flagburner's blog(仮)


Barack OBAMA does not see Palestinians(and refugees)?

2011-09-23 20:16:01 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
何回かこの blog でもネタにしてきた パレスチナ暫定政府(PA)が「独立国家」として国連に加盟を求めてる騒動。
一昨日になって、Barack OBAMA 米国大統領が Mahmoud Abbas(Abu Mazen)議長に、PA が国連に加盟申請しても『国連安保理で拒否権を発動する』と述べてた模様。
・オバマ米大統領:国連加盟申請、「拒否権行使」パレスチナ議長に直接伝達(2011年9月22日 毎日jp)

OBAMA 大統領自ら Abbas 議長に(安保理での)拒否権発動を述べたことがどういう意味を持つかは不明だが・・・。

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【ニューヨーク 白戸 圭一】オバマ米大統領は21日夜、国連総会出席のためニューヨーク訪問中のパレスチナ自治政府のアッバス議長と会談し、パレスチナが国家として国連加盟を申請すれば拒否権を行使する立場を直接伝えた。


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なんたって、OBAMA 大統領は安保理での拒否権発動にこだわるのやら(苦笑)。

そうした米国の苦悩に配慮したのか、英国とフランスは国連における PA の立場を「オブザーバー国家」という奇妙奇天烈な立場にする案を出していた。
もっとも、英国もフランスも PA の「独立国家」加盟申請について安保理で拒否権発動を避けたいようだが・・・。
・パレスチナ国連加盟問題、英仏苦悩 「オブザーバー国家」模索(2011年9月22日 MSN産経ニュース)
・Palestine should become observer State at UN as an intermediate step, France says(2011年9月21日 un.org)
・21 septembre 2011 - Assemblée générale:
Ouverture de la 66ème session:Allocution de M. Nicolas Sarkozy, président de la République
(2011年9月21日 un.org;.pdfファイル+フランス語)

実際、Nicoras SARCOZY 仏大統領は、一昨日の国連総会における演説で安保理での拒否権発動に繋がる行動 -- PAを「独立国家」として国連に加盟するのを認める案の提出 -- を牽制していた 。
以下、2011年9月21日分 un.org『Palestine should become~』から、概要部分を(略
ただし、SARCOZY 大統領の演説文字起こし(多分)からも対応部分をなるべく引用してみた。

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Mr. Sarkozy told world leaders gathered today that “each of us knows that Palestine cannot immediately obtain full and complete recognition of the status of United Nations Member State.
The first reason for this is the lack of trust between the main parties.

“But who could doubt that a veto at the Security Council risks engendering a cycle of violence in the Middle East?”

Mr. Sarkozy said the Palestinian authorities must reaffirm Israel’s right to exist and to its security, and pledge to not use any new status as an observer State “to undertake actions incompatible with the continuance of negotiations.

“In parallel, Israel must observe the same restraint – it must abstain from any actions that would prejudice the final status. The ultimate goal of peace negotiations must be mutual recognition of two nation States for two peoples, established on the basis of the 1967 lines, with agreed and equivalent exchanges of land.”

La raison première en est le manque de confiance entre les principaux acteurs.
Mais disons-nous la vérité : qui peut douter qu’un veto au Conseil de Sécurité n’engendrera pas un cycle de violence au Proche-Orient ?
Qui peut en douter ?

Pour marquer leur engagement déterminé en faveur d’une paix négociée, les dirigeants palestiniens devraient, dans le cadre de cette démarche, réaffirmer le droit à l’existence et à la sécurité d’Israël.
Ils devraient s’engager à ne pas utiliser ce nouveau statut pour recourir à des actions incompatibles avec la poursuite des négociations.

Mes chers collègues, nous n’avons qu’une alternative : l’immobilisme et le blocage ou une solution intermédiaire qui permettrait de donner de l’espoir aux Palestiniens, avec un statut d’Etat observateur.
Parallèlement, une même retenue devrait être observée par Israël, qui devrait s’abstenir de gestes qui préjugent du statut final.

