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Bapak's View of the World and Latihan ・1・・

2017-04-25 | 日記
The background of the explanation of Bapak has the view of the world of Bapak, how to capture Bapak's own world, and how to understand it.

Then, an explanation based on that view of the world is made.

Therefore, if the audience can accept the view of the world, Bapak's explanation will be understood by listeners as consistent and reasonable.

However, on the other hand, there are all kinds of world views in the world.

Some of them will be close to Bapak's world view and some are far away.

That is the case, and for that reason only the people who can accept the view of the world of Bapak are currently accepting Latihan. <--Link

And that person is really just a part of the world.

But what Latihan means is that if he really wishes, whatever thought, belief or religion he has, it is possible to receive it if he intends to receive it.

And this is also the fact that has been confirmed over and over again.

By the way, it seems that it will be essentially that Latihan is wider than Bapak's view of the world.

It is the present situation that Bapak's view of the world is accepted only to a very small number of people in the world and it has not happened that it is accepted by all people of the world, It is unlikely to happen.

Well this is one thing you can imagine from the fact that one specific world view is accepted by all human beings, ... etc.

One thing that is acceptable to all human beings, such as one view of the world, is a dream story, which is impossible.

Well, therefore, we need to understand the desire to cherish the view of the world of Bapak, but the consequences of that.

Otherwise it sticks to the view of the world of Bapak, so it can happen that things like limiting the inclusive capacity of Latihan as a result, hindering it.

And it is obvious that such circumstances are totally overwhelmed and that it does not fit Bapak's intention.

The purpose of Latihan is not to say that Bapak's view to the world shuould be internalized by our members as ours.

Does not it?

Bapak is only one person.

That's enough for the world.

Then, we alone are enough for each one for the world.

Bapak has the unique nature of Bapak.

So, we each should be unique as well.

Impossible mimicry of Bapak ,although it is not something that can be accomplished at all.

In any case "Imitate another person" is essentially incompatible with Latihan.

Latihan is because we are the way to return to ourselves, not to others.

Then, if we refer to the view of the world, we can make it from Latihan and our own life.

It is sufficient if we have our own unique world view.

For those who walk on the path of Latihan, we need to hear Bapak's explanation.

However, individuals have to decide what to trust and to practice Latihan as their own way after hearing it.

When people ask you, "I trust Bapak and accept Latihan" is one answer.

There may be some people who answer "The only God" instead of "Bapak".

However, don't say, 'So you should do as same as I do.'

You only have to trust what you can trust.

People can choose what they can trust, so they can walk along the path of Latihan.

In that sense, Latihan's road is a highly flexible road if compared with the conventional road.

Many religions have existed on Earth.

And there are diverse human beings who believe in their diverse religions.

Therefore, it is no longer possible for all of them to be satisfied at the same time in a single concept, worldview, idea, setting of transcendental things.

This is the current situation, if you change the way of saying, "This is the limit of explanation by Words".

On the other hand, if you can continue Latihan, it seems that each person can receive each answer in a form that fits your diverse worldview.

I can not say exactly what kind of form it is given to each person, but you can get such an experience.

In other words, it is possible to obtain the satisfaction of custom-made which matched each person.

In this way Latihan goes beyond the limit of explanation by Words.

Since the nature of Latihan is such, the idea that "It is possible to explain Latihan so that everyone can convince with a single world view" or "Only the way of this explanation of Latihan is correct", I can not approve of it.

Even though it seems to have been derived from Bapak's talk, its explanation is respected and deserves worth listening, but that is not the only way that can explain Latihan.

People who say "Do not change Bapak's Words" end up saying "protect Bapak's world view".

However, Bapak did not say that a word "protect my world view".

On the contrary, "Do not really believe me, You should experience by yourself".

Well, who is saying "Protect Bapak's view of the world", does it benefit something from that?

For example, it is good to explain Bapak's view of the world to people, which makes it possible for people to respect them.

I will disturb them like that.

Bapak was saying "I am talking about reality."

Well, is reality something that we do not believe it and it will disappear unless we protect it ?

That is so, it does not mean anything to Bapak to say that we believe in Bapak's story or not believe it.

