


2024-08-14 20:52:53 | Newsメモ

But Mr Odera, who studies the calamity facing Kipini, puts the blame squarely on climate change.


BBC Despair as the sea slowly swallows a Kenyan beauty spot 11 hours ago

Wycliffe Muia


When Roberto Macri built his luxury hotel in the Kenyan coastal village of Kipini, it was about 100m (330ft) away from the beautiful waters of the Indian Ocean.

For nearly two decades his business thrived as tourists arrived in droves to enjoy the pristine beach and sunny weather.

The Tana Lodge Hotel, which was built on top of sand dunes, offered a spectacular view of the ocean.

But in 2014 people started to notice a change. The sea level had begun to rise and within five years, the hotel's nine guest cottages had been swallowed by the sea - one after the other.

"The ocean changed steadily and started encroaching the hotel. The last standing cottage was gulped by the sea in 2019, marking the end of my glorious hotel," Italian businessman Mr Macri told the BBC.



The depletion of mangrove forests along the shoreline - the coast’s main line of defence against erosion - is to blame.


The cause of their disappearance appears to be a combination of deforestation by locals wanting coveted hard wood - and rising sea water as a result of climate change, which scientists feel is the major factor.


But some locals say the geography of the coast has always changed – pointing to how the small fishing community of nearby Ungwana Bay was swept away years ago.

Others say the Tana River could be changing its course.

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