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【LGBTのT】女性自認の男性受け入れへ 日本女子大、24年度から⬅ふざけるな

2020-06-19 23:57:55 | 時事

【LGBTのT】女性自認の男性受け入れへ 日本女子大、24年度から(共同)★3 [夜のけいちゃん★] (988)
ニュース速報+ 2020-06-19 16:49 (48 res/h)

[LGBT T] to accept men who self-identify as women.
Japan Women's University, from 2012(Kyodo)★3 [Yoru no Kei-chan] (988)
Breaking News + 2020-06-19 16:49 (48 res/h)

【福岡】高校在学中に盗撮か、大学生を逮捕 女子トイレや合宿先の浴場、知人宅の風呂場などで盗撮、被害者は女子生徒ら29人  [すらいむ★] (183)
ニュース速報+ 2020-06-19 22:04 (30 res/h) 

The university student was arrested for peeping photos in women's restroom, bathhouse, and a friend's bathroom. 29 victims were arrested for peeping photos in women's restroom, bathhouse, and a friend's bathroom.
Breaking News + 2020-06-19 22:04 (30 res/h)


もううんざり 18歳未成年の飲酒、乱交、破廉恥パーティー、薬物
今までどれほど迷惑だったか 未成年だの19歳だのって。毎回被害者という立場使ってるから表に出てこない。大学生ばかりだ風俗や援助交際。


First, the problem.

1、What is the age of graduation from university at 18 years old?
I'm sick of 18-year-old underage drinking, orgies, breaking parties, and drugs.
You know how annoying it has been, being underage, 19 years old. It doesn't come out because you use the position of victim every time. They're all college students, sex work, helping out.

2. The boys are sexually active and want to get into the girls' group.
The mens might be harmed.




nothing special
It's just an excuse to keep the school going.

And then there's a third.

3, if it was an athletic department, there would be grade fraud
If you have a male physique and male physical ability but compete for grades as a girl, this is a disadvantage for girls in general
Even if it's just the Olympics, there's been a lot of talk about Russian doping and Russian athletes missing the Olympics just because they're doping.
There is a strong element of absolute injustice in situations where you compete as a girl in a male body.



So, if you're a man and you're entering a women's college and you're living in a dormitory or living together, you're at an age when carnivorous females are thriving
Plus, they come in underage, who controls them and who gets them out?

Opened on a site in Mejiro, Tokyo (current site) at the urging of Mitsui Zaibatsu with the support of Prime Minister Hirooka Asako, with the help of Prime Minister Hirofumi Itoh, Gakushuin Director Atsumaro Konbe, Education Minister Saionji Kinmochi, and businessmen Shibusawa Eiichi and Yanosuke Iwasaki
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%97%A5%E6% 9C%AC%E5%A5%B3%E5%AD%90%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%A6
⬅So what!!!!!



英訳で海外に速攻出るんで 止められない

If you look at the trend in pornography, there are a lot of young women, and that's exactly what I'd like to put out there.
There's actually such a thing as a honey trap, since you have such a carnal, part-time job.
It's a college student who does what is called second rape, too.

A woman who was happy to be paid tens of thousands of dollars in pocket money to join her genitals for a few minutes in the bathroom for a few minutes every time she was in the bathroom. It was a bonding experience! and announced that it was dirty to watch.

The English translations are going out so fast, I can't stop them.
Dirty Japanese University Women and Prostitutes


思い出した EUだ

What was the thread called?
A Japanese woman kidnaps a child.

I remember. EU.

世界から『日本は拉致国家』と非難を浴びている、国際的な子の ...
news.yahoo.co.jp › byline › akechikaito
2020/01/06 - イタリア政府などは一方の親が日本人である場合、日本へ行くと子どもが誘拐されるかもしれないと、渡航に関する注意喚起をしました。日本人による国際的な子の連れ去りが、日本と諸外国の間で国際問題となっています.

The world has condemned 'Japan as an abduction state', international child ... .news.yahoo.co.jp ' byline ' akechikaito
06/01/2020 - The Italian government and others say that children who go to Japan if one parent is Japanese may be abducted and travel warnings have been issued. The international abduction of children by the Japanese has become an international problem between Japan and other countries.

でもゆうべ? 見てたんだよ そのスレッド。

You deleted the thread, didn't you? It won't come out.
But last night? I've been watching, that thread.
Mostly, the women who fall into the category of what's called child abduction are college graduates. Exactly you guys!!!! I thought.
We'll get you out.


