Life is Sweet.....

Days with Pudgy & Ooloo Bonzo

夏を乗り切る!  Survice the heat !

2014年08月23日 | Weblog


Everyday it's pretty hot and humid outside in crazy heat island Tokyo. Even though the sun goes down the ground is still heated and the dogs cannot go out for a walk. Then Pugdy put on the life jacket like this... 

お風呂スイミングで運動不足解消?  パッジーは上手です。

He started swimming in the bath tub due to her lack of exercise. Though Pudgy is good at swimming...

ウ~ル~はビビっちゃてだめ! もう少し練習しないとね。

Ooloo is daunted by big amount of water in the tub. She stills need more training.


Swimming is less demanding exercise for lower body than walking.
Now I show you our great swimmer's performance.


お盆前でも混雑 in 軽井沢 Go somewhere cool ?

2014年08月12日 | Weblog


It's pretty hot in Tokyo everyday and we went to estivate in our mountain house in Karuizawa for a while.

yuipoo と Ryuta は 新幹線で来たよ!

Our grand kids arrived by one hour bullet train from Tokyo.


Unfortunately the wearther has been bad affected by a typhoon... rainy and foggy...


But we took some walk in a wood  a couple of times.


Visiting pop-up shop for the first time in 2 years which is open for an only limited time.


Yuina impressed the candle service at the resort hotel near us. She really likes it !


She still wanted to play candle service after she got back home.


Cold corn soup at The Sawamura restaurant  ! sweet and smells good. available only for summer time.  We missed it last year ... we've got it this year !


Time for fireworks!


Ryuta plays with clay.  He cannnot play outdoors due to rain.


That's no fun....


 guess we should get to sleep now.....

おかげで二匹とも湿気でお肌にボツボツできちゃって、東京でクーラーの中にいた方が良かったかも??? でも楽しかったね!

Pudgy and Ooloo's skin condition took a turn for the worse because of humidity.... should have been stay in a air-conditioned room at home.... Even so they had a good time with kids.