
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・59.1 共通テスト 2021 第6問 A Part 1

2021-01-25 | 出題英文讀解

・59.1 大学入学共通テスト2021 英語(リーディング)第6問A

Part 1(前文、1パラ)

    You are working on a class project about safety in sports and found the following article. You are reading it and making a poster to present your findings to your classmates.


Making Ice Hockey Safer


     Ice hockey is a team sport enjoyed by a wide variety of people around the world. The object of the sport is to move a hard rubber disk called a “puck” into the other team’s net with a hockey stick. Two teams with six players on each team engage in this fast-paced sport on a hard and slippery ice rink. Players may reach a speed of 30 kilometers per hour sending the puck into the air. At this pace, both the players and the puck can be a cause of serious danger.



1.1 You are working on a class project about safety in sports and found the following article.

1.2 You are reading it and making a poster to present your findings to your classmates.

1.3 Making Ice Hockey Safer

1.4 Ice hockey is a team sport enjoyed by a wide variety of people around the world.

1.5 The object of the sport is to move a hard rubber disk called a “puck” into the other team’s net with a hockey stick.

1.6 Two teams with six players on each team engage in this fast-paced sport on a hard and slippery ice rink.

1.7 Players may reach a speed of 30 kilometers per hour sending the puck into the air.

1.8 At this pace, both the players and the puck can be a cause of serious danger.



1.1      work on~                     ~に取り組む

1.4      a variety of~               いろいろな~

   great / wide / extraordinaryなどの形容詞がつくことがあります。

1.5 called は過去分詞で、うしろから a hard rubber disk についての説明をつけ加へてゐます(「パックと呼ばれる硬質ゴム製ディスク」)。

1.6      engage in~                   ~に携はる

1.8      both~and…                  ~のみならず…もまた



1.1 あなたは、授業でスポーツにおける安全(性)についての課題に取り組んでをり、次の記事を見つけました。

1.2 あなたはそれを讀みつつ、級友に(調査)結果を發表するため掲示物を作成してゐます。


1.3 (記事のタイトル)アイス・ホッケーを一層安全にする

1.4 アイス・ホッケーは世界中でさまざまな人々が樂しんでゐる團體竸技(/チーム・スポーツ)である。

1.5 この竸技の目指すところは、「パック」と呼ばれる硬質ゴムの平たくて圓形の物(/圓盤)を、ホッケー・スティックで動かして相手チームのネットの中に入れることである(/この竸技は~しようとするものである)。

1.6 それぞれ6人の竸技者から成る2チームが、堅くて滑り易いスケートリンクの上で(/氷上で)この動きの速い竸技を行なふ。

1.7 竸技者は、パックを空中にとばしつつ、時速30キロに達することがある(かもしれない)。

1.8 この速度だと、竸技者達とパックのいづれもが深刻な危險をひき起こす可能性がある。

・59.0 大學入學共通テスト 2021 英語(リーディング)第6問 A

2021-01-18 | 出題英文讀解

・59.0 大學入學共通テスト2021 英語(リーディング)第6問


 You are working on a class project about safety in sports and found the following article. You are reading it and making a poster to present your findings to your classmates.


Making Ice Hockey Safer


     Ice hockey is a team sport enjoyed by a wide variety of people around the world. The object of the sport is to move a hard rubber disk called a “puck” into the other team’s net with a hockey stick. Two teams with six players on each team engage in this fast-paced sport on a hard and slippery ice rink. Players may reach a speed of 30 kilometers per hour sending the puck into the air. At this pace, both the players and the puck can be a cause of serious danger.

     The speed of the sport and the slippery surface of the ice rink make it easy for players to fall down or bump into each other resulting in a variety of injuries. In an attempt to protect players, equipment such as helmets, gloves, and pads for the shoulders, elbows, and legs, has been introduced over the years. Despite these efforts, ice hockey has a high rate of concussions.

     A concussion is an injury to the brain that affects the way it functions; it is caused by either direct or indirect impact to the head, face, neck, or elsewhere and can sometimes cause temporary loss of consciousness. In less serious cases, for a short time, players may be unable to walk straight or see clearly, or they may experience ringing in the ears. Some believe they just have a slight headache and do not realize they have injured their brains.