He says he's going to sue in Europe. Child abduction issue. We don't want them to say "Japan is strong, so it's OK" or something like that. It's also the university graduates and local areas that have been fooling the public with their phony royal family and police related positions.

日本女子大 三井、三菱




Japan Women's University Mitsui, Mitsubishi
Oh, exactly the kind of woman who is an intellectual and would want a foreigner's baby.

Is that the mentality of accepting a girl's man?
An 18 year old minor spreads his sexual desire at a bar or party by a young lady receptionist and entertainment. Further. He appears in a porno when he is in need of money. Just the other day, several asked a lawyer to remove pornography?
You can't get a lawyer unless you have money, right? Furthermore, you have to have the knowledge to find out if it's something you can ask an attorney for.
Most of them are probably college students.
Current corona toting is a college student too! And I presented it from the beginning.
That's how irresponsible, selfish and getting away with it is for college students.
And in that age group, they might even stand on the side of a man in an explosion of sexual desire.

Last time I was in the bathroom for a few minutes of genital union, I was paid for it! I knew there would be love!
We just had a statement like this.

That's the kind of environment that a group of people could do that kind of thing in.
Men are dirty and women are dirty.
Would you like me to write about it in a more graphic way?




I check out the style of adult videos from time to time, but I've been looking at the side of making them to see what kind of flavor they have, and I've also been looking at the women's faces to see how much they're getting for the market.

Younger, late teens or 20-something women are performing a lot better than they used to. So where does that mean you have a connection to the business?
Bars, entertainment hostesses, these routes and yakuza are the only way to go. There are so many of them, women.
There's no comparison to the pornography of the past.
In spite of all this sexism, the marriage rate is down, the birthrate is down
And he's even charged with kidnapping a child.

Oh no, too many roaches in the toilet.



Noting that "sex cannot be discussed in terms of a male-female binary, it is indeed diverse," he added, "We have to redefine 'woman' and We have decided that transgender people will also learn together within this definition," he explained.
http://matsuri.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ morningcoffee/1592542312/

Does a man have a penis and testicles?
Wouldn't he die from being raped by a bunch of sexually active women?
It's a bunch of sexually active girls.
Isn't that the "bait" to lure them in?





子供の連れ去り これ2011年から今までの間

Selfish, dumb, responsible parents! I can say that college begins at a minor age.

For me, you look at the porn market and feel like you're just preying on the young women's sexual appetites. I think some of them are going to be raped by men. I think they're looking at you. If there are a lot of women, it's the opposite.

There are plenty of cases of rape in Japanese universities in clubs.
In other countries, it could be the first time to hear about it.
However, even if you look at the AV market nowadays, there are a lot of meat-eating women.

By the way, quite a few of the mens are bunking down.
Is this what keeps the university alive for? If you think that's what it is, cut back! I don't think the axis of the game is blurred.

The removal of children, this from 2011 to now.
I may have talked about it at least once. On a deleted blog.
Myself, I've been involved in a few court-related things that look like this.
The Korean school grant trial was also rejected because I wanted to.
You can't have it all for free! In my opinion.
That's how much the judiciary was checking us out.

スーフリ事件の「和田サン」手記報道 被害者が語る卑劣な手口と ...www.excite.co.jp › ニュース › 国内 › 社会 › 事件
2019/02/18 - 早稲田大学の元公認のサークル「スーパーフリー」のメンバーである大学生らは「ギャルは撃つための公共物だぜ」を合言葉に1999年秋から常習的に女子大生への輪姦を行っていた。輪姦終了後に缶コーヒーをおごる、ファミリーレストランに連れ ...

Report on the "Wada Sun" memoirs in the Soufri case Victims talk about the despicable tactics and ... .www.excite.co.jp ' News ' Japan ' Society ' Incidents
02/18/2019 - He is a member of the former official Waseda University club "Super Free The college students have been habitually sending out women's college students since the fall of 1999 with the slogan "Gals are public property to be shot, man. They were performing a gang rape of a ... He bought her a can of coffee after the gang rape was over, took her to a family restaurant ...

日本における国際的な子の連れ去り - Wikipediaja.wikipedia.org › wiki › 日本における国際的な子の連れ去り
フランスの被害 に移動 - 米国大使館によれば、2005年から2009年にかけて、オーストラリア、カナダ、フランス、英国、米国から日本への子どもの拉致は従前の4倍に増加している。 オーストラリアの被害[編集]. 在日本オーストラリア大使館による ...

