・Popular Rabbi’s Comments on Treatment of Arabs Show a Different Side of Chabad(2009年6月3日 Forward)
問題の発言をしたのは、Chabad-Lubavitch(敬虔主義運動系?ユダヤ教)に属するラビの Manis Friedman 氏。
元は、米国で発行されてる Moment Magazine というユダヤ教に関する雑誌で、『How Should Jews Treat Their Arab Neighbors?(ユダヤ系の人達はアラブの人達をどのように扱うべきか?)』という質問に対するラビ達の回答。
・How Should Jews Treat Their Arab Neighbors? -- Ask the rabbis(2009年6月?5月? Moment Magazine)
Manis Friedman 氏以外にもそれなりの電波コメントもあったのだが、それらを取り上げるとキリがないのでパス。
以下、Moment Magazine から、Friedman 氏のコメント部分を引用しておく。
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I don’t believe in western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral.
The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way:
Destroy their holy sites.
Kill men, women and children (and cattle).
The first Israeli prime minister who declares that he will follow the Old Testament will finally bring peace to the Middle East.
First, the Arabs will stop using children as shields.
Second, they will stop taking hostages knowing that we will not be intimidated.
Third, with their holy sites destroyed, they will stop believing that G-d is on their side.
Result: no civilian casualties, no children in the line of fire, no false sense of righteousness, in fact, no war.
Zero tolerance for stone throwing, for rockets, for kidnapping will mean that the state has achieved sovereignty.
Living by Torah values will make us a light unto the nations who suffer defeat because of a disastrous morality of human invention.
Rabbi Manis Friedman
Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies
St. Paul, MN
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Manis 氏の脳内イスラエル(イスラエノレ:Israenolee)では正しい理論なんだろう。
(Liberman 氏が閣僚についてる)現実のイスラエルにそれが当てはまるとは、色んな意味でありえないのだが。
Manis 氏の発言が余りにも酷いと踏んだのか、Manis 氏が所属する Chabad-Lubavitch 側は火消しに躍起になっていた。
・Statement By Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters(2009年6月3日 lubavitch.com)
この声明で Chabad-Lubavitch 側は Manis 氏の発言に反対を表明すると共に、「防犯装置」も用意していた。
以下、luvbavitch.com の声明からその部分を引用しておく。
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Statements and opinions expressed by individuals do not necessarily reflect the position of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.
Lubavitch World Headquarters is the only office authorized to speak on behalf of the movement.
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必要ならば、Manis 氏の示した見解を団体として受け入れることもありうるってことか(違)。
無論、団体の支持者達が Manis 氏の見解を受け入れる情勢になる事が条件になるだろうが・・・。
また、Chabad をちょくちょく非難してきた Shmarya Rosenberg 氏、この件について次のような見解を述べていた。
以下、2009年6月3日の Forward からその部分を引用しておく。
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“What he’s saying is the standard normal view of a Chabadnik,” Rosenberg said.
“They just don’t say it in public.”
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Chabad ってのは、ユダヤ教の悪い部分を凝縮した一派って所か?
結局、一連の批判に対し、Manis Friedman 氏は謝罪をするハメになった。
・A Statement from Rabbi Friedman(2009年6月3日 Moment Magazine Blog)
だが、Manis 氏の謝罪では、6月3日に出したものを6月5日に一部訂正する、という珍しい事が起きていた。
以下、Moment Magazine Blog から、謝罪文を引用しておく。
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I would like to clarify the answer published in my name in last month’s issue of Moment Magazine.
First of all, the opinions published in my name are solely my own, and do not represent the official policy of any Jewish movement or organization.
Additionally, my answer, as written, is misleading.
For it is, in truth, an answer to a different question.
It is obvious, I thought, that any neighbor of the Jewish people should be treated, as the Torah commands us, with respect and compassion.
Fundamental to the Jewish faith is the concept that every human being was created in the image of G-d, and our sages instruct us to support the non-Jewish poor along with the poor of our own brethren.
The sub-question I chose to address instead is: how should we act in time of war, when our neighbors attack us, using their women, children and religious holy places as shields.
I attempted to briefly address some of the ethical issues related to forcing the military to withhold fire from certain people and places, at the unbearable cost of widespread bloodshed (on both sides!) -- when one’s own family and nation is mercilessly targeted from those very people and places.
The question my statement addresses is: how should we act in time of war, when our neighbors attack us, using their women, children and religious holy places as shields.
I attempted to briefly address some of the ethical issues related to forcing the military to withhold fire from certain people and places, at the unbearable cost of widespread bloodshed (on both sides!) -- when one’s own family and nation is mercilessly targeted from those very people and places!
(I look forward to further clarifying my brief words, too, in a future issue.)
Furthermore, some of the words I used in my brief comment were irresponsible, and I look forward to further clarifying them in a future issue.
I apologize for any misunderstanding my words created.
I apologize for any misunderstanding the words printed in my name created.
