・イスラエルがスーダンを空爆したって本当か?(2009年3月25日 flagburner's blog(仮))
これに関して、英国の Sunday Times が、イスラエル軍は無人機でスーダンへの爆撃を行なったと伝えてたのだが・・・。
・Israeli drones destroy rocket-smuggling convoys in Sudan(2009年3月29日 Times Online)
問題の爆撃は 2009年の1月終盤~2月初めに行なわれた、と西側諸国の外交筋は踏んでる。
爆撃に使われたとされる無人機は、Elbit System 社謹製の Hermes 450 だとか。
Hermes 450 の仕様については↓(値段は不明・・・)
・Hermes 450(Elbit Systems)
以下、Times Online の記事から、その部分を引用しておく。
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Defence sources said the chief reason for choosing the drones was that a convoy forms a “slippery” target.
“When you attack a fixed target, especially a big one, you are better off using jet aircraft. But with a moving target with no definite time for the move UAVs are best, as they can hover extremely high and remain unseen until the target is on the move.”
According to sources, the convoys were carrying Fajr3 rockets, which have a range of more than 40 miles, and were split into sections so they could be smuggled through tunnels into Gaza from Egypt.
“They built the Fajr in parts so it would be easy to smuggle them into Gaza, then reassemble them with Hamas experts who learnt the job in Syria and Iran,” said a source.
Iranian Revolutionary Guards masterminded the smuggling operation.
“The Iranians arrived in Port Sudan and liaised with local smugglers,” said a source.
The convoy was heading for the Egyptian border where, for a fat fee, local smugglers would take over.
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Gaza 地区への武器輸送にイラン革命軍が絡んでる、ってのが「いかにも」な表現だわな。
実は先週の26日、そろそろ辞任予定の Olmert 暫定首相がスーダンの爆撃疑惑について意味深発言をしていた。
・Olmert: We Operate Anywhere There is Terror(2009年3月26日 Israel National News)
以下、Israel National News の記事を全文引用しておく。
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Prime Minister Ehud Olmert responded today to reports the Israel Air Force two months ago struck an envoy of weapons heading for Gaza while it was still in Sudan.
“We are operating in every area in which terrorist infrastructures can be struck."
Speaking at a conference on political marketing at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya , Olmert added that, “We are operating in locations near and far and attack in a way that strengthens and increases deterrence. It is true in the north and in the south."
The prime minister noted, "There is no point in elaborating. Everyone can use their imagination. Whoever needs to know, knows."
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それとも、Olmert 暫定首相は、イスラエルがテロ行為や軍備拡張をやってないとでも言うのか?
というか、Olmert 首相の発言を糞真面目に解釈すると、地球上にあるほとんどの国家がイスラエルの爆撃対象になってしまう。
・イスラエルがスーダンを空爆したって本当か?(2009年3月25日 flagburner's blog(仮))
これに関して、英国の Sunday Times が、イスラエル軍は無人機でスーダンへの爆撃を行なったと伝えてたのだが・・・。
・Israeli drones destroy rocket-smuggling convoys in Sudan(2009年3月29日 Times Online)
問題の爆撃は 2009年の1月終盤~2月初めに行なわれた、と西側諸国の外交筋は踏んでる。
爆撃に使われたとされる無人機は、Elbit System 社謹製の Hermes 450 だとか。
Hermes 450 の仕様については↓(値段は不明・・・)
・Hermes 450(Elbit Systems)
以下、Times Online の記事から、その部分を引用しておく。
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Defence sources said the chief reason for choosing the drones was that a convoy forms a “slippery” target.
“When you attack a fixed target, especially a big one, you are better off using jet aircraft. But with a moving target with no definite time for the move UAVs are best, as they can hover extremely high and remain unseen until the target is on the move.”
According to sources, the convoys were carrying Fajr3 rockets, which have a range of more than 40 miles, and were split into sections so they could be smuggled through tunnels into Gaza from Egypt.
“They built the Fajr in parts so it would be easy to smuggle them into Gaza, then reassemble them with Hamas experts who learnt the job in Syria and Iran,” said a source.
Iranian Revolutionary Guards masterminded the smuggling operation.
“The Iranians arrived in Port Sudan and liaised with local smugglers,” said a source.
The convoy was heading for the Egyptian border where, for a fat fee, local smugglers would take over.
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Gaza 地区への武器輸送にイラン革命軍が絡んでる、ってのが「いかにも」な表現だわな。
実は先週の26日、そろそろ辞任予定の Olmert 暫定首相がスーダンの爆撃疑惑について意味深発言をしていた。
・Olmert: We Operate Anywhere There is Terror(2009年3月26日 Israel National News)
以下、Israel National News の記事を全文引用しておく。
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Prime Minister Ehud Olmert responded today to reports the Israel Air Force two months ago struck an envoy of weapons heading for Gaza while it was still in Sudan.
“We are operating in every area in which terrorist infrastructures can be struck."
Speaking at a conference on political marketing at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya , Olmert added that, “We are operating in locations near and far and attack in a way that strengthens and increases deterrence. It is true in the north and in the south."
The prime minister noted, "There is no point in elaborating. Everyone can use their imagination. Whoever needs to know, knows."
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それとも、Olmert 暫定首相は、イスラエルがテロ行為や軍備拡張をやってないとでも言うのか?
というか、Olmert 首相の発言を糞真面目に解釈すると、地球上にあるほとんどの国家がイスラエルの爆撃対象になってしまう。