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"Dignity for All": Too difficult to make it real?(Aug 14, 2013)

2013-08-14 20:11:19 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
2010年から、国連難民パレスチナ難民救済事業機関(UNRWA:United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine)は "the Dignity for All" というキャンペーンを行っている。
そして、先月、そのキャンペーンの集大成に当たる "Dignity for All" という曲と動画が公開された。
・UNRWA and Ammar Hasan Sing for “Dignity for All”(2013年7月29日 unrwa.org)

キャンペーンの目的が目的だけに、UNRWA はそれなりに著名な人達を起用して模様。
以下、2013年7月29日分 unrwa.org『UNRWA and Ammar Hasan Sing~』から "Dignity for All" について触れてる部分を(略

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Since 2010, the Dignity for All campaign of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has worked to improve the situation of the over 400,000 Palestine refugees living in Lebanon.
The campaign’s concluding effort is a music video for a song, “Dignity for All,” that was inspired by a visit to Palestine refugee camps in Lebanon.

The song and video bring together the efforts of notable artists, including poet Nizar Francis, composer Rawad Raed and distributor Danny Elhelou.
Superstar singer Ammar Hasan lends his voice to the vocals, emphasizing the campaign’s message: “Everyone has the right to live in dignity.”

The Dignity for All campaign has been supported since its inception by the European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Office (ECHO).
It sought to enhance public knowledge and understanding of the situation of Palestine refugees in Lebanon and to improve the perceptions that the Lebanese and refugee communities had of one another.
Over the years, its efforts included sport activities, documentary screenings, round-table meetings and face-to-face visits to build bridges between the communities.

The collaboration of such celebrated artists on the “Dignity for All” song and video marks the conclusion of a campaign that emphasized relationships between people and the importance of human dignity for all communities.
The video of Ammar Hasan’s song can be seen on YouTube:

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・Refugee influx into Palestinian camps may lead to catastrophe (2013年7月17日 dailystar.com.lb)

パレスチナ解放機構(PLO)のレバノン支部に所属する Fathi Abu Al-Ardat 氏に言わせると、難民キャンプはシリアからのパレスチナ難民の人達を受け入れられる状況にないとか。
以下、2013年7月17日分 dailystar.com.lb『Refugee influx~』から、Abu Al-Ardat 氏のコメントの一部を(略

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“This [refugee] crisis, if it is not resolved, and soon, will lead to social, humanitarian and security catastrophes,” said Fathi Abu al-Ardat, the representative of both Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Organization in Lebanon.
“The country’s situation is sensitive and dangerous.”

There are currently 66,000 Palestinian Syrian refugees in Lebanon, with up to 6,000 new refugees arriving every month, up from 10,000 at the start of the year.

The PLO estimates the number of refugees from Syria is likely to reach nearly 100,000 by the end of the year.

“This exceeds the capacity of the camps,” said Abu al-Ardat.

He said that the camps in Lebanon were capable of absorbing 35,000 refugees, providing them with proper housing and social services, but the situation had now become untenable.

“The issue is not just worrying, it is dangerous,” he said.
“Most of the houses are small and some aren’t even fit for living.”

Most of the Palestinian refugees fleeing Syria arrive in Lebanon in dire economic straits and lacking any job opportunities, he said.

Abu al-Ardat urged the Lebanese government to consider providing stipends and health care for refugees until a decision is made on whether to build new camps, amid an “absence of genuine solutions.”

In addition, the arrival of refugees fleeing the violence in Syria is exacerbating sectarian and political tensions that already polarize Lebanon, he said.

Abu al-Ardat urged the international community, Arab countries, Lebanon and the U.N.’s refugee agencies to step up the relief effort, saying local capabilities were insufficient to deal with the crisis.

“We have an intensified refugee situation, amid the lack of a political solution in Syria, so more refugees, and there is discussion of reducing UNRWA’s resources,” he said, referring to financial difficulties facing the organization with assists Palestinian refugees.
“That is dangerous.”
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・Lebanon: Palestinians Fleeing Syria Denied Entry(2013年8月7日 hrw.org)

・Syria crisis threatens Palestinian refugees(2013年5月16日 aljazeera.com)

以下、2013年5月16日分 ajlazeera.com『Syria crisis~』からその事情について触れてる部分を(略

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All of the major Palestinian political parties have adopted, and until now managed to maintain, a policy of neutrality in Lebanon regardless of their stance on the conflict in Syria.
However, in Ein el-Helweh, the largest and most populous camp in Lebanon, armed groups such as Jund al-Sham, Jabhat al-Nusra and Asbat al-Ansar have found a safe haven under the protective wing of powerful local families.

Their number of followers may not be huge, but their hard-line ideology and links to like-minded movements in Lebanon and Syria make Ein el-Helweh a particularly worrying flashpoint for Palestinians and Lebanese alike.

"There is so much pressure on the camps and they are ready to explode, especially Ein el-Helweh, which could go off before there is a wider conflict in Lebanon. There is so much provocation from the Islamist groups there and I'm not sure if the PLO can keep a lid on it," warned Mutuwalli Abu Naser, a Palestinian journalist and playwright from Yarmouk camp in Damascus, who now lives in Lebanon.

Syrian influence

On the other side, Hezbollah and its allies have also been working to secure the allegiance of Palestinians in Lebanon.

Until withdrawing its troops from Lebanon in 2005, the Syrian government was influential in many of the camps through various Palestinian allies.
Since the Syrian withdrawal, Hezbollah has by-and-large maintained Syria's leverage in the camps, even though the stance of several Palestinian groups has shifted since the start of the Syrian uprising.

"Hezbollah works by a very low profile without making noise, because they work with the Palestinians from a security background, not a political one," explained Edward Kattoura, a political analyst at Pursue, a Palestinian think-tank.

Many of the Palestinian camps are located in Hezbollah-dominated areas, especially in Beirut, South Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley.

Recently, Shaker Berjawi - a Sunni "strongman" in Beirut who earned his battlefield stripes in the Lebanese civil war - decided to move the headquarters of his pro-Syrian Arab Movement Party to the edge of Shatila, indicating the importance of the camp's support.
While maintaining a local influence over the years, he has switched political allegiances numerous times, and he is now aligned with the Hezbollah-led camp.

"It seems people use us as mercenaries, whether it be for one side or the other. When he opens up his office at the entrance to the camps, he is sending a message that the camps are part of his fight," said Kattoura.
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・・・"Dignity for All" が達成されるのはいつのことやら(溜息)