すげー こんな事は大学行ってる女が大半だ

International Child Abduction in Japan - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org ' wiki ' International Child Abduction in Japan
Damage in France Moved to - According to the U.S. Embassy, between 2005 and 2009, the Abductions of children from Australia, Canada, France, the United Kingdom and the United States to Japan have quadrupled since then. I am. Australian damage[edit]. By the Australian Embassy in Japan ...

Wow, this stuff is mostly women who go to college.
You're going to make this an international issue.
Is it easier for a mixed-race child to get into the entertainment industry in Japan?
In the shadow of low birthrates, what is this?
Most of these women are intellectuals, and most of them have an academic complex.
Is this another achievement Elizabeth has made?

【LGBT】日本女子大「戸籍は男でも心が女性なら問題はない」トランスジェンダーの入学を全面受け入れへ [503851864] (123)
ニュー速(嫌儲) 2020-06-19 12:33 (2 res/h)


LGBT] Japan Women's University to accept transgender students: "It's OK to be a man but a woman at heart" (503851864) (123)
Newsflash (hate) 2020-06-19 12:33 (2 res/h)

There is also quite a bit of lesbian porn. If the men who enter are men in body and women in mind, the women's side can play with the men's bodies and have diverse sex. And why not toy with it?
When that happens, it's the men who are toyed with chasing wounds they can't recover from, right? The more women there are, the more they'll come after you. If you ask me, it seems more discriminatory and tragic for that to happen. Isn't it the man who gets raped by a sexually active underage girl? Would you like to be tried for rape against a minor? You seem to be asking for a sexually active female toy, I am.

そしてメンズで女性らしいという事は受け身なので、やられますよ 多分。


まるで放尿?精子を放出 これ海外に出る生々しさ。

And being men's and feminine is passive, so you'll get hit, probably.
And then you'll get bogged down in the religious smell of "this is love" or something like that.
That kind of religious smell is also in college students.
That's why you can talk about mating for a few minutes in the bathroom in an interview, right?

A few minutes in the toilet, then a quick insertion.

You mean like urinating? This is the rawness of going abroad to release sperm.


数分で放出・・・・愛? 動物の交尾では?


I thought there was love in the air.

Released in a few minutes... love? Isn't that animal mating?

Oh, and the recent story about the celebrity and the woman who was used as a toilet.


I don't know how the world views transgender people, but from my point of view, I don't know if it's a good idea to get women to ejaculate on you and make you feel better about yourself. I just turned my attention to the mens who are going to hell. I don't know if I'm going to be seen as mens friendly, but one thing I do know is that abnormal sexual behavior is a habit, mind you. I mean, put it on. In an area where there are a lot of women who do that kind of thing, men are going to hate women. Even recently, an older woman attacked a younger man.
My gut feeling must be right.

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そしたらゆうべ、中途半端に出したアメリカ高裁の2つ 再度

2020-06-19 22:27:02 | 時事
Then, last week, I made a half-hearted attempt to get the two U.S. high courts to reiterate

まず 内容の一部には、納得できないものがあった

First, some of the content didn't sit well with me.
It's not a good idea to keep it out at the halfway mark.



I put it out last night, but there has always been an operation called the Birth Tour.

I'm just giving you an opinion.
Rather than defending Trump, I'm going to offer a perspective on how we think in the country.




First of all, you get to take a birth tour and get your nationality!
I don't like the way it's going.

The fact that the issue is still being addressed in the US means it's probably convenient for those who want to become citizens.

What I think.
First of all, don't move when you're about to give birth!!!
Let's say you had a sudden contraction.
She said she had given birth.
If so, you should register the birth in your home country.
Even if it takes you two weeks to give birth and return to your home country.
We believe that the birth report should be delayed and accepted, giving reasons for the delay.





Strictly speaking, I went into labor when the child was born because I was traveling.
So? Is your nationality where you gave birth? Something is wrong.
If a child is born and registered for birth, is there any reason why it has to be done quickly in a governmental sense?
If there's a problem, could an application be filed to falsely claim to have born someone else's child when you didn't? or something like that

If a foreigner takes up the nationality of another country and presents that nationality at some point in time, they could get the welfare and rights of that country even if they don't have a certificate of residence, right?
I think they are probably people who take on multiple nationalities.

I personally think they should register their births in their home countries.

If you want to get that country's citizenship, you should go through the formalities again.
This is similar to Trump.

