中東-アラブ世界の読み方 Views On The Arab World



2012-05-23 21:01:33 | Lebanon




シーア派ヘズボッラ頭首ナスラッラ師、スンニ サウジアラビア国王、両派からの懸念表明と、更なる武力衝突の回避を呼び掛けている。



Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lebanese pilgrims blown up in Iraq


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Saudi king "very worried" about Lebanon unrest 


Kidnapping of Lebanese pilgrims in Syria heighten tensions


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Nasrallah urges calm after Syrian rebels kidnap Lebanese


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Beirut Battle: The Day After Future’s Victory


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Beirut Battle: The Day After Future’s Victory


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Beirut Battle: One Night, One Street


Mon May 21, 2012

Two dead in Beirut clashes after killing of anti-Assad cleric


Monday, May 21, 2012

Tripoli: Salafis Make Their Move


Syria violence spillover into Lebanon raises concerns


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lutfallah 2: Smugglers of The Mediterranean


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Military crackdown as battles continue in northern Lebanon


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lebanese army moves on Tripoli to end fighting


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

North Lebanon: A State That Sells its People to the Devil


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tripoli, North Lebanon: The Forgotten City


Monday, May 14, 2012

Trouble in Tripoli: Syrian Crisis Shifts The Stage


Monday, May 14, 2012

Salafi sheikh arrives at protest as fighting continues in north Lebanon


 Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lebanon seizes ammunition on ship in Tripoli


29 April 2012

Lebanon holds ship 'carrying weapons for Syria rebels'



レバノン ジャアファル族 報復にシリア反政府派を誘拐

2012-05-12 12:27:40 | Lebanon


Jaafar Clan Kidnaps Syrian Opposition Members in Retaliation to their Abduction of Family Member

昨年3月以来のシリア民衆蜂起以来、政府軍、反政府軍ともしばしば国境を越えてレバノン領を侵犯している。 やられれば、やり返すのが自然法でもある。





だからこそ何としてでもシリアを全面内戦に持ち込みたくて仕方ない... 様にしか見えない、国連、欧米、人権団と言う「世界の世論」。

人種民族、宗教宗派、政党思想...程度のカテゴリー化しか思い浮かばない外の世界は、アラブ中東地域の「部族社会」と表現されるこの社会独特のリアリティーは殆ど理解されない。 イデオロギーや思想信条など、紛争対立の理由とは何の関係も無い社会文化がある。


危機状況下に頼れる政治家:フォアッド シニオーラ

2011-11-11 01:57:29 | Lebanon

A statesman who can be counted on in times of crisisNov 10, 2011 



I like Fouad Siniora, always have. The former Lebanese finance minister and later, more famously, prime minister, has for me always been the quintessential statesman, a technocrat with a conscience, the perfect leader for a country that in reality is more driven by the dollar than by ideology.


Why should I like Mr Siniora? After all, there is a segment of Lebanese society that loathes the legacy of the Hariri-Siniora axis and blames our current predicament on its profligacy. His detractors accuse him, as Hariri's finance minister, of increasing Lebanon's national debt from a perfectly manageable US$2 billion (Dh7.34bn) in 1992 to more than $30bn by 2004.

There were also the charges of corruption, of which a parliamentary committee cleared him in 2003. With hindsight, the reconstruction years of the 1990s were probably unwise. But Hariri had a vision. Basically it was: 'spend and we'll get it back in spades when we make Beirut the jewel of the Levant, and the Arabs will flock to its gleaming new city centre'. It was a bold, some might even say reckless, roll of the dice, a strategy that wasn't helped by the ever-present culture of embezzlement - over which one would like to assume Mr Siniora had no control - that raised the debt. But at least there was a vision and a plan.

I like Mr Siniora simply because, as prime minister between 2005 and 2009, he represented the Lebanon many of us wanted after the Cedar Revolution. Here was a technocrat, strongly pro-business (as any good Lebanese Sunni should be) who also had a sense of duty.


So why, many of you wonder, am I suddenly writing a paean to someone many see as yesterday's man? Well, last Friday he hit out at the US government for cutting off tens of millions of dollars in contributions to Unesco, which relies on the Americans for much of its funding, after the body granted membership to the Palestinian Territories.

Instead of urging the Arab street to rise up and take Jerusalem or burn the US and Israeli flags, Mr Siniora's reaction was to call on Arab and Islamic countries to get out their chequebooks and pay the shortfall. It would, he said "thwart Israeli blackmail and intimidation and US pressure [for the sake of] dominance". It was a suggestion on-message with the so-called Arab Awakening.





Fouad Siniora前レバノン首相、Rafik Hariri内閣の元財務大臣


レバノンの債務:1992年時に20億ドル から2004年時には300億ドル




イデオロギーよりもドル収入に動機で動く国柄、国民性を理解している、危機状況下で最も頼りにできるテクノクラート 政治家

