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Both pro-Israel

2008-08-20 20:08:28 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
・The perils of an Israeli transition(2008年8月18日 International Herald Tribune)

一応、この論説の前半では、Olmert 首相が交代した後でイスラエル政府がとるパレスチナ問題への方針が変わってしまうことに懸念を示している。

論説の後半では、Abbas 議長側を支持するように呼びかけた上で、各国に Hamas に対し色々圧力をかけるように訴えている。
以下、IHT の記事から後半部分の一部を引用しておく。
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Even in the West Bank, Abbas' position is far from secure.
Israel is right to insist that he take strong measures to contain extremists.

He can win the political support he needs only by delivering concrete improvements in Palestinians' daily lives and visible movement toward statehood.
Israeli politicians unwilling to work with Abbas on these issues will only strengthen the hand of Hamas and other extremists.

Arab countries also need to face up to their responsibilities.
They need to press Hamas toward more responsible positions and provide more political and economic support to Abbas.

President Bush has five months left in office.
He, too, could bring some luster to his disastrous legacy if he truly engaged in the peace effort: providing a lot more support, encouragement and, yes, pressure to get the Israelis and the Palestinians to do what is necessary to move toward a peace deal.
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問題なのは、アラブ諸国が圧力をかける相手がいきなり Hamas と指定してる点だ。
パレスチナ側が置かれてる状況を踏まえると、Abbas 議長側を支援してもあまり意味がないと俺は踏んでるのだが・・・。

後、W.Bush 大統領に対して妙に期待してる所も謎だよな。
W.Bush 政権時代米政府がイスラエルのやってきたことをどれだけ支援してきたのかを、この論説を書いた人はすっかり忘れているのだろうか?

で、この論説に対して、イスラエルを支持する米の団体が " Israel's search for peace" の題で反論してきたのだが・・・。
・Green energy policies; Israel's search for peace; Russia and Europe(2008年8月19日 International Herald Tribune)
・IHT Publishes AJC Letter on Israel Editorial(2008年8月19日 American Jewish Committee)

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The editorial "The perils of an Israeli transition" (Aug. 19) fell short of the mark on several points.

First, it underestimates Israel's deep yearning for peace.
The Israeli government of the day, as well as the vast majority of the population, do not need to be “pressured" to seek peace or support a two-state solution.
Having lived without full peace for 60 years, they, perhaps more than any society on earth, desire the security and tranquility that only peace can assure.

Second, the editorial glosses over the anxiety in Israel today about the profound dangers facing the Jewish state.
Surrounded by Hamas-controlled Gaza, Hezbollah-dominated southern Lebanon, a weak Palestinian Authority, and the unpredictability of Syria, not to mention the looming Iranian nuclear threat, Israel has no easy answers for translating that yearning for peace into an enduring reality.

And third, comments like "A way must be found to help turn Hamas into a legitimate and acceptable negotiating partner" and "Arab countries also need to face up to their responsibilities" may sound nice in an editorial, but absent concrete steps on the ground they only serve to underscore the essence of the problem.

David A. Harris, New York

Executive Director

American Jewish Committee
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・・・IHT の論説と AJC の手紙に共通してる問題は、イスラエルの対パレスチナ政策への批判がほとんどないことだ。


