Carpe Diem



2016-09-13 22:58:22 | daily life
Lessons from your failures

-basketball club
You don't have the talent
You need to focus on needs
You need to deliver uniqueness
You need to think from top down
Track your progress
You should've know your goal
You should cross the chasm
- you need to play a lot in a game

How can I make it better?
@Basketball Club

-just quit <=not an option
-crossing the chasm
-watch NBA game
-find a role model
-analyze demand and supply
-tag yourself (focus on strength)
-track your record every time
-go to states to practice a year
-figure out what to improve
(for me, this is turnover rate)
-find a tutor/group of people


-architecture degree
You don't have the talent
You need to optimize the learning
You should've go to the best art school

-job hunting
Find the right fit and position
Use all your network like Pat
It's about positioning and inbound
Don't quit until you already have opportunities in front of you
Find someone who want to help you like job counsellor
Always make adjustment

-Jehe zone
Inbound works
Need more experience
Hangout with multiple girls
Treat the one as princess
The chemistry matters
You need to constantly meet her
This may similar as job hunting

Network you can believe in
People you want to make them happy
User growth and revenue growth
Create MVP
Money making skills
Inbound does work best

-priority:1 people, 2 money, 3 skill
-optimize how you use days/weeks
-find a shortest and easiest path
-do not work hard, work smart
-spend your time on the top 20%
-focus on your contribution/strength

-find right group of people
-inbound works better
-always moving target
-experiment before a leap
-have fun, and make people happy
-find influencer and mentor
-be iconic (create illusion)

-prioritize your day and time
-learn by working on a project
-focus on your strength
-set a clear goal
-keep tracking your progress
-see all from on top of the moon
-find the chasm and cross it
-optimize outcome of learning