What is meaningful for Bapak is that many people start Latihan and continue it by listening to the story of Bapak.

For that reason I understand that such Bapak's efforts were made.

Indonesia is the birthplace of Latihan.

If so, it is likely that the idea that is considered common sense in that place will enter the association.

However, we residents of countries other than Indonesia need to be firmly aware of the fact that it is "a local way of thinking that only works in Indonesia".

Well, usually we regard "those who believe in God" as "they have religion".

Then such judgment will be reasonable in most countries.

However, the situation is different in Indonesia.

Because every citizen "should be believing in the only god" and this is required in the preamble of the Constitution. (Note 1)

And the definition of "religion" is also determined by the country.

Only religions belonging to Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism are considered "religion". (Note 1)

Others, "those who believe in the only God, groups" are treated differently by being called Kebatinan (faith group).

By the way, in countries other than Indonesia, groups corresponding to these Kebatinans (faith organizations) are recognized as "religion" or "new religion".

Well, it is common sense in Indonesia to catch religion and faith like above.

As it is so, in Indonesia the oath of saying "to believe only one god" is the same as saying "I am a citizen of Indonesia", and there is no resistance for everyone.

Well, if you change the country, common sense changes.

In countries other than Indonesia, "to believe only one god" is regarded as "confession of faith", which indicates that he believes in "Abrahamic religions" as his religion .

Well, despite the occurrence of such a gap of recognition, the association's stance that all members should say "I believe in only one god" in any country of the world is truly strange, non-global.

It's narrow and it is very local stance.

(Note : In Indonesia, "the only god" is written as "Tuhan Yang Maha Esa", which includes the god of Abrahamic religions but not limited to it.
Therefore, in Indonesia, under Pancasila, it is possible to say that "all religions believes in the only one God".
By the way, "the only god" is written "Tuhan Yang Maha Esa" in Bapak's talk .)

Note 1:Pancasila (politics)<--Link
Desirous of uniting the diverse archipelago of Indonesia into one state in 1945, the future President Soekarno promulgated Pancasila as the foundational philosophical theory of the new Indonesian state (in Indonesian ""Dasar Negara"").
The Constitution of Indonesia of 1945 defined the Pancasila as the fundamental principles of the independent Indonesian state.

1.A divinity that is an ultimate unity (in Indonesian " Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa "),

2.A just and civilized humanity (in Indonesian " Kemanusiaan Yang Adil dan Beradab "),

3.The national unity of Indonesia (in Indonesian " Persatuan Indonesia"),

4.Democracy predicated on the inherent wisdom of unanimity arising from deliberation among popular representatives (in Indonesian " Kerakyatan Yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan, Dalam Permusyawaratan Perwakilan "), and

5.Social justice for all Indonesian people (in Indonesian " Keadilan Sosial bagi seluruh Rakyat Indonesia ").

(Citation note :Among them, the first declaration we should take particularly important is "Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa".)
1.Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa : A Divinity that is an ultimate unity" (A formulation that can be seen as implying both monotheism or pantheism , thereby allowing space for all of Indonesia's major religions).
Pluralism and inclusiveness
Other than Islam, Indonesia also recognizes several world religions: Christianity (Catholicism and Protestanism), Hinduism and Buddhism, with Confucianism added early in the 21st century.
Favoring religiosity and monotheism
The sentences of the first principle are also criticized: "Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa", ie, "Belief in One Supreme God" instantiates a national preference for monotheism , or at least henotheism (Hindus are permitted to add lesser gods).
The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) has criticized the first sila because it does not define a right to atheism , ie, a rejection of theistic belief, and enables a culture of repression against atheists .
The IHEU argued that as long as Indonesian law only recognized the monotheistic religions of Buddhism , Confucianism , Hinduism , Islam , Protestantism , and the Roman Catholic Church , persons who did not identify with any of them, including atheists, would "continue to experience official discrimination."
Although the current Population Administration Law gives citizens the choice of whether or not to declare their religious faith on their ID cards, those who wish to declare a faith still must choose from a list of only six protected religions.
Individuals who do not declare a religion risk being labeled “godless” by some Muslim clerics and officials and subject to possible blasphemy prosecution.

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