米国籍目当ての「出産ツアー」企画運営した中国人、司法取引で ...www.afpbb.com › articles
2019/09/18 - 【9月18日 AFP】米カリフォルニア州で、生まれる子どもに米国籍を取得させたい裕福な中国人妊婦を対象に、違法で高額な「出産ツアー」を企画運営していたとされる中国人被告が17日、有罪を認める司法取引に応じた。

Chinese who planned and managed 'birth tours' for U.S. citizenship, in a plea deal ... .www.afpbb.com ' articles '
Sep 18, 2019 - [September 18, 2019 AFP] A Chinese defendant who allegedly planned and operated illegal and expensive "birth tours" for wealthy pregnant Chinese women who wanted their unborn children to obtain US citizenship in the US state of California agreed to a plea deal on Thursday to plead guilty.



Plus the tragedy of not finding a problem with what Trump is barking about like a machine gun.

I decided that I needed to give a quick assist here.



If the Supreme Court were to pass that law of refugees
Wouldn't it be a bad idea to fix some of them?

I want you to think about the process. Not only Chinese, but other countries have used the same trick to conduct birth tours, and we've seen a large number of fraudulent citizenship acquisitions. In light of that, what's a more cowardly way to get into the country than a Mexican wall?


では先程の出産ツアーにおける不正な国籍取得について。その国籍を子供だけなのか、母親も国籍が取れるのか まだわからない。

更新付き2年 延期を含み就労許可



Trump's thoughts are spinning out of control because he's not a good speaker. The rest of the time, the outside pressure must be terrible.

Now, let's talk about the fraudulent nationality in the birth tour I mentioned earlier. We still don't know if that nationality is only for the child or if the mother can get that nationality too.

But the bones of the immigration bailout plan.
Two years with renewal. Work permit with extension.

Fatally, the deportation is postponed for 2 years (with a renewal) and a work permit is granted.

As of June 2012, 31 years old or younger (born after June 16, 1981) ⬅If this works out, the highest age is now 39.





I have a problem with the justification of illegal immigration.
Plus, they didn't reveal the ambiguity by narrowing the target audience to younger people.

Trump originally said, if you're going to enter the country, go through the regular process and get in! He was the one who said.

Illegal immigrants are people who cannot get regular process. Why can't you get regular process?
Isn't that the point?

That plan that Obama came up with seems to have been in operation for eight years now, so I have to put out the problems in the meantime. First.








Must not have been convicted of a felony, serious misdemeanor, or three or more other misdemeanors and must not pose a threat to national security

Three misdemeanors.

This measure does not give illegal immigrants legal status or guarantee them a path to citizenship.

⬅ Legal status?

Nor does it give you the right to receive federal welfare and education assistance.

⬅No right to welfare and educational support

Just a student or a worker. 

Is this a pattern of job loss for the locals?



移民にやってもらいましょ!と言い出す偽善者がいるんだよな そういう人たちの移民に対する扱いは底辺だけど、仲介者はそれを生業とした時猛烈に使い捨てだよ。


Maybe Trump was making a lot of noise to prevent locals from becoming NEETs by continuing to limit the number of workers in local jobs to young people?

So you have three choices: study, the military, or labor.

Let the immigrants do it! And then there are the hypocrites who say, "You know what? The bottom line is that those people's treatment of immigrants is the bottom line, but the intermediaries It's fiercely disposable when you make a living out of it.

And when they're disposable in a bad way, they'll try to destroy the middleman, and then it's all gone.



We need to isolate the problem. It's invisible.

This was also the scene of May's difficulty in leaving the EU.
I wrote the same lines.

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小和田恒は北朝鮮 墓石毀損の畜生 満州族移民 だろ? 安倍晋三も満州族の延長だろ?移民は移民に言えないんだ

2020-06-19 21:03:44 | 時事

Hisashi Owada is a North Korean tombstone-digging son of a bitch. 
Manchurian immigrants, right? Abe Shinzo is an extension of the Manchurians, right? Immigrants can't tell immigrants what to do.


徳仁は満州顔 日本人ですとか言ってる一部は満州族移民や韓国移民 中華移民 インド系はどこかな?


Manchurians are a bunch of high-minded, make-believe Mexicans.

Tokujin is a Manchurian face, some of whom say they're Japanese, some of whom are Manchurian immigrants, Korean immigrants, Chinese immigrants, and where are the Indians?

Not the settled class pretending to be Japanese, but the adult immigrants, the scum who sold their names on someone else's registry without a household registration.

まさこ様ー 陛下ー


昔の移民 昔の歴史は捏造したんでもう変えないで!