-- Rabbi Manis Friedman
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謝罪文でもユダヤ教第一主義を唱えてる辺りが、Chabad でラビを務めてる Manis 氏の面目躍如(?)だわな
つーか、この件で気になったのは、世界各国にいるユダヤ教徒の人達が Manis 氏の発言をどのように受け止めてるかって事。
いくらなんでも、Manis 氏の発言を本気で信じる人達が過半数を超えないと思うがね・・・。
・Popular Rabbi’s Comments on Treatment of Arabs Show a Different Side of Chabad(2009年6月3日 Forward)
問題の発言をしたのは、Chabad-Lubavitch(敬虔主義運動系?ユダヤ教)に属するラビの Manis Friedman 氏。
元は、米国で発行されてる Moment Magazine というユダヤ教に関する雑誌で、『How Should Jews Treat Their Arab Neighbors?(ユダヤ系の人達はアラブの人達をどのように扱うべきか?)』という質問に対するラビ達の回答。
・How Should Jews Treat Their Arab Neighbors? -- Ask the rabbis(2009年6月?5月? Moment Magazine)
Manis Friedman 氏以外にもそれなりの電波コメントもあったのだが、それらを取り上げるとキリがないのでパス。
以下、Moment Magazine から、Friedman 氏のコメント部分を引用しておく。
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I don’t believe in western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral.
The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way:
Destroy their holy sites.
Kill men, women and children (and cattle).
The first Israeli prime minister who declares that he will follow the Old Testament will finally bring peace to the Middle East.
First, the Arabs will stop using children as shields.
Second, they will stop taking hostages knowing that we will not be intimidated.
Third, with their holy sites destroyed, they will stop believing that G-d is on their side.
Result: no civilian casualties, no children in the line of fire, no false sense of righteousness, in fact, no war.
Zero tolerance for stone throwing, for rockets, for kidnapping will mean that the state has achieved sovereignty.
Living by Torah values will make us a light unto the nations who suffer defeat because of a disastrous morality of human invention.
Rabbi Manis Friedman
Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies
St. Paul, MN
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Manis 氏の脳内イスラエル(イスラエノレ:Israenolee)では正しい理論なんだろう。
(Liberman 氏が閣僚についてる)現実のイスラエルにそれが当てはまるとは、色んな意味でありえないのだが。
Manis 氏の発言が余りにも酷いと踏んだのか、Manis 氏が所属する Chabad-Lubavitch 側は火消しに躍起になっていた。
・Statement By Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters(2009年6月3日 lubavitch.com)
この声明で Chabad-Lubavitch 側は Manis 氏の発言に反対を表明すると共に、「防犯装置」も用意していた。
以下、luvbavitch.com の声明からその部分を引用しておく。
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Statements and opinions expressed by individuals do not necessarily reflect the position of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.
Lubavitch World Headquarters is the only office authorized to speak on behalf of the movement.
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必要ならば、Manis 氏の示した見解を団体として受け入れることもありうるってことか(違)。
無論、団体の支持者達が Manis 氏の見解を受け入れる情勢になる事が条件になるだろうが・・・。
また、Chabad をちょくちょく非難してきた Shmarya Rosenberg 氏、この件について次のような見解を述べていた。
以下、2009年6月3日の Forward からその部分を引用しておく。
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“What he’s saying is the standard normal view of a Chabadnik,” Rosenberg said.
“They just don’t say it in public.”
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Chabad ってのは、ユダヤ教の悪い部分を凝縮した一派って所か?
結局、一連の批判に対し、Manis Friedman 氏は謝罪をするハメになった。
・A Statement from Rabbi Friedman(2009年6月3日 Moment Magazine Blog)
だが、Manis 氏の謝罪では、6月3日に出したものを6月5日に一部訂正する、という珍しい事が起きていた。
以下、Moment Magazine Blog から、謝罪文を引用しておく。
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I would like to clarify the answer published in my name in last month’s issue of Moment Magazine.
First of all, the opinions published in my name are solely my own, and do not represent the official policy of any Jewish movement or organization.
Additionally, my answer, as written, is misleading.
For it is, in truth, an answer to a different question.
It is obvious, I thought, that any neighbor of the Jewish people should be treated, as the Torah commands us, with respect and compassion.
Fundamental to the Jewish faith is the concept that every human being was created in the image of G-d, and our sages instruct us to support the non-Jewish poor along with the poor of our own brethren.
The sub-question I chose to address instead is: how should we act in time of war, when our neighbors attack us, using their women, children and religious holy places as shields.
I attempted to briefly address some of the ethical issues related to forcing the military to withhold fire from certain people and places, at the unbearable cost of widespread bloodshed (on both sides!) -- when one’s own family and nation is mercilessly targeted from those very people and places.
The question my statement addresses is: how should we act in time of war, when our neighbors attack us, using their women, children and religious holy places as shields.
I attempted to briefly address some of the ethical issues related to forcing the military to withhold fire from certain people and places, at the unbearable cost of widespread bloodshed (on both sides!) -- when one’s own family and nation is mercilessly targeted from those very people and places!
(I look forward to further clarifying my brief words, too, in a future issue.)
Furthermore, some of the words I used in my brief comment were irresponsible, and I look forward to further clarifying them in a future issue.
I apologize for any misunderstanding my words created.
I apologize for any misunderstanding the words printed in my name created.
-- Rabbi Manis Friedman
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謝罪文でもユダヤ教第一主義を唱えてる辺りが、Chabad でラビを務めてる Manis 氏の面目躍如(?)だわな
つーか、この件で気になったのは、世界各国にいるユダヤ教徒の人達が Manis 氏の発言をどのように受け止めてるかって事。
いくらなんでも、Manis 氏の発言を本気で信じる人達が過半数を超えないと思うがね・・・。