

Dear Mitsuo, December19,2010・2015年12月19日(土)

2015-12-19 16:06:13 | 日記
Dear Mitsuo and Family &Friends, Dec.19, 2010
Thank you for your holiday greetings .
I’m pleased to hear from you, to know that you are fine, as are we .
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and all the best in 2011 .
Happy birthday on Jan. 29th ! .
To where have you been traveling ?
I’m just back from Jordan & Egypt, including Alexandria .
Last February, I was in The Philippines, Vietnam & Cambodia, in March .
Guatemala & Costa Rica, in July .
Madrid in August , Rome .
I also traveled to Nova Scotia in September & Boston, and enjoyed a week in New York City in October .
I was in S.F. for the Holidays 2009-10 .
I will be back in California Dec.23rd –Jan.7th .
On Jan.12th I leave for the Caribbean-my 1st time in that part of our world .
I Don’t hear from any of the Japanese friends .
Everybody is busy .
I do not have E mail or an Internet connection on .
Don’t know if I ever will .
What is your daughter doing ?
I’m so pleased that I could meet her, your wife and family .
I think I told you that mom’s house in Grand Rapids, Michigan was sold in April 2008 .
She’d moved into Railside Living center in February 2008 .
The center is less than 1 mile from my brother’s home .
It is 130 miles from Ann Arbor, so I don’t drive There in the winter .
(which arrived on the 12th – 8 inches of snow ice).
Thinking of you . Hoping to have your news,
( my phone is the same )
yours Truly,

Dear Mitsuo, December18,2005・2015年12月19日(土)

2015-12-19 11:05:55 | 日記
Dear Mitsuo December 18, 2005
Holiday greetings to you and to your family.
We have not been in contact since March, 2004.
The times goes quickly.
I trust that you are well.
I appreciated your phone call about Natsuko being in Sacraments, CA.
I never did get to speak to her.
How is she and all her family?
Noriko writes from time to time .
Do you see her ?
Has Mr. Izena retired?
How is your school year ?
What work does your daughter have ?
How is your wife ? Mother ?
The rest of your family ?
My mother is fine at 95 .
Aunt Victoria is 93 .
I traveled to Italy in October 2005 with my brother and his wife .
I enjoyed 3 weeks there and saw a lot .
What traveled have you enjoyed ?
In Nov. 04 I went to the former Yugoslavia .
In Feb.05, I went Morocco .
Next July 2006, I’m going to Russia .
These are first time visits .
Each spring and autumn I’m in Italy .
Often I’m in Spain in the summer, plus traveling in The USA and Canada, sometimes Mexico.
I don’t have a computer so on E-mail yet .
This Holiday season I decided to stay at home .
I’ve been in San Francisco for the past 10 years for Xmas & New Year’s, with friends .
So I’m enjoying winter weather in Michigan .
It’s been cold and Snowing since Now. 23rd .
I like this time of year when most people take time to correspond .
I do look forward to hearing from family and friends .
I’m full of fond memories of good times shared .
I’ll be thinking of you on your January 29th birthday .
I hope you’ll have time to write and catch me up on your news .
It is always good to hear from you .
I’m sending back the lovely stamps you sent so that you can use them on your next 2 letters to me .
I don’t connect on the Internet yet either .
Mitsuo, are you continuing to study English with Mr.Lyle Allison ?
I was sorry not to be here in Dec.2001 when he was visiting his father .
So I missed his call.
I appreciate all the photo you send .
I’m including one of me.
Be well . Sincerely , your friend