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・56 センター試驗 2018 (4) 3パラ

2018-02-05 | 出題英文讀解

(3)     Later, the microscope was developed using principles similar to the telescope.  The microscope allows us to study objects we normally cannot see because they are too small.  Looking through a microscope opened up an entirely new world to scientists.  Before the invention of the microscope, they couldn’t see the structures of human tissues or cells in plants and animals.  When they saw these things, they became aware that some things that they had thought were whole and could not be divided, actually consisted of smaller components.  These were only visible with the assistance of microscopes.  Today, electron microscopes allow us to investigate even smaller items, such as molecules.  These advances have altered our concepts regarding the composition of things in the world.


問2  According to paragraph (3), what did people learn by using microscopes?  [  47  ]

  ①  Cells were too small to be seen with microscopes.

  ②  Materials were made up of smaller things.

  ③  Molecules were the smallest components.

  ④  Sets of lenses decreased the size of items.





3.1  Later, the microscope was developed using principles similar to the telescope.

3.2  The microscope allows us to study objects we normally cannot see because they are too small.

3.3  Looking through a microscope opened up an entirely new world to scientists.

3.4  Before the invention of the microscope, they couldn’t see the structures of human tissues or cells in plants and animals.

3.5  When they saw these things, they became aware that some things that they had thought were whole and could not be divided, actually consisted of smaller components.

3.6  These were only visible with the assistance of microscopes.

3.7  Today, electron microscopes allow us to investigate even smaller items, such as molecules.

3.8  These advances have altered our concepts regarding the composition of things in the world.



問2  According to paragraph (3), what did people learn by using microscopes? (第3パラグラフのいふところによれば、(人々は)顯微鏡の使用で何がわかつたか)  [  47  ]

  ①  Cells were too small to be seen with microscopes. (細胞は小さ過ぎて顯微鏡では見えない)

  ②  Materials were made up of smaller things. (物質[/物の構成要素]は一層小さいものから成つてゐる)

  ③  Molecules were the smallest components. (分子は最小の構成要素である)

  ④  Sets of lenses decreased the size of items. (レンズを揃へるとものの大きさが減少する)









3.1     allow ~ to-不定詞(…)   ~が…するにまかせる/~が…するままにしておく

3.3     open up                      ~を切り開く/~を明るみにだす/~を公開する

3.5      插入                             

3.7     allow ~ to-不定詞(…)  ~が…するにまかせる/~が…するままにしておく

3.7     such as ~                  例へば~など



3.1  その後、望遠鏡に類似した原理を用ゐて、顯微鏡が開發された。

3.2  顯微鏡は、小さ過ぎるため普通は見えない物を研究させてくれる。

3.3  顯微鏡を通して見れば、科學者たちには全く新しい世界が開かれる。

3.4  顯微鏡の發明以前は、科學者たちは人體組織や動植物の細胞の構造を見ることができなかつた。

3.5  これらを見た時、科學者たちは、(ひとかたまりの)全體であつた分割できないと考へてゐたものが實際には一層小さな構成要素から成つてゐる(/要素で構成されてゐる)と氣づいた。

3.6  これらのものは、顯微鏡の助けをかりなくては見えなかつた。

3.7  今日では、電子顯微鏡で、分子などさらに小さなものまで研究可能になつてゐる。

3.8  かうした進歩により、世界の諸物の成立ちに關する私たちの概念は改められて(/變はつて)きた。

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