中東-アラブ世界の読み方 Views On The Arab World


リビヤ ベンガジでの戦士墓標陵辱事件について

2012-03-04 17:10:03 | Libya

By Mail On Sunday Comment
Last updated at 11:01 AM on 4th March 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2109923/Libya-The-profoundly-disturbing-attacks-Commonwealth-War-Graves-Benghazi.html#ixzz1o9ZbYs00




国際世論の後押し、国連、NATO、アラブ連盟、一部GCC諸国政府の直接軍事介入での狂犬カダフィ 落としの末、自由リビヤに訪れたのは、イラクの米軍侵略結果と同じく、武装民兵グループ割拠と対立、無法状態と暴力肯定イスラム原理主義の蔓延の様だ。





【The cemetery had remained inviolate through all the long years of enmity between Britain and the Gaddafi regime. But things are different in the new Libya.】

【All this would have been serious and sad enough if it had happened anywhere in the world. But it took place in Benghazi, headquarters of the Libyan revolution, which was helped to victory by British arms and British courage.】

【The first is that Libya after the fall of Gaddafi is a lawless and ungovernable place where horrible actions can be done with impunity by those who have enough guns.】

【The second is that there is no gratitude among many of those we have helped. The third is that those who warned that we did not know – or care enough – who we were aiding have now been vindicated in the most spectacular and gruesome way.】


【But our leaders, and our media, should cease to be so simple-mindedly enthusiastic about endorsing every revolutionary movement that appears in the Arab world. Tyrants are bad, but their opponents are not necessarily any better.

問題は、実際には【Simple-mindedly enthusiastic】なのではなくて、ハッキリした意識で自国政府(この場合英国)に指示奨励された結果であった点で、その点には全く自戒は無い、と言う事だ。