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Many South Africa people supports SA Police Service's overdrive?

2011-05-01 20:32:29 | 時事ネタ(海外)
・Analysis: Deadly policing(2011年4月29日 IRINNEWS)

・南アフリカに対する渡航情報(危険情報)の発出(2010年8月12日更新分 外務省)


で、IRINNEWS の記事は、2011年4月13日に Ficksburg という都市で行われた抗議デモの最中、取り締まりにあたった警察が抗議デモ参加者に(中に金属の芯がある)ゴム弾を撃った結果、男性1人が亡くなるという事件から始まっていた。
以下、2011年4月29日分 IRINNEWS 『Analysis: Deadly policing』から、南アフリカ警察の釈明+Gareth NEWHAM 氏のコメント部分を(略

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A spokesperson for National Police Commissioner General Bheki Cele told a local radio station that the cases should be treated as "isolated incidents", but many commentators point out that the use of lethal force by the police has risen dramatically in recent years.

Figures from the Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD), which is charged with investigating all deaths resulting from police action, show that 568 people were shot dead by the police in 2008/09, more than double the number just three years earlier, and the highest number since the ICD was established in 1997.

"The only thing that was an aberration [in Tatane's killing] was that it was captured on national television," said Gareth Newham, head of the Crime and Justice Programme at the Institute for Security Studies, a South Africa-based think-tank.
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事件の様子を TV 局(南アフリカ放送:SABC)が放送、か。
↓は、SABC が流したニュース映像の転載モノ(画質悪め)。

Shocking Police Brutality - Protest March Turns Violent Killing a protester

とにかく、政権与党であるアフリカ民族会議(ANC)は、この事件に関して SABC の対応を非難していた。
・SAPS, SABC under fire after Ficksburg killing(2011年4月14日 The New Age)

以下、2011年4月14日分 The New Age『SAPS, SABC under fire~』から、ANC 広報担当こと Jackson MTHEMBU 氏のコメント部分を(略

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"In what the ANC can only describe as resembling apartheid era police strong arm tactics, showing total disregard for human rights enshrined in the South African Constitution, members of the SAPS... violently killed an unarmed protester after severely beating him in full glare of members of the Ficksburg community in the Free State," said Mthembu in a statement issued late on Wednesday evening.

"The ANC strongly condemns the brutal beating of the man to death - a chilling and sad scene which was later shown to millions on national television news by the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)."

Mthembu said the ANC was also concerned that the SABC aired the "shocking and disturbing images" on prime time television news, disregarding young and sensitive viewers.

"We therefore, also call upon the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) to investigate whether the public broadcaster has not overstepped its mandate in this regard."
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元をただせば、南アフリカ警察を統括する立場(立法側から)の ANC にも一半の責任があると思うけど・・・。
SABC の抗議デモに関する放送内容が適切だったかどうかは後日の問題か。

以下、2011年4月29日分 IRINNEWS『Analysis: Deadly policing』から、NEWHAM 氏 と Sam MNOTSEARE 氏との発言部分を(略

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Newham noted that police handling of such protests tended to escalate conflict rather than neutralize it.
"They think their job is to squash protest, and anyone taking part is seen as the enemy," he told IRIN.
"Often they fire tear gas and rubber bullets before there’s any real reason to."

Sam Motseare, chairperson of Meqheleng Concerned Citizens group, of which Tatane[Andries TATANE 氏、今月13日の抗議デモで亡くなった人] was also a member, was among those who witnessed how quickly relations between protesters and police can disintegrate.
"On that fateful day there was lots of police - we were shocked there were so many," he said.

The protesters, whose main complaint was that parts of the township had been without running water for several years, had obtained permission to march and proceeded to the municipal offices without incident.

"Somebody started throwing stones from the roof of the offices - that's when things starting getting out of control," said Motseare, who said the police did not seem to have appropriate training to deal with the situation.

He told IRIN that he heard the police officer in charge give the order to shoot Tatane.
"It has broken our trust in the police," he said.
"We’re afraid to call for another march."
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以下、2011年4月29日分 IRINNEWS『Analysis: Deadly policing』から、NEWHAM 氏と David BRUCE 氏+Norman MAMPANE 氏の発言部分を(略

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Newham and others argue that the escalation in the use of force by the SAPS goes beyond the issue of training. Statements by political and SAPS leaders in recent years urging police to make use of their weapons to deal with criminals have been heard by the ranks.

"The subliminal message that has been conveyed to members of the police service... seemed to encourage a gloves-off approach," said David Bruce, a senior researcher at the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation.

"A lot of police management... believe that excessive force is necessary in order to get the job done, which often means turning a blind eye to how force is used."
South Africa's high rates of violent crime also mean that many people welcome a tougher stance by the police.

Norman Mampane, spokesman of the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU), criticized a decision in April 2010 to introduce military-style ranks to the SAPS, describing it as "the re-militarization of the police service".

"Communities have a right to march and demonstrate," he told IRIN.
"The police shouldn't be used to crush the views of protesters and strikers."
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となると、こうした事件を調査する役割を持ってるはずの Independent Complaints Directorate(ICD)に期待したい所が、その実態は笑えないモノみたいで・・・。
以下、2011年4月29日分 IRINNEWS『Analysis: Deadly policing』から、BRUCE 氏の発言部分を(略

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Politicians tend to believe it is the ICD's responsibility to deal with police brutality, but the institution lacks either the capacity or the legal clout to do much more than investigate allegations of misconduct, Newham said. Recommendations for disciplinary action were usually ignored.

Bruce agreed that the ICD had little power to solve the problem.
"Their [the ICD] rate of convictions is almost irrelevant," he told IRIN.
"The use of force by police needs to be controlled, and that needs to come from enlightened police leaders."
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