このところ2報Phys. Rev. Bに論文が受理されました。
1報目は“Parallel and antiparallel angular momentum transfer of circularly polarized light to photo- and Auger electrons at the Ni L3 absorption threshold”
I recommend to publish the manuscript in its present form in Phys. Rev. B.
2報目は“The 4 pi k z periodicity in photoemission from graphite”
We shall be glad to publish the above manuscript in the Physical
Review. However, we would like to bring the comments of the
referees to your attention (see below) before we begin processing the paper.
As soon as we receive your response, we will proceed with the
publication of your manuscript.
We regret the delay in obtaining these reports.
I really could not find much problem with the article. It is very
clearly written. The 4*pi periodicity is clearly seen experimentally
and explained by using tight binding model as originating from
constructive and destructive interference of pz orbital within the
unit cell. I believe this article will be very useful for the
community. I highly recommend it to be published in PRB.
I read the article titled "The 4pik_z periodicity in photoemission
from graphite" by F. Matsui et al. with interest.
I think the manuscript warrants publication in Phys. Rev. B, since it
describes very good data, analysis, and the results are of potential
relevance to the community due to the importance of layered materials.
1報目は“Parallel and antiparallel angular momentum transfer of circularly polarized light to photo- and Auger electrons at the Ni L3 absorption threshold”
I recommend to publish the manuscript in its present form in Phys. Rev. B.
2報目は“The 4 pi k z periodicity in photoemission from graphite”
We shall be glad to publish the above manuscript in the Physical
Review. However, we would like to bring the comments of the
referees to your attention (see below) before we begin processing the paper.
As soon as we receive your response, we will proceed with the
publication of your manuscript.
We regret the delay in obtaining these reports.
I really could not find much problem with the article. It is very
clearly written. The 4*pi periodicity is clearly seen experimentally
and explained by using tight binding model as originating from
constructive and destructive interference of pz orbital within the
unit cell. I believe this article will be very useful for the
community. I highly recommend it to be published in PRB.
I read the article titled "The 4pik_z periodicity in photoemission
from graphite" by F. Matsui et al. with interest.
I think the manuscript warrants publication in Phys. Rev. B, since it
describes very good data, analysis, and the results are of potential
relevance to the community due to the importance of layered materials.