flagburner's blog(仮)



2008-02-06 20:42:11 | 時事ネタ(海外)
ってことで、昨日は米大統領予備選挙で山場となる Super Tuesday の日。
・Clinton and McCain win in California(2008年2月6日 IHT.com;1ページ目)

以下、長くなるけど IHT の記事から引用しておく。

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On a day when the stock market experienced its worst day in nearly a year, about 4 in 10 Republican primary voters cited the economy as the most important issue facing the nation in surveys of voters leaving the polls.
That made it the top issue everywhere except for two states along the Mexican border, Arizona and California, where it vied with illegal immigration as most important.

Voters who said they were most concerned about the economy, the Iraq war or terrorism were more likely to favor McCain, the surveys found.
But those who called immigration the most important issue were more likely to favor Romney, who has assailed McCain's support last spring for a failed immigration bill that many Republicans said amounted to amnesty.
The voter surveys showed a stark ideological divide among Republican voters.
While Romney did better among conservatives in almost every state, McCain did best among moderates.
McCain has campaigned in recent weeks with Republican moderates like Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California and independents like Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, and he has been criticized in recent days by conservative talk radio hosts, like Rush Limbaugh, who have proclaimed him not conservative enough.

Romney did best among those who said they were looking for a candidate who shared their values, while McCain did best among voters who said they wanted a candidate who says what he believes.

In Georgia, Tennessee and Missouri, half or more of the Republican primary voters described themselves as evangelical or born-again Christians, and in those states Huckabee, a former Baptist preacher, got about 4 in 10 of their votes.
In a number of states he split conservative and religious voters with Romney.

The voter surveys also showed that McCain was backed by those who said they were looking for an experienced candidate, and those who want a candidate who can win in November.
And voters were more likely to say that McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam who has made the Iraq war his central issue, was most qualified to be commander in chief.
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