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Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are totally incompatible...(Apr 26, 2015)

2015-04-26 22:02:50 | パレスチナかイスラエルか

今まで俺も知らなかったのだが、ロベルト・S・ヴィストリヒ(Robert Solomon WISTRICH)教授という人がいる。
その1例としては、『A Lethal Obsession:Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad』(Random House、2010)という著書がある。

とりあえず、『A Lethal~』の問題点に触れてる書評を2つ紹介する。
まずは、Washington Postに掲載された書評から。
・Book review: 'A Lethal Obsession' by Robert S. Wistrich(2010年2月5日 washingtonpost.com)

この書評の前半では、『A Lethal~』が触れてる第二次世界大戦までにおける反ユダヤ主義の歴史を簡単に紹介していた。
その上で、『A Lethal~』に関して一定の評価をしていた。
以下、2010年2月7日washingtnpost.com『'A Lethal Obsession'~』からその部分を(略)

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Whereas the old anti-Semites had made no secret of their hatred of the Jews, many of the new ones have not the courage of their conviction: They emphatically reject the charge of anti-Semitism as base calumny; they oppose Zionism, and in particular the policies of recent governments of Israel, but have nothing against Jews per se.
In "A Lethal Obsession," Robert Wistrich rightly stresses that criticism of Israel does not, of course, equate with anti-Semitism.
But if Israel is singled out for condemnation, and its right to exist as a state denied, how can anyone consider this as anything but (post-racialist) anti-Semitism?

Wistrich's volume is a monumental, encyclopedic survey of the new wave of anti-Semitism.
It is not, as the subtitle may suggest, a history -- such works already exist.
It covers Western and Eastern Europe in recent decades, the Middle East, the issues of Holocaust denial and of Jewish self-hatred.
It would be difficult to think of a more competent author than Wistrich, head of a Jerusalem research institute, who has given decades to the study of the subject and has a good knowledge of recent European history and languages, and particularly of Nazism.
At a time when anti-Semitism is again becoming fashionable in European societies, not to mention the threats by certain Muslim leaders such as Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, this work needs no special recommendation.
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その一方で、『A Lethal~』には大きな問題点があるとも指摘していた。
ちうわけで、2010年2月7日washingtnpost.com『'A Lethal Obsession'~』からさっきの続きを(略)

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It has certain weaknesses, perhaps unavoidable.
Being exposed to massive dosages of anti-Semitic literature, with its mad conspiracy theories and its denial of the obvious, makes it exceedingly difficult to retain the almost clinical detachment needed to understand and explain anti-Semitism.
At times this work is unnecessarily polemical in tone.

Wistrich's facts are all true, but do they present the whole picture?
If so many speeches critical of the Jews and Israel have been made in Germany recently, how to explain (a reader may well ask) the fourfold increase in the number of Jews living in Germany during the last 20 years?
How to explain that despite the rise of virulent anti-Semitism in France, many Jews play leading roles in politics and public life?
Even Russia had two prime ministers of Jewish origin in recent years.
While angrily denouncing Jewish self-hatred, does not the author on occasion misinterpret the line between self-hatred and self-criticism?
Even the early Zionists come under fire for their "negation of the diaspora" and the dim view they took of the miserable Jewish existence in the East European shtetl[引用者注:イディッシュ語で『小都市』という意味].

This is a deeply pessimistic book, all too understandable in the light of the Holocaust and the age of weapons of mass destruction.
However, knowledge of the dangers is one thing; a pessimism leading to fatalism ("all the world being against us"), as if there were little or nothing that could be done by the Jews and Israel to avert a disaster, is not a guide for survival.
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一方、Tikkinの書評では、『A Lethal~』の抱える問題点にもっと踏み込んでいた。
・WHY THE PROPAGANDA?(tikkun.org)

以下、tikkun.org『WHY THE PROPAGANDA?』から中盤部分を(略)

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I don't quarrel with Wistrich's theme. It emerges from his observation that Zionism did not succeed, as Herzl had predicted, in abolishing anti-Semitism—or, to use the nineteenth-century euphemism, solving the "Jewish Question."
Whatever Zionism's achievements, it also offered anti-Semites a new target: "Israel itself," Wistrich writes, "would gradually emerge as the new ‘Jewish Question.'"

But Wistrich grotesquely overstates the case, denying that the hostility Israel has faced since its creation has anything to do with conflicting nationalisms.
The wars, he says, are not confrontations between states that can negotiate rationally.
What fuels the conflict is anti-Semitism and its derivative, the Arabs' refusal to recognize Israel's right to exist.
Indeed, we know that anti-Semitism is still present in the world and Israel's enemies have been intransigent, unwise, and certainly ungenerous.
But what Wistrich would have us believe is that, in the bloody history of Palestine, Israel is as pure as Anne Frank facing the storm troopers and that any prospect of its settling the conflict by retreating from Israel's hard-line positions is a total, even an evil, delusion.

Wistrich asserts with a sneer that many critics of Israel

attribute the dramatic rise in global anti-Semitism, especially since 2000, to Israeli occupation of the territories acquired in the 1967 war.
They point to oppressive treatment of the Palestinians and alleged crimes against humanity, atrocities or systematic infringement of human rights to explain the widespread hatred of Israel.
This explanation is doubtless attractive to those blinded to Arab wrongs or who are unaware of the long history of anti-Semitism.

As one of those critics of Israel, I am neither blinded to Arab wrongs nor unaware of anti-Semitism's long history. But Wistrich and his fellow right-wingers choose simply to dismiss Israeli policy as a factor.
At its founding sixty-two years ago, Israel enjoyed a reservoir of human sympathy that covered much of the earth. That reservoir is now nearly empty.
Readily conceding anti-Semitism and Arab failures, I am deeply pained by the denial of reality that permits the Jewish State—and many of its citizens, as well as diaspora Jews—to find justification not only in outrageous behavior but also in the pursuit of policies that, as I see them, place Israel's existence in permanent jeopardy.
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つ~のも、反シオニズムはシオニズム自体 -- 正確には「ユダヤ国家」の定義 -- への批判が大きな割合を占めてるのよね。



WISTRICH教授が先日Al-Jazeeraで放送された『Head to Head』という番組(副題は『Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Old fears, new threats?』)に出演した際の議論の様子。
・Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Old fears, new threats?(2015年4月24日 aljazeera.com;動画つき)



