


2012-06-20 12:39:12 | 未分類





14.7~13.9 O.P.Mと25.7の~18.1 O.P.mは、サンプルが取得された場所の海面からの高さを示します。


http://fukushima-diary.com/2012/06/180000-bqm3-of-tritium-from-groundwater-of-fukushima-plant-area/ より

180,000 Bq/m3 of tritium from groundwater of Fukushima plant area


Following up this article..Tepco plans to pump up groundwater and discharge it to the sea

From the priority measurement of radiation, tritium was detected from groundwater at one of the sampling locations.

The first measurement was conducted on 2/21~22/2012, the second one was conducted on 5/24/2012.

14.7 ~ 13.9 O.P.m and 25.7 ~ 18.1 O.P.m indicate the height from the near sea level of where the sample was taken.


180,000 Bq/m3 of tritium from groundwater of Fukushima plant area


Also, it’s in the increasing trend from 2/21~22/2012. The highest reading was 180,000 Bq/m3.


180,000 Bq/m3 of tritium from groundwater of Fukushima plant area2

Tepco states it’s still low level for the concentration of notice, which is 60,000,000 Bq/m3 but it’s not announced what this figure is based on.

The location to take the sample is higher than nuclear buildings, Tepco assumes Tritium leaked as evaporated water from the reactors, fell on the ground and sank into underground.


180,000 Bq/m3 of tritium from groundwater of Fukushima plant area5


180,000 Bq/m3 of tritium from groundwater of Fukushima plant area6

