

Dear Elaine・Feb.10,1992・2015年12月20日(日)

2015-12-20 11:51:18 | 日記
Dear Elaine, Feb.10,1992
Thank you for your letter and the video tape which arrived on the 6th of February.
My students were very excited to receive letters and pictures from host families.
We watched the video tapes many times.
We will leave Tokyo on March 3.
And we will arrive at New York on March 4.
After we stay in New York for 3 day's sightseeing.
We will transfer to Oneida on the afternoon on March 6 .
We will stay at Oneida from March 6 to April 3.
And we will leave Oneida on April 3.
I am very excited about visiting your country soon.
I have never been to USA.
I have been to Korea,Formosa and South Asian countries such as Indonesia,Singapore,Thailand and Malaysia .
Please say Hello to Bill from me.
I will write a letter to him tomorrow .
I am looking forward to seeing you.
Bye for now, Yours Sincerely

Dear Mitsuo May14,1998・2015年12月20日(日)

2015-12-20 00:33:11 | 日記
Dear Mitsuo May 14, 1998
Thank you for your April 20th phone call and for your letter of April 19th ,which was waiting for me when I returned from Clarksville、Tennessee.
Ihad a lovely week’s visit with friends there .
The countryside is beautiful .
We are enjoying a lovely, warm spring in Michigan .
Between now and My May 26th , departure for Alaska .
I shall be very busy but happily so .
I appreciate your sending the English paper of the Shimpo Weekly News .
I find all of the articles interesting and especially enjoyed The “Oh, to be in Okinawa .”
Essay of 3-30-1998 .(I look forward to returning too.)
Please give Izena-san, my congratulations on his promotion to vice –principal
I hope he enjoys his new position at the Language center .
I will not be going to Italy after all .
I will return from Alaska on June 16th and depart for New York City on June 24th .
on June 24th I will sail to England on the Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ ship, arriving on July 2nd . I will stay in the British Isles until July 30th .
Then I will go to Madrid, Spain until August 12th , to visit friends there . .
I will return to Michigan on August 12th .
Thank you for wishing me a wonderful trip .
I will visit Scotland , Wales , Ireland for the 1st time .
I will see more of England too .( I have been 5 times to London).
I am so pleased that you will visit me in 1999 .
Do you have any travel plans for this summer ?
Noriko wrote me a long letter on April 18th .
It was good to hear from her .
Have you seen her ,recently ?
I think I’m remembering your mentioned speaking to her when you phoned .
Am I right ?
Are you enjoying your E-mail ?
How many hours a week are you at your computer ?
Do you continue to read as much as before ?
How often do you go to the cinema ?
I’m relieved to know The recent earthquake did not cause casualties on serious damage in Okinawa .
I have felt quakes in Italy and in N.California( and once even in Ann Arbor in the late summer of 1972・・・or so).
How many earthquakes have you experienced ?
You mentioned that girls give their boyfriends chocolate on Valentine’s Day .
What do boys give their girlfriends ?
Are Mother’s Day & Father’s Day celebrated in Japan ?
Halloween ?
Interesting to contemplate the similar as well as the different celebrations between cultures .
I am please to know you, your family, and your friends are all fine.
All good thoughts. Sincerely yours