

福島の子どもたちの甲状腺しこりの発見率 チェルノブイリの20倍も高いことがわかった

2012-05-01 12:37:47 | 未分類

〔Fukushima Diary〕★★★ 福島の子どもたちの甲状腺しこりの発見率 チェルノブイリの20倍 Thyroid nodules rate in Fukushima is 20 time higher than in Chernobyl

  → http://fukushima-diary.com/2012/04/thyroid-nodules-rate-in-fukushima-is-20-time-higher-than-in-chernobyl/ (◇以下は大沼)

◇ 福島県の18歳未満の子どもたちの35.3%から、甲状腺のしこり、のう胞が見つかったが、FDのモチズキさんの調べで、この35.3%の発見率が、山下俊一氏によってチェルノブイリ事故5~10年後、ベラルーシの最汚染地、ゴメリでの発見率、1.74%に比べ、20倍も高いことが分かった。

 以上↑ http://onuma.cocolog-nifty.com/blog1/2012/04/fukushima-di-55.html#more より


ここから上記参照の記事↓ http://fukushima-diary.com/2012/04/thyroid-nodules-rate-in-fukushima-is-20-time-higher-than-in-chernobyl/ より

Thyroid nodules rate in Fukushima is 20 time higher than in Chernobyl


Following up this article..Thyroid pandemic

In March, Fukushima government conducted thyroid test for under 18 in 13 cities and towns such as Minamisoma city, Namiemachi, Iidatemura, Tomiokamachi etc..

The result shows thyroid nodules (≦5.0mm) or cyst (≦20.0mm) were seen in 13,460 from 38,114 people (35.3%).

Compared to their pre-test result of January, it increased from 29.7% to 35.3%. (↑ 5.6%) 


↓ January

Thyroid nodules case in Fukushima is 20 time more than in Chernobyl


↓ March

Thyroid nodules case in Fukushima is 20 time more than in Chernobyl2


By the way, Yamashita Shunichi conducted thyroid test for 120,000 people in Chernobyl from 5.1991 to 4.1996, when was 5 years ~ 10 years after Chernobyl.

According to the research of Yamashita, in Homyel, the most contaminated city in Belarus, the thyroid nodules ratio (*) was 1.74%, which is only one in twenties of that 35.3%.

Thyroid nodules case in Fukushima is 20 time more than in Chernobyl3

( Even if (*) excludes the ratio of cyst, the exclusive nodule ratio in Fukushima is 1.0%, which is almost the same as the ratio in Belarus of 1.74%. )


The statistics of Chernobyl was taken 5~10 years later than the accident where it has been only 1 year since 311 in Fukushima.


Source 1 2 3 4
