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アイスランド→日本への鯨肉輸出についてカナダ経由という発想はなかった(馬鹿)(Mar 23, 2014)

2014-03-23 21:05:24 | 捕鯨騒動

・対日鯨肉輸出、条約違反の恐れ=アイスランドに制裁検討-米内務省(2014年2月7日 時事ドットコム)
・Interior Certifies that Iceland’s Commercial Whaling Undermines International Wildlife Conservation Treaty(2014年2月6日 fws.gov)


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米国魚類野生生物局(United States Fish and Wildlife Service:FWS)の声明では、ここ数年のアイスランドにおける捕鯨の状況について述べていた。
以下、2014年2月6日分 fws.gov『Interior Certifies~』からその部分を(略

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Hvalur, the sole Icelandic company engaged in harvesting fin whales, resumed fin whale hunting in 2013, following a two-year hiatus due to market decline in Japan following the 2011 earthquake.
The 2013 whaling season ran from mid-June until the end of September with a total of 134 fin whales killed.
Iceland sets its own catch quotas for commercial whaling and has significantly increased those quotas over the last several years.
For example, in 2006, the annual quota was set at just nine fin whales, while the 2013 annual quota authorized the hunting of up to 184 fin whales.

Iceland has recently announced a new five-year quota for fin whales, to begin with the 2014 whaling season, which will allow a total of up to 770 fin whales to be hunted in the next five years.
Fin whales are hunted solely for export to the Japanese market.

From 2008 to 2012, trade reports show that more than 1.6 million kilograms of fin whale meat and products were exported from Iceland to Japan.
Fin whales are listed in Appendix I of CITES, which prohibits trade for primarily commercial purposes.

Iceland also does not follow the procedure laid out by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to assess sustainable catch levels.
The IWC was established to manage whaling activities for the conservation of whale populations and is viewed as the global body with expertise for the management of whale stocks.

In July 2011, then-Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke certified under Pelly that the commercial whaling activities by Icelandic nationals are undermining the effectiveness of the IWC conservation program.
In response to that certification, the President directed federal agencies to undertake a number of diplomatic actions to encourage Iceland to change its whaling policy.
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・Shock over meat of endangered whales shipped through Canada(2014年2月13日 vancouversun.com)

以下、2014年2月13日分 vancouversun.com『Shock over meat~』から前半部分を(略

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“When two countries do so, like Iceland and Japan have for fin whale, Canada has to allow shipments under customs control to transit provided they meet normal documentation and other requirements,” Environment Canada spokesperson Jirina Vlk said in a statement Wednesday to The Vancouver Sun.

“CITES clearly provides an exemption for shipments of CITES species in-transit through a country so long as such a shipment remains in customs control, that is, in bond or under seal.”

Norway also refused to support the CITES listing by entering what is known as a reservation.

News of Canada’s role in the commercial trade of endangered species comes as a shock both to politicians and environmentalists, including Greenpeace, which told The Sun that it received a tip more than a week ago about Iceland shipping 12 containers of whale meat to Halifax.

Greenpeace said they believe that the containers were then sent across Canada by rail to Metro Vancouver to be trans-shipped to Japan.

Sarah King, oceans campaign coordinator for Greenpeace, said it is “shocking” to think that the containers not just showed up in a Canadian port but were allowed to be shipped across the country.

“By allowing the transit of whale meat through the country, Canada is an accomplice ... The federal government must prohibit the transport of whale meat through Canadian ports.”

Vlk confirmed that Environment Canada inspected the shipment of whale meat under the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act and even conducted DNA samples to confirm it was correctly labelled ― and then sent it on its way because it lacked authority to do anything else.

“Since no infraction was found, these shipments of controlled goods were able to transit through Canada under seal, en route to another country, and were exempt from Canadian permitting requirements.”

Vlk said this is the first time that Canada has been involved in the trans-shipment of whale meat.
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・Dutch Government Stops whale meat: reducing Japan's whale meat stock?(2013年6月8日 flagburner's blog(仮))
・ Not negligible gap between Iceland and EU?(Jul 14, 2013)(2013年7月14日 flagburner's blog(仮))
・Why was whale meat registered as frozen fish?(Jul 19, 2013)(2013年7月19日 flagburner's blog(仮))





