flagburner's blog(仮)


ギリシア政府が抗議船団(の1隻)の船長を逮捕+釈放してたらしいが(Jul 4-5, 2011)

2011-07-06 21:07:51 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
今月1日のことになるが、ギリシアの Perama 港から出港した The Audacity of Hope 号(米国船籍)が、ギリシアの海上警備隊によって出港を阻止され別の港に引き返すハメになった。

一方、新たに Dignité al Karama 号(フランス船籍)が Gaza 地区に向けて出港した、なんて話も・・・。
・Greek court releases American Gaza boat captain(2011年7月5日 seattlepi;AP)
・US Gaza flotilla captain freed, French boat on its way(2011年7月5日 english.rfi.fr)

さしあたっては、2011年7月5日分 seattlepi『Greek court releases~』から、拘束されてた船長のコメント部分+αを(略

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Klusmire appeared in court in Piraeus for a two-hour deposition on a felony charge of endangering sea traffic and the lives of passengers, and misdemeanor counts of sailing without a permit and violating port authority orders.

"He has been released and is free to go home," said one of his lawyers, Manolis Stephanakis, after the hearing.
"No trial date has been set and we expect the charges to be dropped. We presented a very strong case and we don't need to call any more witnesses to testify."

Flotilla activists who had gathered at the court to show support burst into cheers of celebration. They initially believed Klusmire had been acquitted, but his lawyer later said he had been released while still facing charges.

The captain himself appeared relieved after his deposition, and was cheered on by 30 fellow activists chanting "We love John."

"This is a much better outcome than I anticipated," he said.
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日本政府は、Sea Shepherd の船 -- というか総帥の Paul WATSON 船長や幹部 -- を逮捕する際にこの理由を持ち出すようオーストラリア政府に働きかければ良かったのに(謎笑)。



もっとも、ギリシア政府は、今月4日になって抗議船団の別の船(Tahrir 号)の出港を阻止していた。
以下、2011年7月5日分 seattlepi『Greek court releases~』から、Tahrir 号の広報担当(?)こと David HEAP 氏の発言部分+αを(略

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Earlier in the day, Greek officials and flotilla activists said three activists connected to another boat carrying mainly Canadians had been arrested over an attempt by that vessel, the Tahrir, to also set sail in defiance of the Greek ban.

David Heap, a spokesman for the Tahrir, identified those detained as Canadians Sandra Ruch and Soha Kneen, and Australian Michael Coleman.
The boat tried to leave the southern Greek island of Crete on Monday, but was forced to turn back by Coast Guard vessels.

The Greek Merchant Marine Ministry said one of the Canadians, who was responsible for the boat, was arrested on charges of illegally sailing without permission.
The other Canadian national and the Australian were arrested for using kayaks to block a coast guard vessel from setting sail to stop the flotilla boat.
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抗議船団が Interbulk 社から購入して Gaza 地区に運ぶ予定だったセメントについて、Interbulk 社が『force majeure(不可抗力)』を理由に納入を中止したらしい。
一応、ギリシア政府の命令(船舶に対する Gaza 地区への出航禁止)を踏まえたうえでの話らしいが・・・。
・Swiss company cancels deal to sell cement to Gaza flotilla organizers(2011年7月6日 Haaretz.com)

『force majeure(不可抗力)』って何だろうね?


