flagburner's blog(仮)


Israeli minitary new system to monitor "censored" information(May 1, 2012)

2012-05-05 20:40:47 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
今月1日のことになるが、イスラエルのヘルツェリヤ学際センター(Interdisciplinary Center、IDC:מרכז הבינתחומי בהרצליה)という大学で『Digit 2012 conference』というイベントが行われた。
そのイベントで、イスラエル軍の検閲部門の最高責任者である Sima Vaknin-Gil(סימה וואקנין-גיל)准将が「イスラエル軍はインターネット上で公開される情報を監視するシステムを導入する」と発言してた模様。
・Israel's military censor to monitor Facebook, Twitter, blogs(2012年5月2日 Haaretz.com)
・הצנזורה החלה לנטר רשתות חברתיות ובלוגים(2012年5月2日 Haaretz.co.il;ヘブライ語)

以下、2012年5月2日分 Haaretz.com『Israel's military censor~』を全文(略

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Speaking at the Digit 2012 conference at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, Vaknin-Gil explained that the new system will examine information using key words labeled in advance.
The system will be able to monitor information that was previously difficult to reach.
"I think that you can't try to catch everything," she said, "because that will make the censor lose its relevance, and furthermore – its morality."

Vaknin-Gil added that "as the chief censor, I have no intention of going into people's personal diaries, and it important for me to note that we do not 'sit' on private Facebook accounts."

Referring to recent incidents of censored information being published on social networks and blogs – notably by Jewish-American blogger Richard Silverstein - Vaknin-Gil said that "the censor is perceived as a body trying to control the Internet, to no avail. This is mistake – we try to operate within the Internet only in terms of elements related to us."

"The censor cannot reject everything," she added.
"The censor can only touch things that are likely to harm the security of the state, and these incidents are few."
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(Web 上の)検閲で全ての情報を監視できるわけでない、か。

で、当の Richard SILVERSTEIN 氏は、例のイベントにおける Vaknin-Gil 准将の発言に対し厳しいコメントをしてた。
・Big Brother, Israeli Censor, to Monitor Journalists’ Social Media Accounts(2012年5月2日 richardsilverstein.com)

SILVERSTEIN 氏は、Vaknin-Gil 准将が「自分が言論の自由を損ねてる」という発言を引用+論評していた。
以下、2012年5月2日分 richardsilverstein.com『Big Brother~』から、中盤部分を(略

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I know that when I protect the security of the State of Israel, I’m damaging freedom of speech. Censorship and democracy do not go hand in hand.
That’s why every day we ask ourselves whether we’re damaging freedom of speech or the public’s right to know.

To which I respond, you may ask yourself the question but it doesn’t mean you’re coming up with the right answers.

I was tickled to find, thanks to Rupa Shah and a host of other eagle-eyed readers, that a question at the conference compelled the censor to address my censor-busting work here at Tikun Olam.
In fact, if the conference organizers had been brave they would’ve invited me to address the meeting.
In fact, when the Shamai Leibowitz story broke, a journalist who profiled me said he knew Israeli journalists organizing a conference very much like this one and that they intended to invite me to participate.
I guess they got cold feet.
Very likely, if anyone wished to invite me to this conference the censor would’ve refused to participate, which would’ve nixed my participation.
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Shamai Leibowitz 氏は、「とあるブロガー(裁判中は名前を伏せられていた)」に FBI が在米イスラエル大使館で行っていた盗聴で得た情報を渡したとして、2010年5月に有罪判決→禁固 20ヶ月の刑を喰らっている。
SILVERSTEIN 氏は、Leibowitz 氏への処遇(逮捕→有罪→禁固刑)がイスラエル国内で秘密にされてたのを自身の blog で指摘していたのだが・・・。
・Leak Offers Look at Efforts by U.S. to Spy on Israel(2011年9月6日 nytimes.com)
・Leibowitz Leak Story in NY Times(2011年9月6日 richarsilverstein.com)

Vaknin-Gil 准将の発言は、SILVERSTEIN 氏の行動も頭に入れて行われた可能性が強いかと。
要は、イスラエル国内で箝口令が敷かれてる情報(囚人の拘束とか)を勝手に Web 上に書かれたくないってことだが・・・。

というか、SILVERSTEIN 氏にしてみれば、イスラエルで乱発される箝口令は正直笑えないレベルになってる模様。
以下、2012年5月2日分 richardsilverstein.com『Big Brother~』から最後の4段落を(略

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By the way, Ms. IDF Censor–you can expect Israel’s ranking in international press freedom surveys to plummet even lower than it already is, with this new initiative.

There is another form of censorship in Israel: the judicial gag order.
Gag orders have the same effect as censorship but they derive from different sources.

The police or defendants in legal cases can file for gag orders which bar the Israeli media from reporting stories.
In some cases, gag orders leak into military-security cases.
For example, in a recent case a gag order prohibited for several hours revealing the identity of a dead IDF soldier whose remains were sought.

Israel is notorious for sheer volume of gag orders and the ease with which they may be obtained.
Yoav Even is still protected by a gag order many months after he was accused of rape by an Israeli woman.
A gag order prevented the exposure of Dror Oved, a young rightist thug guilty of phoning death threats to the Peace Now offices.
In that case, both of his parents were high level police officers who were connected and could work the system to their and their son’s advantage.
At times, gag orders appear to be approved almost on a whim.

I reported here last December, a story no Israeli reporter covered (perhaps because they didn’t believe the claim offered): that the security services (then) and the police (now) seek to reform the system and decrease the number of gag orders.
I imagine their fear is that as long as Israeli judicial practice is so out of line with other western democracies, the farther outside the international norms Israel will remain.
If they do indeed implement this reform it will be welcome.
But Israeli authorities have a habit of announcing with great fanfare initiatives which are never realized.
So I’ll remain agnostic on this till I see real proof.
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