


2023年07月31日 | 日々徒然
In the heat, the Japanese eat kakigori - a dessert made from shavings of ice (ideally, the ice was brought from the slopes of Fuji or something), washed down with a variety of tasty treats. Just looking at it is already enjoyable💙
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2023年07月31日 | 日々徒然

夢は追い続ける勇気があれば、どんな夢も叶えられる All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.👤
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2023年07月31日 | 日々徒然

心配しすぎないで。ポジティブな気持ちで続けましょう。最後には上手くいくはずだよ。 Try not to worry too much about it. Stay positive and keep going. You’ll succeed in the end. 🆗
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2023年07月31日 | 日々徒然
🔲🟦Shaved ice🟦🔲

氷を使ったデザートの総称で、薄く削ったり、細かく砕いたりした氷に、甘味料やシロップを加えたもの。Shaved ice is a large family of ice-based desserts made of fine shavings of ice or finely crushed ice and sweet condiments or syrups.🍨
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