Your Majesty.
The criminal class with the academic complex that we call it.
It's mostly Manchurian, Korean and Chinese immigrants.

You're not Japanese!!!!
Even the grandmother who talks about spinning her wheels isn't Japanese.
The old JCU is one of those.

They're using GOO to make fake comments on Yahoo!
Old immigrants. We invented our history, so don't change it!
People who think
If their kids are in their 40s or 50s, they'll have a lot of hookers.
In their 20s and 30s.

赤の他人がうじゃうじゃ わたしの名義借りをして稼いでた
これは昔 吉左衛門にもしてたんだ


ブログは盗むわ 知財を独占した勘違いをし

佐賀って2012以降 中国で「徐福」が日本に渡って最初の天皇になったという、単なる仮説を映像化した舞台に選ばれたよね? 当時


ストーカーみたいな朝鮮人の延長 小和田恒は満州族か?

The place is crawling with strangers who owe me money.
I used to do this for Kichizaemon in the past.

The Soma family has been asking for that reckoning since 2011, and there are people defending them.
There's probably some remnants of Kichizaemon's murderers mixed in with the mayor class that survived 311.

It was Masayoshi Son and others who refused to finance those people.
I've been stealing blogs, making the mistake of thinking I have a monopoly on intellectual property.
Like a stalker, forever and ever.

That's why I hate Saga.
Saga is a mere hypothesis that Xufu was the first emperor of China to arrive in Japan after 2012. You were chosen to be in the film version of the play, right? in those days

It is said that Owada Masako's mother is a yakuza from Saga. Rumor.
Masako's mother fled to the Netherlands. That daughter, Masako, and another one who works for the UN.

Is Owada Hisashi Owada a Manchurian, an extension of the stalker-like Koreans?
Naruhito's face is of Mongolian descent.


日本国憲法上は、国民の総意の上 天皇は選ばれて就任のような形だ。この憲法出来てから国民総意など、とれた事実は一切ない。


The UN itself ignores the Japanese Constitution.
Withdrawal from the UN is appropriate. Trump is appropriate.

Under the Japanese constitution, the emperor is elected to office by consensus of the people. There has been no consensus of the people since this constitution was written.
Because there has been no confirmation.
If they couldn't do this, they needed to fix the Constitution, but they left it in place long after the war and the cultists lied about it. It's been spreading. It was a state takeover.

They lied about their universal lineage, they lied about their traditional lineage, they lied about their authority in the world and that they were greater than the Pope, and the cult has been disguised by the people and deceived the public.


己等がまず 国家の憲法に相当していないという立場において、憲法改正してもらっていない事
なぜ疑問に思わないのか インテリぶっていても

何なの この仕事やってますフリ!!!!!

Withdraw from the U.N. because it will only make the bogus organization take a back seat to my rights.
If people who didn't do it claim their rights, they are just like today's public servants who pretend they worked.

Masako and the rest of the Kiko's are too.
The fact that we have not had the constitution amended in the position that we are not equivalent to a national constitution in the first place
I don't know why you don't wonder why you don't act like you're an intellectual.
foolish after all

We are in a position that is not in keeping with the Constitution, so we can't even ask you to change the Constitution?
You pretend to be doing this job!!!!





In addition, it's an unintelligible hypocritical activity that goes from place to place, calling it official business because of its generosity.

If they can't get the consensus of the people, how can they prove their position to the entire country and the world?
Hey, assholes.

We'll never get the consensus of the people.
Furthermore, the fact that he's been in office in the past without consensus is a violation of the Constitution.
Furthermore, even if elected by consensus, the term of office is unknown.
Originally, they were just a self-proclaimed imperial family in violation of the Constitution.

You don't think the Japanese will find out about this?
That's why the Japanese are less educated.
The highly educated were tasked with covering up this fact.
So being smart didn't make you an elite.


The TV stations are the ones who have been making and distributing movies and commercials for foreign audiences that people support. It was a newspaper company. Abroad, we believed what we saw. Furthermore, most Japanese are not very good at English. Of course, it was the rich class that went abroad, the rich class that went to college, and most of them justified their bogus royalty and It was.
In the old days, whenever that alleged member of the royal family would swear, the police or the right wing would follow him around and harass and murder him. did. So the world has been too scared to say anything about the question. It was Hirohito and Akihito who were doing diplomacy for good.


I have relatives who belonged to the right wing, so it's pretty clear to me.
My family used to be emperor, but they told me that the current emperor is a Korean.
He was made to live in this environment for generations.
How much I hate Ma, Israel, and Kammu.
Most of my relatives that got mixed up with the right wing and yakuza died strange deaths.





