy in choosing their courses and implement various effective management measures. In terms of teaching schedule, there are day classes, night classes and weekend classes for different types of students to choose from. In terms of school roll management, students' school roll management is short for 3 years and long for 10 years. In credit management, with the approval of the school, the credits and scores of students who choose subjects in other schools can also be universal, and the diploma is no different. Today, adult education in the United States is developing towards the lifelong development of people. It is no longer limited to a certain period or a certain aspect of people, but is expanded to the whole process of people's life. Meanwhile, the content of adult learning is also expanded to both vertical and horizontal aspects with the expansion of learning opportunities. Thus, we can see that the United States is striving to build a lifelong learning society, a learner-centered society, a society without learning disabilities and a society based on a lifelong education system. In such a society, adults are in the process of education, labor, re-education and re-labor. Meanwhile, knowledge and information are continuously transmitted, supplemented, updated, re-transmitted, supplemented and re-updated.

