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Bapak's concept of soul (jiwa) or Roh ・2 The material soul. -1

2016-06-19 | 日記
THE PATH OF SUBUD (1969) Author: Drs Kafrawi :let's take a look from Kafrawi McGill University Montreal. <-- Link

From P95
Although we are able to refer each one of his classifications, except roh ilofi, back to several Sufi sources,it seems that there is one principle distinction between Pak Subuh's concept of soul and that of the majority of Sufis.
The latter believe that there is only one soul within man, although some of Sufis speculated that there are several aspects and different elements composing it.

Ibn al-'Arabi, for example, speaks of three souls:

the vegetative, the animal and the rational souls.

He, like Aristotle, does not mean three separate souls within man, but rather three aspects of one soul;

also al-Ghazzali speaks about the degrees of the human soul,

al-ruh al-Qassas,

al-ruh al-khayyali,

al-ruh al-'agli,

al-ruh al-dhikri wa al-figri

and al-ruQ alguddus al-nabawi,

by which terms he simply demonstrates several aspects of the soul.

Pak Subuh on the contrary believes that actually there are seven separate souls within this Universe, emanating seven respective souls within each human being, each of which tries to return to its universal counterpart.

Moreover each has a separate world of its own.

Now let us look at his concept of the soul in more detail.

The material soul.

Pak Subuh deals with the problem of material soul in his standard book Susila Budhi Dharma.

What follow are selected quotations of his principal ideas concerning the material souls.

Now other matters will be elaborated, beginning with the various souls that are connected with the life of man.
The first and the lowest of these are the material souls, since they contain the soul of Satan.

They are present in every kind of inanimate object or man-made thing."

Although such things appear to be inanimate, and are in fact incapable of independent movement, they are nevertheless filled with souls that correspond to the level of human thought, so that man can use them for every kind of purpose and can modify at will their form and appearance.

In order to prove that material souls contain the Satanic element 'he states,

When it is remembered that some material objects owe their very existence to man, it seems beyond belief that they should have such power over him.

It is just because they are creations of the mind, and therefore impregnated with powerful souls, that they exert such a strong attraction in the human feelings.

Thus, things cease to be regarded as such, and even paradoxically come to be taken as objects of worship and founts of blessing.

It can even happen that people lose any ability to use their possessions according to real need and fall so completely under their sway that their possessions dominate and use them.

That was the reason why many rich people only because of their wealth looked down upon the poor as if they were inferior.

This is due to the action of the material souls by which their selfhood is pervaded.
Material possessions are indeed necessary, though subordinate, instruments in the hands of man and everyone should acquire them in order thereby to be better equipped for life.

But it must never be forgotten that possessions are for use and must not become objects of worship.,,

After warning against the Satanic dangers of material souls, in order to be able to resist them, Pak Subuh advises his disciples to practise the latihan.

In order to be master of your own possessions, you need to practise the latihan with patience and sincerity.

In this book "material soul", in association "material life force", or shortened phrase expresses "material force".

And in Indonesian language it is roh rewani, daya hidup kebendaan (rewani spirit, material life force).

Well, I would like to discuss the page again about the matter that "material existence is not alive", "so expression of material life force is wrong".

Bapak's concept of soul (jiwa) or Roh ・・・glance<--Link

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