A document engraved on a tombstone has been scraped off.
This stone wasn't the only one.
I've been doing this for generations.

There is a sanskrit word for Dainichi Buddha in the Shingon sect, but the Shingon sect is North Korean forces and India. I hate them.
If it's an older stone, it doesn't have Sanskrit characters, it's inscribed with the word Enninushi.

We also had a calligraphy of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in our house. And now it's an empty box and the contents are in the hands of the forces of South Soma. This is a mystery.
They had money, but before we knew it, the Soma family and the Matsudaira family spent it all.

They pretended that there was no fame, and acted as if the books written by their own subordinates were righteous.



Wouldn't it be nice if the Elizabeth clan had to go through the same thing?

A very long period of time. 

その時代 セッターとポインターを飼育出来たのはイギリスとの接点ないと出来ない。




In that era, you couldn't raise a setter and a pointer without a connection to England.

Soma Junin was a half-Britishman, in and out of the Imperial Household Ministry. And what happened was the Soma Incident.

You say you're a psychopath, you're a half-brother, you accuse the wrong heir of being sick, you make him neurotic, you quarantine him as a psychopath. and was later said to have been poisoned. It was the first case of dealing with mental illness in Japan at that time.

The reason the Soma family, who had done such a thing, worked for the Imperial Household Ministry for generations was to fabricate the family's past.
The upper echelons of police did.




Since Matsudaira also spoofed the surname Tokugawa, it was the Tokugawa forces, including this Matsudaira, that he was facing in Europe.

Once you've got the upper echelons of the police and the foreign ministry, all you have to do is look at the military. It seems that they recruited and gave the military a variety of locals from Korea, Manchuria, China, etc.

In mainland China, they look like the Japanese already.
This would have allowed him to later expand overseas under the title of Japanese. For those people, talking about violating the Constitution is a topic they don't want to see, and conversely, something the establishment has wanted to say for a long time. It is. Here, first, there was an implicit discrimination.
The Japanese who didn't know there was discrimination and were brainwashed by those rich aristocrats and TV to donate to the cause, yes, yes, yes.

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2020-06-19 19:18:40 | 皇室問題
When the horse-smelling season approaches, the police and commerce and industry flock in groups of murderers, which is very annoying, so I'll send out the Imperial Household Police.

こんな環境でのさばってたんだな そいつらの先祖ども
These people must have thrived in this environment. Their ancestors.

あと銀行も出してやりたい つーかそこらの警察幹部とかも
警察な 一部はもうガキの代だ 親らを知ってれば出せる

20代とかだろ 親知ってるよ 気が向いたら出してやる

And I'd like to get the bank out of here, and maybe some of the top cops.
It's the police, some of whom are in their 20s now. If they knew their parents, they'd get out.
I know some of them.

You're in your 20s or something. I know my parents. I'll let you out when I'm ready.


You heard last night about how some blacks in America get turned down for no reason.
It's the same here.

これ 公明党なんだな やったの

I've put out so much hate for horses, but there are horses all over the public facilities.
This is the Komei Party. We did it.
And after 311.

この大阪臭い外道は朝鮮仕込みなんだな 昔から。

Is it because the Soma and Date clans are full of con artists because they smell like Korea and China? I used to be, like, so miserable.
They run away in the night, they set fires, and they're a shithole that cheats and pushes you into debt and runs away.
This Osaka-smelling outsider has been a Korean plant for a long time.

日本人と言うなの移民だ こいつら。


The Ponzi scheme that was popular in Albania smells like Tokyo and Osaka.
Don't call them Japanese, they're immigrants.
They used to get into a lot of trouble in Tokyo for corruption, and the same thing happened in the countryside quite a bit, and still does.
Rumor has it that the Ministry of the Environment's order for the hazard allowance is a rampant scam that only local companies are involved in.

Not only national government employees, but also local government employees are doing a lot of things that go on TV. The reason they don't appear on TV is because they are handing out money or they are running some local agency.

だから仙台中心部 ブランド店だらけになったんだ
その一角に パチンコ屋の タダノタダシが経営してたんじゃないか
メトロパチンコ 鹿島の御子神社宮司がはっきり提示した内容だ これ
うちと無関係のゴミ一家が うちの家系図に背乗りした
そのタダノタダシって 荒専八の居住エリアに土地持ってるのは、なぜ?