     In addition to not realizing the seriousness of the injury, players tend to worry about what their coach will think. In the past, coaches preferred tough players who played in spite of the pain. In other words, while it would seem logical for an injured player to stop playing after getting hurt, many did not. Recently, however, it has been found that concussions can have serious effects that last a lifetime. People with a history of concussion may have trouble concentrating or sleeping. Moreover, they may suffer from psychological problems such as depression and mood changes. In some cases, players may develop smell and taste disorders.

     The National Hockey League (NHL), consisting of teams in Canada and the United States, has been making stricter rules and guidelines to deal with concussions. For example, in 2001, the NHL introduced the wearing of visors-pieces of clear plastic attached to the helmet that protect the face. At first, it was optional and many players chose not to wear them. Since 2013, however, it has been required. In addition, in 2004, the NHL began to give more severe penalties, such as suspensions and fines, to players who hit another player in the head deliberately.

     The NHL also introduced a concussion spotters system in 2015. In this system, NHL officials with access to live streaming and video replay watch for visible indications of concussion during each game. At first, two concussion spotters, who had no medical training, monitored the game in the arena. The following year, one to four concussion spotters with medical training were added. They monitored each game from the League’s head office in New York. If a spotter thinks that a player has suffered a concussion, the player is removed from the game and is taken to a “quiet room” for an examination by a medical doctor. The player is not allowed to return to the game until the doctor gives permission.

     The NHL has made much progress in making ice hockey a safer sport. As more is learned about the causes and effects of concussions, the NHL will surely take further measures to ensure player safety. Better safety might lead to an increase in the number of ice hockey players and fans.


問1 Choose the best option for [ 39 ] on your poster.

① Aggressive behavior

② Difficulty thinking

③ Personality changes

④ Unclear vision


問2 Choose the best option for [ 40 ] on your poster.

① Loss of eyesight

② Memory problems

③ Sleep disorders

④ .Unsteady walking


問3 Choose the best option for [ 41 ] on your poster.

① allow players to return to the game

② examine players who have a concussion

③ fine players who cause concussions

④ identify players showing signs of a concussion


問4 Choose the best option for [ 42 ] on your poster.

① been expecting the players to become tougher

② been implementing new rules and guidelines

③ given medical training to coaches

④ made wearing of visors optional

・用例研究 243 <否定文脈への yes / no>

2021-01-11 | 用例研究

[用例研究 243] 〈否定文脈へのyes / no〉

(BLONDIE By Dean Young & Stan Drake © 1996 King Features Syndicate Inc.)


1 Honey, what would you think if I made our backyard into a putting green?

2 I’d do all the work myself! It’d be beautiful, with all your flowers around the edge! What do you think?

3 I told her the whole idea! In fact, I told her twice! But she didn’t answer.

3 Yes she did.




・...what would you think if I made our backyard into a putting green?: 假定法過去を使つて、(現在から距離を置き、)現實でない状況を假定し、その結果を想定して述べてゐます。「裏庭をパット・グリーンにするとしたら、君はどう思ふだらうか」と訊ねてゐるわけです。2コマめでは直説法でWhat do you think? (「君はどう思ふ?」)と訊いてゐます。

・made~into…: 「~を…にする」「~を…に變へる」

・putting green: 「(ゴルフ)ホール周圍のパット區域」。單に green とも。<put(t) [pʌt]



・I’d do: = I would do。1コマめの if I made~を承けてのことばです。

・myself: 「自分で」

・It’d be: = It would be

・with all your flowers around the edge: 架空のはなしとしての展開で、「美しいだらう」と推定してゐますが、この with~ の副詞句にも假定條件がこめられてゐるやうに思ひます。「君の花々が(グリーンの)縁周りにあるならば」と解することができます。



・whole: [houl]

・in fact: 「實のところ」。正式には in point of fact です。

・Yes she did: 否定的内容の言明や問ひかけへの對應で Yes や No が使はれる場合、日本語からの發想により戸惑ふことがあります。ここでは Dagwood の「Blondie が答へてくれない」との言明に對して Herb は Yes she did.(「いや、彼女は答へたんだよ」)と返してゐます。

古いsituation comedy である The Adventures of Ozzie and HarrietIndividuality といふ episode を偶々YouTubeで觀てゐたところ、この用法を耳にしました。Ozzie と隣人 Thorny との對話における “Now it looks a lot better, doesn’t it?” “No, it doesn’t.” さらには、“You don’t understand.” “Yes I do.” など。上記番組の半ば、ペンキ罐を窗から投げた後にこのせりふが出て來ます。(※YouTube の檢索窗に下線部を打込むとこのビデオが觀られます)

この Yes / No については否定疑問への對應が參考になるでせう。Michael Swan は次のやうに記してゐます。

In a reply to a negative question, Yes suggests an affirmative verb, and No suggests a negative verb. Compare:

Haven’t you written to Mary?Yes. (=I have written to her.)

