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Would Hamas allow people to celebrate Christmas in Gaza?

2011-12-24 21:20:06 | パレスチナかイスラエルか

・Christmas tree lit up in West Bank city of Ramallah,Palestine(2011年12月14日 news.xinhuanet.com)
・Palestinian Christians embark on Christmas pilgrimage from Gaza to Bethlehem(2011年12月22日 msnbc.msn.com)

しかし、Gaza 地区ではそれどころではないっぺぇ。
ってのも、2007年に Hamas がパレスチナ暫定政府(PA)だかファタハ(Fatah)だかを Gaza 地区から追い出した後、Gaza 地区ではクリスマスを公に祝う雰囲気で無くなった模様。
それに追い打ちをかけてるのは、イスラエルによる Gaza 地区の封鎖だけど・・・。
・Christians in Gaza keep Christmas celebrations quiet(2007年12月26日 abc.net.au)
・Merry Christmas from Gaza: Strawberries Instead of Chocolate(2008年12月25日 kawther.info)
・Gaza Christians struggle to celebrate Christmas under Israeli siege(2009年12月21日 new.xinhuanet.com)

参考までに、2009年12月21日分 news.xinhuanet.com『Gaza Christians struggle~』から、Gaza 地区のキリスト教徒の発言部分を一部(略

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Many Gaza Christians said that there will be no big celebrations in the Gaza Strip as it used to be in the past.

"On the eve of Christmas, we go to the only Latin Church in Gaza City for prayers, then we go home to cook food. Most of the families gather and have lunch together. On Christmas day, we usually visit our relatives and our friends," said Hazem al-Jelda, another Christian from Gaza.

Al-Jelda, who made a Christmas tree by himself, said that they used to decorate a giant Christmas tree every year in the center of Gaza City, where Santa Claus gave out gifts to people in the street.
Now, the Gaza municipality is unable to afford a tree.

"Each year, we decorate our schools and churches in Christmas colors; but not this year," he said, adding that, "Paper and drawing materials are scarce, and if we happen to find some at the market, we cannot afford them."

"Santa Claus is empty handed this year," said al-Jelda, adding that "Instead of chocolates, Santa Claus gave strawberry plants that are plentiful because many plants destined to be exported to Europe have been blocked by the Israelis."

George Awad, the father of the Latin Church in Gaza, said "We really want to live like other people in the world. In this feast we will pray for Palestinian reconciliation and will pray for the end of the siege in order to go to Bethlehem, the city of peace birth."
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で、Gaza 地区に住んでるパレスチナの人達の中のキリスト教徒(ややこしい)は、クリスマスに限らず色んな場面で「暮らしづらさ」を感じてる模様。
・Gaza Christians long for days before Hamas cancelled Christmas(2011年12月23日 guardian.co.uk)

以下、2011年12月23日分 guardian.co.uk『Gaza Christians~』から、Imad Jelda 氏と Peter Qubrsi 氏の発言部分を(略

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Imad Jelda is an Orthodox Christian who runs a youth training centre in Gaza City.
With unemployment hovering at 23%, he has seen young Christian men leave to study and work abroad in their droves.
"People here do not celebrate Christmas anymore because they are nervous," Jelda said.
"The youth in particular have a fear inside themselves."

Karam Qubrsi, 23, and his younger brother Peter, 21, are the eldest sons in one of Gaza's 55 remaining Catholic families.
Both wear prominent wooden crucifixes[磔にされたキリストの像(?)が刻まれている十字架].
"Jesus tells me, 'if you can't carry my cross, you don't belong to me,'" Peter explained.
It's a demonstration of faith that has caused him some trouble.

He describes being stopped in the street by a Hamas official who told him to remove the cross.
"I told him it's not his business and that I wouldn't," Peter said.
After being threatened with arrest he was eventually let go, but the incident scared him.
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Hamas の隊員だか何だかに呼び止められた理由ってのが身につけていた十字架ってのがなんとも。
こりゃ、Gaza 地区で祈りを捧げるために十字を切るのも大変そうだな(何か違う)。
元々、パレスチナには(数こそ少ないけど)キリスト教徒の人達が暮らしていたってのを踏まえると、Hamas のこうした姿勢は偏狭に思えるのは俺だけか?
まぁ、Hamas にしてみたら、「欧米連中が信仰しているキリスト教なんぞ排斥するべき」って考えなんだろうけど・・・。
Hamas は、Gaza 地区でクリスマスを公に祝うことを認めた方がいいんじゃね~の?
(PA と Hamas による内部抗争で)分断されてるパレスチナに状況を踏まえれば尚更だ。



イスラエルでは、25年前からサンタクロースに扮して(何?)子ども達に(色んな人からの寄付による)プレゼントを贈る人(Nicola Abdou 氏)がいるらしい。
・The Israeli Santa Claus: Old, fat, and likeable(2011年12月23日 Haaretz.com)