The Korean Federation of Trade Unions and the United Nations are cozying up to each other.
That's why central Sendai is full of brand-name stores.
You bought one of those corners at Don Quixote, didn't you?
Korean Federation of Trade Unions.
I think Tadano Tadashi owned a pachinko parlor in that corner.
This is what the shrine maid at Kashima's shrine presented clearly.
A family of trash that has no connection to our family tree has jumped into our family tree.
Why does this Tadano Tadashi have land in Arasenhachi's residential area?

Tadanotadashi is Korean, right?

There are quite a few people involved in tampering with the registry.

相馬順胤 イギリス系の混血朝鮮人か こいつ
こいつ 近衛所有の東京の土地買った金も たぶん うちの金

Soma Aritane, a half-breed Korean of English descent.
This is part of the family's history of using our money to scam people for generations.
He probably used my money to buy some land in Tokyo that belongs to Konoe.
What was he doing in the Imperial Household at this time?
This one, Date, Soma, and Tsuneo Matsudaira are the set



人殺しの警察 子孫何代まできてるんだ? 6代か?


Nomaoi is a festival to show off the victory of Soma Aritane's son, Soma Yasutane, and Matsudaira.

It's a national takeover celebration and full of horse shit.
It's a big dirty immigrant lie and over-advertising.

How many generations of descendants do you have left of the murderous police? Six generations?
I sent the documents to the prefecture and the state, but they were ignored.

What the hell is this shit going to do again in conjunction with a horse race?
I don't want a racehorse in this land.
A group of public servants who ignore you when you offer to fix their books.
You're not going to eat on my budget.

A bunch of backstabbing thieves who got mixed up in our register.
Some of them are police.




Israel and Jews.
These keywords have been around since before I started researching.

The police now guard the bogus aristocracy set up by Israel and the Jews, and when it comes to our family, it's an avenging, mafia family.

The U.N. is the central body whose central body is Israel and Jews.
There are Chinese, Chinese, British and French riches at the center, as well as American riches.




The Japanese involved in UN relations are remnants of the Empire of Japan, and it's not just a matter of the Japanese calling themselves Koreans or Chinese. A lot. And then there's a group of intellectuals who act like they're college graduates.

It was well established in the 1965s that Emperor Hirohito Showa was a Korean. Not all of Japan's emperors have been Koreans, yet Koreans began to be used by the United Nations after World War II. In recent years, every single Japanese industry has been forced to move overseas.

It's the horse freaks that get you this far.


人殺し相馬藩 伊達藩 会津藩 無能なのに

Even if lawyers and others from a group of horse crazy people come out of a group of horse crazy people, they are cowardly scum and have no power to win a foreign engagement.

The murderous Soma clan, the Date clan, the Aizu clan, and the Aizu clan are all incompetent.
Damn those government-sponsored bastards.


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It's not a problem, but it gives me an error-like indication.

And it's all being served.

んで何? 福島上空から仙台上空を飛んだ飛行物体はラジオゾンデ?
And then what? The object flying over Fukushima and Sendai is a radiosonde?

ラジオゾンデによる高層気象観測 - 気象庁www.jma.go.jp › jma › kishou › know › upper › kaisetsu
ラジオゾンデの外観. 気象庁で使用しているラジオゾンデ(左からiMS-100、RS-11G、RS-41SG、RS92-SGP)の外観. ラジオゾンデの飛揚風景 放球装置による飛揚風景. 人の手で放球する地点の飛揚風景 自動放球装置(ABL:Automatic Balloon Launcher) ...

Upper-level weather observations with radiosonde - JMA www.jma.go.jp ' jma ' kishou ' know ' upper ' kaisetsu
Exterior view of the radiosonde. Radiosonde (from left to right: iMS-100, RS-11G, RS-41SG, and Exterior view of a radiosonde (RS92-SGP). View of the radiosonde in flight. View of the launch by the launcher. View of a human touchdown point. Automatic Ballooning Device (ABL) (Launcher) ...

What have you done so far in government speak?
A bunch of scum got together.

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2020-06-19 00:30:44 | 時事
Two court cases have recently come out in the US, reasonable in their conclusions. I'll give you the substance of them.


【米国】LGBTの職場差別を禁止 最高裁が画期的判決 [納豆パスタアリ★] (11)
社説+ 2020-06-16 08:18

U.S.] Supreme Court Bans LGBT Workplace Discrimination [Natto Pasta Ali*] (11)
Editorial + 2020-06-16 08:18


自分もそれだけで解雇は厳しいだろうなと思ったので。それに付け加えるべきは、職場でホモの男性からセクハラされましたパワハラされました 訴えます あるいは、会社に提示し解決してもらう この過程をふんでホモの人は解雇される。と見込んだため。レズ何かも同様。

This is a ruling that it's unfair to have someone fired just for being a homosexual or lesbian.