Haven’t you told her about us?No. (= I haven’t told her about us.)

Didn’t the postman come this morning? Yes, he did.

Didn’t he bring anything for me? No, he didn’t.

(※拙譯: 否定疑問文に對する囘答では、Yes  は肯定の動詞を示唆し、No  は否定の動詞を示唆します。比較:

―まだ Mary に手紙を書いてないの? ~いいえ(書きましたよ)。

まだ私たちのことを彼女に言つてないのですか? ~はい(=私たちのこと を彼女にまだ言つてゐません)

―郵便配達人は今朝は來なかつたのですか? ~いいえ、來ましたよ。

彼は私に何も持つて來なかつたのですか? ~ええ、何も持つて來ませんでしたよ。)

(Michael Swan, Practical English Usage. 3rd ed. [Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005], p. 346.)



1 「ねえ、もしぼくが裏庭をグリーンに造りかへたら君はどう思ふだらう?」

2 「(もし造りかへるんなら)作業はすべて自分でやるよ!君の花々が(グリーンの)縁周りにあるなら綺麗だらうな!君はどう思ふ?」

3 「ぼくは彼女に案をすつかり(/計畫全體を)話したんだ!實際、二度言つたんだよ!でも彼女は答へてくれなかつたんだ」

3 「いや、彼女は答へたのさ」



・默殺の No でした。

・用例研究 242 <all the way>

2021-01-04 | 用例研究

[用例研究 242] 〈all the way〉

(BLONDIE By Dean Young & Stan Drake © 1991 King Features Syndicate Inc.)


1 How’s the boss’ laryngitis?

1 He can’t make a sound.

2 What about that raise I’ve been asking for?

2 (scribble scribble)

3 (No!)

4 He actually shouted at me on paper.

4 I know, I heard it all the way out here.




・boss’: 「ボスの」。s で終る名詞の所有格で apostrophe のみを置いてゐます。發音は [bɑs/bɔs]。

・laryngitis: 「喉頭炎」 [læ̀rənʤáitis]

・make a sound: 「音(/聲)を出す」



・What about~?: (相手の意嚮・意見を訊ねて)「~についてはどうですか」「~についてはどんな樣子ですか」。似た表現に What do you think about(/of)~? や How about~? があります。

□參考例文: 樣子を訊ねる例です。

242.1    What about your business?


□參考例文: 提案して相手の意嚮を訊ねる例です。

242.2    What about (going for) a swim?




・raise: 「昇給」。[reiz]

・ask for~: 「~を求める」

・scribble scribble: 擬音語乃至は擬態語のやうな扱ひで「書く音・樣子」を表現してゐるのでせう。



・shout at~: 「~をどなりつける」

・on paper: 「文書上は」「理論上は」「企畫中の」。ここは「紙に書いて」「書類で」といつたところでせうか。

・hear: 「聞こえる」

・all the way: 「途中ずつと」「道すがら」「はるばる」「わざわざ」などの意味で使はれる副詞句です。漫畫の4コマめのせりふは、「はるばると、外のここまで聞こえた」といつた誇張表現であるやうに思ひます。

□參考例文: 物理的距離の「はるばる」の例です。

242.3     Did he actually come all the way from Bali?



242.4     Thank you for coming all the way to see me in the hospital?




1 「社長の喉頭炎はどうかな」

1 「社長は聲が出せないんですよ」

2 「ずつとお願ひし(續け)てゐる昇給の件、どうなつてますかね」

2 (カキカキ)

3 「(否)」

4 「社長は實際に文書で(/紙に書いて)ぼくにどなつたんだ」

4 「さうですよね(/わかります)、(はるか)部屋の外(のここ)まで聞こえましたもの」


