


2014-03-13 10:56:21 | 博多の伝統

 博多雑煮 Hakata zoni  」  ソフィア学院便り1,2月号のバックナンバー

On New Year’s Day morning, almost Japanese eat a special soup which is called zoni such as Americans eat turkey with cranberry sauce or gravy on Thanksgiving Day. It seems that they are similar traditional days which  are for families gathered at their hometowns to eat special meals at the same tables and thank gods or God through eating both the dishes. The Japanese dishzoniisn't just a kind of typical soup but has a holy meaning by eating it.  Japanese say that the New Year’s gods stay in mochi (rice cake) in zoni. It is served as a part of course dishes called “osechi.

We’ll introduce zoni which is eaten in Hakata (central part of Fukuoka  City) now.
Known as lavish, Hakata zoni features yakiago (grilled and sun-dried flying  fish) as the soup stock, shiitake mushroom and round mochi stewed till soft and eaten in a clear-soup style. The main ingredients are yellowtail, chicken, shiitake mushroom and taro but the essential item is “katsuo-na leaves”, which is said to be a native vegetable in Hakata since long ago. The name apparently derives from the katsuo-bushi (bonito flakes) flavor of the stalk.

Though the main ingredients might vary depending on the household,  it is only these katsuo-na leaves that are indispensable with Hakata zoni.   And people in Hakata eat zoni and osechi with a pair of special chopsticks made of chestnut branches. They are called iwaibashi in Japanese.

Also people in Hakata have the original custom that is to give pretty big yellowtail from a newly-married groom to bride’s house as the New Year’s gift to show masculine groom to bride’s house.

「 なして祝箸は、博多栗はい箸とね 。Part 1」


「 なして栗はい箸は、はいてつくとね 。Part 2」



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