I thought it would be tough to fire myself for that alone. I should add to that, I was sexually harassed by a homosexual male at work, power harassment, complaint. Or present it to the company and have it resolved. The faggot will be fired for this process. Because I expected that. The same goes for lesbian something.


In short, grounds for dismissal arise when there is an action by a homosexual person, just a homosexual I can't let them fire me yet because there is no action when they find out that they are not. This is the kind of perspective I have, I am.
Furthermore, if the action was the equivalent of dismissal.



Of course, homosexual rape etc. shouldn't happen, so I think it's okay to refuse or run away or act in situations where it's likely to happen.

You should work in the workplace and not show your sexuality.
Furthermore, it's okay to say no to a guy after work when he asks you out for sexual favors, right?
That's my opinion.
In Japan, I heard that there are many incidents of rape in the dark, where people are called out at night sometimes for entertainment and given sleeping pills to make them drink. Sleeping pills and alcohol. This is not good.

「DACA」とは「幼児不法入国者送還猶予措置(Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)」の略であり、


DACA" stands for "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
Illegal immigrants (undocumented immigrants) are allowed to stay only if they are young people who meet some of the conditions This is a system that is called The Obama administration decided on it by executive order in June 2012.

 Those eligible for relief under this program are: (1) those who have entered the country before age 16; (2) those under age 30 as of June 2012; (3) those who have lived in the U.S. for five years or more; and (4) those who have graduated from a U.S. high school or have served in the U.S. military or Coast Guard.
In such cases, you will be exempt from deportation for two years (renewable) and may work in the U.S. It does. However, it does not confer citizenship.
https://news.yahoo.co.jp/byline/ ... maeshimakazuhiro/20170918-00075900/

アメリカの最高裁、またまたトランプにド☆違法認定 若年の不法移民の国外退去を [195740982]

U.S. Supreme Court again certifies Trump as a d*ck illegal to deport young illegal immigrants [195740982].

ただし、幾分 不足要件はありそう


I assume it's conditional.
However, there may be some shortfalls

It says 2012, but it's 2020, so now


これ 駄目だぞ。

Why are there so many Indians in America right now?
If you were to take a Chinese maternity tour, I'm sure they didn't do it in India as well.

You can't do this.






Maybe we've been doing this for 30 years or more.
Birth tour

If you do this in a populated area, you will only get nationality, and years later, immigrants will come in and erode more and more.

The behavior is completely different from colonization.
Colonization is not a prerequisite for immigration.

They get their nationality through childbirth tours and then emigrate afterwards.
The majority of them start to erode, and the majority of them take home industry.
Therefore, it will be empty later.

If it's a colony, they take over the area.
Japan was one of the ones screaming about this, but Spain, Italy, Africa.

And the Philippines, too.




国連だな その金銭的余裕は。

そして今日の記事で、アメリカの軍人がトランプに反対意見を出す内容。イギリス、フランスの植民地タイトルを発見。ああ これだ!!!と発覚。



When you consider that it took decades to get the results we have now.

Spying on the dummy goodwill of Japan, the
Migration and industrial relocation

You can see that this was pretty much dictated by the Korean and Chinese and Japanese organizations.

The United Nations, that financial leeway.
UNICEF and the United Nations.

That's why.
And in today's article, what America's servicemen and women have to say against Trump. Discover the British and French colonial titles. Ah, this! And discovered.
It should be cracking now in the US.

They're going to stay under the British umbrella or get out.

In other words, the world is going to change so much with just one person in my presence.
I am an enemy of the Jews. I'm not a Jew. I'm above the Jewish religion.


The one who looks incompetent when it comes to Jewish riches is closer to me. The Jewish wealthy leaning is written as excellent. The media does that manipulation.



I am, you know, sexually normal, so I can't admit to being abnormal. Furthermore, I am not the god of sexual abnormalities.

There's an awful lot of homosexuals in China. Later on, there will be too many men and too many women. There's already a lot of talk about the excess of women in Ukraine. This can't be a good thing!





Let's laugh at my wife's revenge lunch.

If anyone plans an overseas version of Revenge of the Bento, I'd love to see it.

Married couples are hard but interesting.

good night

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