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これも「日常」の1コマなのかもしれないけど(Mar 15, 2014)

2014-03-15 21:41:52 | パレスチナかイスラエルか

・Israeli forces kill Palestinian near Ramallah(2014年3月10日 maannews.net)

以下、2014年3月10日分 maannews.net『Israeli forces kill~』から前半部分を(略

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TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma'an) -- Israeli military forces killed a Palestinian man near Ramallah late Monday, in the second deadly shooting in a day in the occupied West Bank, reports said.

Hebrew-language daily Maariv reported that Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinians who threw stones at cars on Route 60, near the illegal settlement outpost of Givat Assaf.

The victim was identified as Saji Darwish, 18, from Beitin village.

He was taken to Ramallah hospital after Israeli forces detained his body for an hour.

Another young man was injured, medics said.

An Israeli military spokeswoman confirmed the incident, saying that "a Palestinian hurled rocks at an Israeli vehicle and bus near Beit El."

"The soldiers at the scene responded by opening fire at the suspect," the spokeswoman said.

"The Palestinian was injured and later died as a result of his wounds. The military police court has opened an investigation regarding this incident."
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そんなイスラエル軍の対応なんぞ関係なく、翌日殺害された Saji Darwish 氏の葬儀が彼の所属していたビルゼイト大学(Birzeit University:جامعة بيرزيت)で行われた。
・In photos: Thousands bury slain Beitin youth Saji Darwish(2014年3月12日 maannews.net)

以下、2014年3月12日分 maannews.net『Thousands bury slain~』から、中盤部分を(略

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Thousands of students attended a memorial service in the center of campus for the slain youth.

Darwish is the 26th youth to be killed by Israeli forces while a student at Birzeit, according to the Birzeit University Public Relations Office.

University leaders gave speeches and religious verses were read over his body at a tomb on campus dedicated to those students who been killed by Israeli forces.

Professor Saleh Mosharaqa said in a letter to the student body that Darwish "will remain present until the end of the course, and his name will not be lost from from the registrar."

"I will call his name in every class, so he can remain with us as a symbol of a constructive and respectful generation of students, the generation of Saji Darwish."
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・EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO EDUCATION(2013年1月28日 r2eoutreach.wordpress.com)


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