L’objectif ultime c’est bien la reconnaissance mutuelle de deux Etats nations pour deux peuples, établis sur la base des lignes de 1967 avec des échanges de territoires agréés et équivalents.
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いや、だから、元をただせば、「和平プロセス」でイスラエルに肩入れしてきた米国や EU+ロシア+国連(正確には PA の方々含む)の責任なんだけど・・・。

もっとも、白々しいという面では、OBAMA 大統領が一昨日国連総会で行った演説においてパレスチナについて触れた発言に SARCOZY 大統領の演説は勝てないが。
・Remarks by President Obama in Address to the United Nations General Assembly(2011年9月21日 whitehouse.gov)

この演説の前半、OBAMA 大統領はアラブ各国で今年起きた(ている)政変なのか革命なのか反乱(なのかどう呼べばいいのか困る)について言及していた。
以下、2011年9月21日分 whitehouse.gov『Remarks by President Obama~』からその部分を(略

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One year ago, I stood at this podium and I called for an independent Palestine.
I believed then, and I believe now, that the Palestinian people deserve a state of their own.
But what I also said is that a genuine peace can only be realized between the Israelis and the Palestinians themselves.
One year later, despite extensive efforts by America and others, the parties have not bridged their differences.
Faced with this stalemate, I put forward a new basis for negotiations in May of this year.
That basis is clear.
It’s well known to all of us here.
Israelis must know that any agreement provides assurances for their security.
Palestinians deserve to know the territorial basis of their state.

Now, I know that many are frustrated by the lack of progress.
I assure you, so am I.
But the question isn’t the goal that we seek -- the question is how do we reach that goal.
And I am convinced that there is no short cut to the end of a conflict that has endured for decades.
Peace is hard work.
Peace will not come through statements and resolutions at the United Nations -- if it were that easy, it would have been accomplished by now.
Ultimately, it is the Israelis and the Palestinians who must live side by side.
Ultimately, it is the Israelis and the Palestinians -- not us –- who must reach agreement on the issues that divide them: on borders and on security, on refugees and Jerusalem.

Ultimately, peace depends upon compromise among people who must live together long after our speeches are over, long after our votes have been tallied.
That’s the lesson of Northern Ireland, where ancient antagonists bridged their differences.
That’s the lesson of Sudan, where a negotiated settlement led to an independent state.
And that is and will be the path to a Palestinian state -- negotiations between the parties.

We seek a future where Palestinians live in a sovereign state of their own, with no limit to what they can achieve.
There’s no question that the Palestinians have seen that vision delayed for too long.
It is precisely because we believe so strongly in the aspirations of the Palestinian people that America has invested so much time and so much effort in the building of a Palestinian state, and the negotiations that can deliver a Palestinian state.

But understand this as well: America’s commitment to Israel’s security is unshakeable.
Our friendship with Israel is deep and enduring.
And so we believe that any lasting peace must acknowledge the very real security concerns that Israel faces every single day.

Let us be honest with ourselves: Israel is surrounded by neighbors that have waged repeated wars against it.
Israel’s citizens have been killed by rockets fired at their houses and suicide bombs on their buses.
Israel’s children come of age knowing that throughout the region, other children are taught to hate them.
Israel, a small country of less than eight million people, look out at a world where leaders of much larger nations threaten to wipe it off of the map.
The Jewish people carry the burden of centuries of exile and persecution, and fresh memories of knowing that six million people were killed simply because of who they are.
Those are facts.
They cannot be denied.

The Jewish people have forged a successful state in their historic homeland.
Israel deserves recognition.
It deserves normal relations with its neighbors.
And friends of the Palestinians do them no favors by ignoring this truth, just as friends of Israel must recognize the need to pursue a two-state solution with a secure Israel next to an independent Palestine.

That is the truth -- each side has legitimate aspirations -- and that’s part of what makes peace so hard.
And the deadlock will only be broken when each side learns to stand in the other’s shoes; each side can see the world through the other’s eyes.
That’s what we should be encouraging.
That’s what we should be promoting.
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上の引用部分で、OBAMA 大統領はイスラエルとパレスチナの双方だけに自省を促してる。
だが、本来この件について自省が必要な人達 -- 米国・EU など -- については何も言及していない。

しかも、この演説で OBAMA 大統領は明確にイスラエル支持を打ち出してるんだよな。

どうやら、OBAMA 大統領にはパレスチナの人達は「見えて」ないようだ。

Abbas 議長は、「独立国家」としての PA 加盟申請がここまで騒ぎになることを予想してたのだろうか?



