


2016-06-19 16:29:45 | 日記
  Catch the News
 Former Japanese baseball star Kazuhiro Kiyohara was sentenced to two years and six months in prison, suspended for four years, for purchasing, possessing and using stimulant drugs.
“I am sorry,” the-48-year-old former slugger said as he turned to the gallery and bowed his head after the Tokyo District Court handed down the ruling.

オバマ大統領 核なき世界を追求・2016年6月13日(月)

2016-06-13 08:34:00 | 日記
  Catch the News
   オバマ大統領 核なき世界を追求
 U.S. President Barack Obama called for a “world without nuclear weapons”
during his historic visit to Hiroshima, which was devastated
by a U.S. atomic bomb71 years ago.
“We must have the courage to escape the logic of fear and pursue a world
without them, ”he said , referring to the nuclear stockpiles kept by several
countries, including the United States.

シルク ロード・2016年6月12日(日)

2016-06-12 10:04:41 | 日記
英語で読もう  ユルヴァーグ・A・デイビッド 訳
さまざまな国 東西に結ぶ
Since long, long ago, the Silk Road has connected the eastern tip
of Asia with far away Europe on the other side of the earth, and
had a significant influence on world history and culture.
The Silk Road passes over desert regions and cuts across many countries with
different foods and religions.
Not only in the past when people depended on camels and horses, but even today,
traveling this road is not easy.
Is there anyone who would like to take a trip along the Silk Road despite this hardship?
Let’s hear what travel writer Yuji Shimokawa has to say about the Silk Road.

深海のなぞ解き 広がる夢・2016年6月5日(日)

2016-06-05 08:58:37 | 日記
英語で読もう  ユルヴァーグ・A・デイビッド 訳
深海のなぞ解き 広がる夢
 On May 23 and 24, the Global Oceannographic Date Center (GODAC).
Which is located in the Toyohara district of Nago City, held an event
where visitors had the chance to pilot a remotely operated vehicle(ROV).
Many children showed up to participate in the experience.
When we dive deep into the ocean to investigate places where even the sun' s rays
do not reach, we encounter many amazing things, which provide answers to riddles
about the earth and the sea.
What sort of world do we find in the deep sea?


2016-06-04 09:47:04 | 日記
  Catch the News
 SMAP, one of the most popular Japanese pop groups, pledged to continue working as a group following media reports that they were on the verge of breaking up.
Fans in Japan and other Asian countries expressed relief after the five members appeared live on a TV show and apologized, saying they will go forward together.